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05/19/09 |
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What a long day. 160 miles and 6 1/2 hrs later we made it home. The doctor appt. went good. Mel’s blood counts were good. We can start the Temador again (Chemo). We asked the Doc about Mel’s back and he is concerned. He said the steroids weaken the bones and that she may have small fractures due to all that, and recommended X-rays of the back so we can be ahead of the game. Mel put a stop to that real fast. She got really upset. Dr. Roberts re thought it and said ok we can wait so she wont have to go through it twice if the orthopedist wants something different. So we will be off to the orthopedist for x-rays and maybe a brace. That’s not going to be a lot of fun. Good news however, we are down to ½ mg of Decadron (steroid) every other day for the next 2 weeks. Then if we do not notice any of the original symptoms they will be GOOONE! Melody was in a pretty good mood all day. She had a few cries, but they were over quickly. After we got back from San Diego, we went over to the prayer room. After that she worked with Bammom on some beads. Alli came over for a little while and after she left Mommy, Devin and Melody played a Scooby Doo game. Mel’s back seemed pretty good today. We are being extra careful, we don’t want to hurt her or cause more damage. If you haven’t already checked out the video from the hair cut please do its great. Thank you all for all the prayers for Melody and all the other children in need. And thank you to those who have signed the guest book. God Bless you all Rob
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I wish I could say this was a good day for Mel but we’ll just say an OK day. She wore her feelings on her sleeves all day. It started early this morning when she woke up. Everything bothered her and made her upset to the point of sobbing. At least today she knew what was making her upset and she would tell us. Yesterday she would say she didn’t know what was bothering her and that makes us think something hurts and she won’t tell us. Melody’s back is feeling good today. The doctor said the mood swings are probably from withdrawal of the steroids. At one point she was all giggly. The newspaper people were here to do a story about the comedy show this Saturday. The photographer was getting her and Allie to do silly things with pink boas and boys were they laughing uncontrollably. While I went to pick up some prescriptions and batteries for garage door openers and take Bruce for his shots, Mel and Allie made some little gardens out of egg cartons with flower seeds and grass seed that I picked up from a previous Home Depot trip. Melody, Allison and Mom all played the Scooby Doo game, Candy Land, and Doggy Match this evening. And then Bammom playing Rummy (for kids) while Mom makes dinner and I do the update. Right now Melody and Alli are coloring Hello Kitty stuff we printed off the internet and watching a Hello Kitty video. Devin went over to a friend’s house today then came back over here to “the jumps” on their bikes. He’s watching TV in the back room right now. I do have a request tonight and I wouldn’t normally ask but here it goes. PLEASE, PLEASE buy your tickets to the comedy show and PLEASE, PLEASE come to the show. I know for a lot of you it’s a long drive but it would really mean a lot to us. You all ask what you can do for us and I normally so were ok for right now. Then you say well let me know. So I’m letting you know “COME TO THE COMEDY SHOW!” There I said it. And it feels kind of good. ;-) Mel starts her chemo tonight. She will take it right before bedtime so she sleeps through the worst of it. She does really well even if it gives her a tummy ache. But like I said she sleeps through the worst. Thank you for praying with us for our miracle. And thank you for all the prayers for all the other children of this world. Drop us a line or two or more in the guest book, we really look forward to them. Good night and, GOD BLESS YOU ALL! Rob
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Today started out pretty good. Melody woke up in a good mood. We showed Mel her pictures in the newspaper and she was happy. She had a belly ache early on but it went away after some medicine. A little later we went to Michael’s for some craft things. Daddy went with, so of course, she got whole lotta stuff. A lady in Michael’s recognized us from today’s newspaper article and told Melody she was a celebrity. We were supposed to go to Wal-Mart afterwards for dog and cat food but Melody was excited about her all of her new stuff and wanted to get home, call the cousins and get to work on some crafts. When Alli and Skye came over they all worked on beads, sewed with yarn and made Chia-Pet type guys that will grow grass for hair. Later in the afternoon, Melody was doing crafts and trying to have a good time, but she just didn’t feel good. Her tummy hurt, her back hurt, she got a headache and was very sensitive to everything around her. We gave her medicine when she needed it but her mood never picked back up again. We don’t know what to do on days like this. Melody’s mood crashes and the whole world crashes with it. Please thank God there haven’t been too many days like today and pray for many better feeling , happier tomorrows for Melody. Sorry for the late up date. We made a lot of new friends today so check back for new links soon. I will get back to you all time allotting. But do not think we are not thankful just overwhelmed Thank you for all the prayers for Melody and the rest of us. Thank you for all the prayers for all the children of this world that are fighting these terrible diseases. God Bless you everyone. Rob and Deb
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We had a little scare today. Melody woke up early this morning with a fever, sore throat and a stomach ache. We called the doctor and they said to bring her in. So with that, we got Mel out of bed and tried to get her to eat a few crackers before we headed off to San Diego. Devin stayed home with Bammom. When we arrived, they took vitals and blood and checked her blood counts and put us right into an exam room. Melody has lost 4 ½ pounds since Tuesday, the day we lowered the steroid dose again. We are not worried; we were told she would lose the giant appetite as quickly as she gained it. Between the appetite slowing down and the sore throat, she has eaten, but not as much as she has been on steroids. And 4 ½ pounds less weight on her back is great. The doctor came in a said Mel’s blood counts were good and she may just have the beginning of a virus or something. They are going to do some cultures on the blood and watch them for a couple of days. We arrived back home around 4:30. Bammom had dinner ready for us we got here. Allison and Skye came over and played for a little while and returned home. We are just sitting at home relaxing from the long day. A couple more things before I go. This is for all the East coast family and friends. Check out Matthew’s Miles – Walk For A Cure. This walk will occur on Sept. 18th in Logan Township NJ. They raise money for brain tumor research. Last year, during their first annual walk, they rose over $20,000. It’s only a 2 mile walk and I would appreciate anyone walking in Melody’s name. I’m not sure what you need to do to walk, but please check it out. Also, Melody will be a featured child on Make A Child Smile ,I believe in September. This is a great organization and they make all these kids feel very special. They ask you to mail one or all of the featured kids a nice card or even a small gift. Melody really loves to get mail! You can even check out the previous featured kids. If you have time sign up to be a part of this great organization. They are simply amazing. You can click on the links to these sites in the update or I have placed links on the home page in the favorite links area. Thank you to all our family and friends for everything they’ve done for us. Thank you for all the prayers for our family and especially Melody and for all the other children fighting this tumor and other illness. God Bless Rob
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Today was a REALLY bad day for Mel. Probably the worst since the end of radiation. The flu finally caught up with her and in a really big way. Since early this morning she has been throwing up. She hasn’t eaten anything since around 3pm yesterday and has been in the recliner all day. I’ve asked God to take Melody’s steroid off weight quickly so she can get around easier, but this is a bit much! (Just kidding, I know He didn’t give her the flu) She slept most of the day and watched a little TV tonight. The nausea finally subsided around 9pm. This is a bad week for the flu, it is chemo week. Since the nausea has gone she has been able to hold down fluids. So we went for the chemo, and so far so good. To say the least, we didn’t make it to the comedy show. It’s been two bad days in a row and we just needed to be at home today in the quiet, not to mention there was no way Mel could have gone. Melody was really looking forward to the show, and so were we. She had a big plan to spray Stan with silly string. The show was videotaped so we will be able to watch it when we get a chance. Tonight Melody is sleeping in the recliner. She is comfortable there and, because she is sitting upright, we can rest easier that if she vomits, she will not inhale it. We are fortunate that her blood counts remain good, even during chemo. If they weren’t, the flu could put her in the hospital. Since she’s feeling better tonight, we think she is going to wake up starving! And I know as soon as she is done eating, she’ll ask for the girls to come over. Even being sick, she asked for them twice today. A big THANK YOU to Stan and Aunt Sissy and everyone else involved for pulling off the comedy show tonight. And a big THANK YOU to all who attended. We would not be surviving financially without the help you all have given us. Seen online: “A donation is a loan…and God is the one who will pay you back.” Thank you for all the prayers for Melody and for our family we thank god every night for all of you family, friends and strangers alike. Please keep up the prayers for us as well as all the other children and there families. God Bless Rob and Deb
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Today didn’t get off to a good start but greatly improved as the day went on. We woke Melody up at 8am to take her medicine and Protocel. She threw it all up. We think it was a combination of leftover flu and last night’s chemo that did it. After moving back and forth between the kitchen chair and recliner 4 or 5 times, she decided to stay in the recliner, watch cartoons and then take a nap. Melody took medicine and Protocel again at 1pm and held it down. At about 2 or 2:30 she was feeling good enough to eat and play. Melody ate some chicken soup and it was the first food that she held down in almost 48 hours. While she was eating, she had me call the girls to play. Alli came over and they painted and made foam door hangers until 5pm and then had to go home to eat and get everything ready for the first day of school tomorrow. When Alli left, Mel and Mom played the Scooby Doo game. Melody got a big smile and did a silly little dance in her seat. I thought it was because I was losing. No, she told me it was because she was cheating!!! After that I got in on the action and played a couple of rounds of go fish, old made and, doggie match. Getting my but kicked on most of those games. Melody did have a couple of cries tonight but for the most part has been in a good mood. Her color and her eyes look great. She wound up eating more chicken soup and two taquitos. Right now it’s 11pm and she can’t sleep because of all of the naps she had taken in the last two days. . She’s watching the movie Sister Act on TV with Daddy. I guess it will take a couple of days to get her sleeping back on schedule. Tomorrow, Devin will be a big 5th grader!!! We will also be calling the school district to find out how to go about getting Melody’s home school started. I was planning to call on Friday but we had an unexpected trip to Children’s. Thank you all for your kindness, prayers, good wishes and generosity. Where we would be with out you all, I don’t even want to think about it. We made some more friends in the last few days so keep your eyes out for there links Good night and God Bless Deb and Rob
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Today started out really good. We got up early to get Devin off to his first day of school. Mel slept in a little longer after going to bed after midnight, but not long enough. She has been very tired and cranky all day. Melody ate like a bird today. We were trying to push food with her, with no luck. Between the flu and the cut in steroid, her appetite is even less than before she was diagnosed. We want her weight to come off because her back is so bad but her body still needs nourishment. I’m sure her appetite will get better once she’s completely rid of the sore throat and flu. We got good news this morning. We are heading off to Disney World on September 12th and we will return on the 18th. Mel is looking forward to it. We made a list of things we will need for our trip and headed off to Target. Melody needed a couple of nightgowns. Hers have not fit for awhile and she has been wearing Daddy’s t-shirts. We went over to the women’s section to look for her nightgowns and Mel burst into tears. She cried so hard we couldn’t understand what she was saying. She wanted kid’s nightgowns. So we went over and look in the kid’s section and found a couple of extra large that will fit tight now and will hopefully fit better when we go to Florida. Her steroid appetite seems to be gone. If they don’t fit for our trip, she can wear Daddy’s shirts and they will fit eventually. We bought a new cartridge for her Pixter that she got for Christmas a couple of years ago, so she could play with it on the plane. Well, apparently there are new Pixters out and the new cartridges don’t fit in the old ones. She cried hard and wanted to go to Target and tell the people who work there they are stupid. Melody is not normally like this but she was tired and going through steroid withdrawals. I explained that it’s not their fault, that we didn’t know it was the wrong thing when we bought it. We are going to go back and return it tomorrow and see if they still carry cartridges for her kind of Pixter. Finally at about 6:30pm Mel agreed to relax in the recliner. That was it! She pooped out and has been sleeping ever since. We are going to let her go-she needs it. The Hemet district nurse is coming out tomorrow to get her home schooling set up. Melody should be all rested and in a much better mood. Today would have been impossible. Thank you for all the prayers. Please do not stop we need them everyday! Please say an extra prayer to find a cure for this terrible, terrible disease. It is tearing us up. Please continue praying for all the other children of this world that are ill or just need a little extra boost in life. God Bless Rob and Deb
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Today was an Ok day for Mel. It’s like she is wearing her feelings on her sleeves. I hope it is just her body adjusting to the lack of steroids. A LOT of things upset her today and I mean A LOT. Speaking of steroids, Mel’s skin is not as tight as it used to be and you can tell her face is getting thinner. (Hip, hip hooray). She slept until 8am after going to bed at 6:30 last night. Mel got a little bored today. It’s hard for her to find things to do that keep her busy for long periods of time. Mom and I played a few games of cards with her today, helped with some new sticker books. She colored a little, and watched a little bit of TV. Mary, the School District Nurse came over today and we discussed home schooling. She needs to fax off some paper work to the doctor to sign. As soon as that is done, on with schooling. We had a visit today from Kathryn and Andrew. Kathryn saw last night’s update and went to the Disney store and bought Mel three new night gowns for our trip to Disney World. First, I must say, Kathryn I was embarrassed when you left because I didn’t formally introduce myself and didn’t get your name. And second I feel like you rushed out of the house. Sorry about that. But THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Mel was shy when you came in but, as soon as you left, she wanted to see those nightgowns. She loves them and told me “THEY’LL FIT, DADDY!” really excited. Also, today Melody received a package from Kaci and Delight full of craft stuff. She loves it! It’s almost 10pm and she’s working on the foam castle picture right now. Thank you so much! We didn’t make it to the Healing Room today. I’m disappointed because it gets through to the next week. It gives us the strength to continue on with this challenge we have been given. We can tell as the week goes on that we missed out a good thing. This weekend, I’m going to attempt to take Devin out to the desert. I say attempt because it is still REALLY hot out there the highs are supposed to be between 103 and 113 for this weekend. I’m sure we will be ok in the air-conditioning for the hottest points of the day. We will ride in the early morning and late evening hours. It’s pretty cool at those times in the 70’s and 80’s. Wish us luck and say a prayer for to get there and home safe. Thank you all for EVERYTHING! The prayers, donations, gifts for Mel, just everything. I thank the Lord every day for everyone that has come into our lives and ask him to give you Blessings in the greatest ways. You all, friends, family, and strangers give us hope and strength to continue on. You keep us going everyday. We look forward to all your guest book entries, cards, phone calls, and visits. For those of you that have donated money and attended fund raisers. You are the people that let us be together as a family, you are the people that help put food on our table and help us pay the bills, you are the people that help us buy Melody and Devin the things they need. Without that I know we would fall apart. Being together and working as one is what we need right now in our lives and you let that happen for us every day. For all these things I give you all a heart felt THANK YOU! Know that we do not take anything for granted and we are wise with what you give us. Please keep praying! Do not stop! We need them and we need you. Good Night and God Bless you all. I am Melody’s Daddy, Rob
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It was a good day for Melody! We only had one good cry today and it was early in the morning. I think it was because she didn’t know what she wanted to eat for breakfast. Since she got the flu, nothing tastes the same to her. We are wondering if she got used to the bad taste in her mouth from radiation and now it’s gone. Whatever it is, her appetite is gone. She eats a little bit of a lot of things. We went to Wal-Mart today with Bammom and Mommy. Melody, with some help, picked out some fabrics for Bammom to make some new dresses to take to Disney World. We also picked up some household supplies. When we stopped for gas at the DQ, Mel just had to have an ice cream. So she got an Oreo Cookie Blizzard that she hardly touched. When we returned home Melody and Bammom played with some toys and did some crafting and mommy got to take a LITTLE rest on the couch. I went down and visited with a neighbor for while. After dinner, Skye and KC came over for a little visit with their new kitten, Jellybean. Melody and Skye did some more crafting with Popsicle stick things. They had a good time and Skye and KC returned home around 8:00. Devin and Melody are still doing the Popsicle thing right now. Speaking of Devin, if you ask him how school was, he says” BORING!” This has all been tough on him. I mean feeling left out. Melody gets all this stuff; cards, packages, and gifty things. I keep telling him that Mel can’t go out and play like he can, she can’t just get up and run around like the rest of the kids. She needs things to do. I know he wants to understand but I can’t imagine being in his shoes right now. It’s hard to make him feel special when all our time is spent helping Mel with this or that. But we do try, that’s why we’re going the desert this weekend. He loves his sister and understands to a point what we’re up against, but being almost 10 years old, it’s hard to watch Melody take up most of our time. Well, thank God for the good day. All your prayers are working please don’t stop. Thank you for all your prayers for Melody and all the other children of this world that are in need. Remember to pray for a cure for brainstem tumors and all other cancers. Good Night and God Bless you all Rob
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Mel had a good day today. She was silly most of the day. For awhile she only spoke with an accent like a southern belle. Then this evening her feelings and fears arose again. Today Mel and Bammom painted some planter boxes daddy bought for herJ. Mommy did some grocery shopping. Daddy got ready for the trip the desert this coming weekend with Devin and took care of returning some emails and other computer related things. Mel played her Game Boy and watched some TV. The cousins came over this evening and had dinner with us and did some arts and crafts stuff. Tonight we received a call from Mike at Make A Wish, and Melody’s wish party will be on Friday the 10th. They will come out and bring Melody a cake and ice cream, our plane tickets, rental car info and a few more surprises. I have a request for you all tonight. Cheyenne has had a little trouble with her chemo the last few days. She had to go to emergency room today and got an 8mg shot of steroids. (That’s a lot). Please say a little extra prayer for her tonight. Thank you all for the prayers and especially the guest book entries. we just love to read them. Thank you for all the prayers fro all the other children in this world that are in need. God Bless you all Rob
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Update on Mel 9/3 ![]() Robbie and Devin are off on their camping trip and I am left to do the updating. Bear with me, sometimes it’s hard to get the thoughts out of my head and onto the computer, but I will do my best over the next few days! Today got started early with a big cry. Yesterday, Mel asked her Daddy “when are you leaving?” like she was trying to get rid of him. This morning it hit her hard that he would be gone for a couple of days. Robbie felt really guilty and asked Devin how he would feel if they called the trip off. Devin said he would feel really, really bad. So the men decided they would go and, after some bribery, Melody settled down. Bammom and Poppa are here to help. Robbie even borrowed a cell phone that works from where they are going (ours don’t), so he can call and check on us, and Melody can call him if she wants. Soon after Devin went off to school, Robbie found blood all over our back patio. Jetta had an inch long gash on one of the pads on her feet. It was a clean cut, like a slice with a razor blade and she was bleeding pretty bad. Robbie took her to the vet and got it all cleaned out and bandaged. The vet offered stitches but said if it were his dog, he would just wrap it tightly to keep clean and the wound will close itself. Later, Robbie found a flat, sharp rock in the yard with blood and hair on it. Jetta is a sweet girl and we hated to see her hurting. One funny thing about it though-Melody laughed hysterically when she found out how the vet took Jetta’s temperature! I wasn’t there, but knowing Jetta, she was humiliated!!! Melody did some crafts today and took a trip with Bammom and me to Target. Later, the cousins came over and they did some paper mache. She cried hard when Daddy left and was sad off and on this evening, missing him. She’s fine now, he just called to say goodnight to her and she didn’t get upset at all. Please pray for a cure for brainstem tumors. With all the amazing things that can be done in this world, a cure is not too much to ask for. Please pray for Melody, and for Cheyenne, who has had a rough time these last few days. Debbie
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Update on Mel 9/4 ![]() Melody had a great day today. She only had a couple of short cries because she missed Daddy. We both slept in really late. It was after noon when we got up!!! I think it did us a lot of good. After we were up and about, I went over to check Melody’s post office box at the UPS store. She is one of the featured children on Make a Child Smile this month. We’re only four days into the month and already she has received six cards and a package full of stickers and other fun stuff. A little later Alli and Skye came over. The girls, Bammom and myself worked some more on the paper mache from last night. They were being so silly and giggling. At one point, Melody decided she needed to paint her nose. After dinner, we all played bingo. When the girls went home, Melody and I finished her paper mache head she was making. She made it into Daddy. We glued red yarn to the top of the head and painted a zillion brown freckles on him. She even made his lips like they were puckering up to kiss her. She loves her Daddy. Jetta, our dog with the wounded foot, has chewed her bandages off three times today. Make that twice. The third time, Bruce, our puppy, yanked it off for her. The cut looks good and has not bled anymore. Melody’s appetite is getting back to what it was before she started taking steroids. She has never been a breakfast eater until after she started them. I would try to get her to eat before school but usually wound up giving her an extra snack for later. On steroids, she woke up starving every day. Now that she is down to ½ mg every other day, the toxicity is broken and she does not want breakfast. Her swelling is going down too. It’s really noticeable in her face. She looks better every day. Tomorrow, we are going to try and make it out to a cat show we read about in the newspaper. It starts at 9am, so we better get up a lot earlier than we did today! Thank you all so much for all you do for us. All of you are what keeps us going. Please pray for Melody’s healing and happiness. And please pray for all of the other children with cancer. -Melody’s Mommy
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Melody had a so-so day today. The first thing she said when she woke up was “kitty cat show.” She looked forward to it all morning. When we were all set to go, she cried that she didn’t want to go. She was afraid she might hurt her back getting in and out of the car and in and out of her stroller. I told her that if she changed her mind later we could still go, but she never did. The show was until 5pm. Not long after, Bammom found a coupon in today’s paper for Long’s drugstore. It was good for all of their Elmer’s and Ross kid’s art supplies for 30% off, with no limit. They had some pretty neat stuff, so off I went. I found glitter paint, paint pens, pipe cleaners and finger paints. When I got home, Bammom, Melody and I went through all of her art supplies, games and other stuff and organized it all. Half of our kitchen table has been covered with stuff for at least a month and now it is all organized and put away. Six people can actually eat at the same time!!! I think Daddy is going to have a heart attack when he gets home tomorrow and sees it. Later on in the early evening, the cousins came over. All of the girls finished crafts they had previously started and then we all played bingo. Melody never broke out her new art supplies tonight. When she gets new stuff she is usually pretty stingy with it for the first couple of days, and then shares it with the girls. They all had a good time tonight laughing and playing. Every night, Alli gets a case of the giggles and can’t stop. If she wasn’t eight years old, you would swear she had been drinking. Before you know it, everybody is laughing and being silly. Melody was getting tired, but as soon as the giggling started, she got her second wind. After the girls went home, we called Daddy to say goodnight and then Melody went to bed. He and Devin should be home tomorrow around noon. Melody loves her Daddy so much and can’t wait for him to get home. Thank you all so much for all of the guestbook entries. It gives us a great feeling to read them and Melody loves them too. Please pray for Melody’s miracle, and for all of the other children in this world who are suffering from cancer. Debbie Melody’s Mommy
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Melody had a pretty good day today. She slept in and was in a good mood when she woke up. She actually wanted breakfast today. She asked for a bean burrito and ate half of it. Mel looked and sounded great today. When she is not feeling well, you can see it in her eyes, and they looked great today. The girls came over and painted with Melody. Just a few minutes later, Devin and Daddy came in! Melody is so happy to have Daddy home. She sure missed him a lot. A few minutes after the boys came in, our neighbor Renae, a massage therapist, came over and gave me a wonderful Swedish massage. I have never had one before and had no idea what I was missing. My neck, shoulders and upper back have been hurting me from stress for months. I’ve had a headache every day for the last month. Now I feel great! The aches are gone. She had been offering for a long time to give me a massage, but it’s hard to commit to a time to do it. Yesterday, Bammom and Aunt Sissy called Renae and arranged to come to the house. When I was done, we got Bammom on the massage table and she loved it too. Thanks Renae!!! The girls went home early because they had to get ready for school tomorrow. Melody worked a little in a workbook and played GameBoy. Aunt Sissy sent over dinner and Melody cleaned her plate. I’m pretty sure this is the first full meal she has eaten since she had the flu last week. Because of the hurricanes in Florida, we may have to postpone our trip to Disney World. We explained the hurricanes to Melody, and she was disappointed, but didn’t get too upset. We’re going to call Make A Wish tomorrow and see what they say. Melody starts school tomorrow!!! Her teacher is Mrs. Friend, who taught a different kindergarten class at the same school that Mel went to kindergarten at. Melody remembers her and is happy she will be her teacher. I never personally met Mrs. Friend, but I remember being told who she was, and thinking that she looked just like Aunt Alice. Mrs. Friend will be coming to the house to teach Melody. Thank you all for your love and support. Each and every one of you is what keeps us going. In our prayers, we thank God for you every day. Please pray for Melody’s healing and happiness. Please pray for all of the children and families affected by this terrible disease.
-Debbie Melody’s mommy
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Today was a pretty good day for Mel. She slept in a little and of course didn’t want any breakfast. She watched a little TV and then for lunch wanted a carne asada plate and a bean burrito. However when it came to actually eating it was a different story. She ate the beans from the plate and none of the burrito. Mommy and Daddy shared the carne asada and we saved the burrito for tomorrow. We knew she wouldn’t eat it all, but what she did eat could be all protein. After lunch Mommy went to check the mail and WOW! Melody received 13 letters and 10 packages from the Make A Child Smile friends. Talk about a lot of stuff, and this is only the second day she received mail from this. She filled out her little post office box and they had to clear a shelf in the back for her too. There was so much stuff it even made us smile. Melody’s new teacher, Mrs. Friend, came over about 4 O’clock and ran Mel through some tests to evaluate her. She did some reading and some math, both her favorite subjects. We didn’t think it was going to take as long as it did. We missed the prayer room for the second week in a row. What a disappointment. We are going to have to go early from now on so we don’t miss the prayer room anymore. Now it’s going to be three week in a row because we are going to be in Orlando next week. But, as for Melody’s tests, she is a very smart girl! Mrs. Friend will be by again tomorrow. Yes, we are still going to Disney World. I called Make A Wish today and they checked around and called back and said everything is operating normally at both Disney World and Give Kids the World. We will be off on Sunday to return the following Saturday. Bammom and Poppa will be here to hold down the fort, take care of the pets, and check the mail while we are gone. After the teacher left, the cousins came over and checked all the new goodies Mel got in the mail today. They played with the new stuff and did some coloring. Oh I almost forgot…Mel received her craft stuff from Mrs. Kenan today. What a package of crafts, stickers, coloring, stamps and pilgrim figures to assemble. Thank you very much Kenan! She loved it all! This evening, Mel treated us to McDonalds for dinner with the gift certificates she received from one of the MACS friends. There were five $1.00 certificates which wasn’t enough for the entire family (I’m sure you can imagine) but she said “See, there are five tickets, that’s one for each of us.” Well I wasn’t going to tell her any thing different and we had McDonalds for dinner. She has such a big heart and just wants to share everything, well ok, almost everything she has with everyone. As of today, Melody is steroid free!!! No more of that nasty stuff for her!!! It did the job it was supposed to do, but caused a lot of other problems. Good riddance steroids!!! There is something I want to share with all you. We received a little book from Paula and Keith, Taylor’s step mom and Dad (www.amiraclefortaylor.com). It’s called “Beacon of Light” A Journey of Hope and Discovery. There are two things that stood out as I flipped through the pages. Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us. By Sam Smiles And This And yet, when I look up to the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this CRUELTY to shall end, that Peace and tranquility will return once more. By Anne Frank
Thank you Paula and Keith we will HOLD ONTO OUR HOPE! There are a few more that I will share with you in the days to come that have some meaning to me but I have rambled on enough. Please remember Cheyenne in your prayers tonight she is doing better put could use all the prayer power she can get. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody. I am so glad to have you all in our lives. May God bless you all tonight and every night. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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It was an early start for Mel today. She woke up today at about 7:30. As for breakfast, she didn’t know what she wanted at first but then….Cini-Minis from Burger King. They come in four packs. Mel ate two of them, one for breakfast and one for lunch. After breakfast, Mel was BORED at let us know it. I’m sure she was still tired from getting up a lot earlier than she usually does. She had a BIG cry. It lasted for a while; I would say 20 min or so. It’s so hard to find stuff to keep her busy for long periods of times. And really sucks to see her unhappy. Then she did a lot of pages out of one of her school workbooks. She must have done those for about 2hrs or so. She has always liked to do school work. I can’t remember a time she every gave us a hard time about school or homework. Mrs. Friend came over around 4:45 and spent an hour with Mel doing Reading and Math. She is such a smarty pants. Just like her momma. After teacher left, Mommy needed to go to the store so……Mel and I did a couple of the Thanksgiving crafts. Mel did the pilgrim girl and I did a turkey. Ahhhh, what fun we had. We worked on those for awhile and had a blast. For dinner Mel had fried chicken, white rice and corn. She ate pretty well after not eating much all day. After dinner, Melody read three library books to Mommy for homework, and then picked out another one of her own that she wanted to read. Right now she watching Spongebob, ink stamps and relaxing. We found out this afternoon that Melody’s next MRI will be on the 20th of this month. It’s kind of bitter sweet. We are looking forward to finding out the tumor has shrunken some more but are afraid of what we might find out. I pray that we will all be pleasantly surprised. Here’s a couple more sayings form the Beacon of Light: Where there is hope there is life, where there is life there is possibility and where there is possibility change can occur. By Jesse Jackson
And this one may be my favorite
Miracles happen to those who believe in them. By Bernard Berenson
We do believe in miracles. Please believe with us and together we can make it happen. I have added a few new links in Melody’s friends’ area at the bottom right of the home page. Some have an ending and some are still searching for their miracles. Please visit their sites and drop them a little note in there guest books. I do have one favor to ask of everyone tonight. Tomorrow when you go to work tell one person about Melody, even if it’s a stranger. Then ask them to tell one person and so on and so on. The more people we have praying the better. Ask them to stop by and drop us a few lines in the guest book. Thank you for praying with us for Melody and for every child that is ill in one way or another. Thank you for praying for my family. And thank you for letting us share our lives with you. Please Pray for Cheyenne she will be having surgery between 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm tomorrow to relieve the pressure in her brain. The surgery is called a third ventriculoscopy and, like all brain surgery, is high risk. In the event the surgeon determines that a ventriculoscopy cannot be done safely due to the makeup of Cheyenne's brain in that area, he will install a shunt. Thank you! God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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It was an ok day for Mel today. She woke up early this morning because the power went out. I know that sounds funny but, we sleep with a fan on so when the power went out that nice white noise was then gone. A little later in the morning, the early wake-up showed itself. Melody ask for the recliner that is now in the bedroom so…..we moved it back out to family room. ANYTHING for my sweet princess. She sleeps very well in the recliner so we don’t mind moving it back and forth; daddy will do ANYTHING to keep her happy and smiling. Make A Wish called this morning…hurricane Ivan is moving right through Orlando, so our trip is being rescheduled to the second week in November. We think that will be better. Melody will have more time to recover from the steroid effects and have a much better time. Things sure do change fast. Yesterday when we called Make A Wish everything was still okay. Better safe than sorry. After sleeping for another 2hrs or so Mel woke up. We did some school work and reading, and then played Old Maid and Doggy Match until her teacher arrived. Mrs. Friend came over about 3:45 or so with some new 2nd grade school books this afternoon. Mel said with a later grin on her face “Oh those are 2nd grade books.” Don’t let her fool you, Mrs. Friend, she was excited. After you left, Melody wanted to do some more work out of those books. Skye came over after Mrs. Friend left and the girls made sticker collages and blew bubbles. For most of the time, Melody was either playing the kazoo or singing a silly song about Skye. She was in a silly good mood and the girls had fun. At that point in the day Mel hadn’t eating anything, nothing, not a crumb and it was about 5pm. For dinner mom made tacos but she didn’t want them. She tried really hard to eat some tortilla chips with melted cheddar cheese, but probably only ate 3 or 4. Tonight, we went to Back to School Night. Melody got to see a few of her old friends and some new ones also. She got to see Mr. Olinger (the principal) Nurse Mary, Nurse Denise, Mrs. Benson (her first grade teacher), and Mr. Tretter (her PE teacher). Mel is sooo looking forward to your visit next week, Mrs. Benson. That’s the first thing she talked about when we saw mommy come out of Devin’s class. While at school, she ate ¾ of a bag of Fritos that were sold by the PTA. When we returned home mommy played a few hands of Old Maid with Mel and then I played some hands of Doggy Match Up. Let me tell you, I kicked butt. I won all the games, even the one mommy played with us. J Right now, mommy and Mel are playing the Bratz game while I do my nightly duty. I just love to share our day with you all. It makes my day feel complete. If you’re keeping up with Cheyenne, her surgery went well. She’s having a hard time waking up. The Dr. does not believe there will be problem. Thank you for the prayers for Mel our family and all the other children who are in need. We appreciate you more than any words could explain to you. Please keep praying for our miracle. And please keep praying for a cure for this tumor and all the other childhood diseases. No child should have to go through this. Our children are supposed to out live us and have families of their own. I pray every night that this is Gods plan for Mel. Please leave us a little message in the guest you know just how much we love them all. Good night everyone and may God Bless you in great ways. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Today started out much better than it ended. Melody woke up in a good mood, about 9am. After offering everything we had in the house for breakfast, Mel decided she wanted Burger King’s 99 cent cini-minis. Mom went to get them and after one bite, she was full. She watched a little TV and then we worked on her homework. She did most of it and then we took a break. We went and checked her post office box. Today she received about 15 cards and letters, and about 10 or 12 packages. Melody was so happy. Some of the packages were for Devin, too. We’re trying to get her to understand that once her month is over as the featured child for MACS, the mail will slow down a lot. Mel says she understands, but we’re a little worried about when the mail stops. When we got home and Melody was done opening all of her mail, we finished her homework. Melody was in a good mood, singing silly songs. After homework, we played War and Go Fish until Mrs. Friend (her teacher) arrived at 4pm. As Mrs. Friend was leaving, Mr. Tretter (her PE teacher from Harmony) came over for a visit. She had a good time visiting with him. As Mr. Tretter was leaving, Skye came over. Melody showed off her new stuff from today’s mail and then worked on a craft that Skye brought over. Although we had a pot roast cooking in our new roaster (thanks Bammom and Poppa) Mel got hungry (she had only eaten one bite all day) and wanted KFC macaroni & cheese and chicken. She has always liked pot roast but lately it’s hard to get her to eat anything. With not wanting to miss a hungry moment, off Mom went to get her food. KFC was out of mac & cheese. Melody cried hard. She hadn’t had any big cries in a couple of days. I guess the steroid withdrawal mood swings aren’t over yet. She yelled that she wasn’t going to eat anything. We have boxed mac & cheese in the house but that was no good. Mom called the other KFC in Hemet to see if they had any. They didn’t, and said that all KFC’s in the Riverside area are out, too. Bammom wound up going to the grocery store to buy Kid’s Cuisine mac & cheese, which Melody said she would eat. She wound up eating about 1/3 of a chicken breast and about ½ of her mac & cheese, which was wonderful. That’s the closest thing to a meal she’s had in days. But the mood swings weren’t over yet! After dinner, Melody and Skye worked on crafts. They wanted to play a game, and Mom said she would play when done washing the roasting pan. When she was done with the pan and went over to Mel, she found that Mel had unstrung the beads she was working on and was trying not to cry. When we asked her what was wrong, she cried and said that she was just MAD and didn’t know why. When she settled down, Skye, Mom and Mel played Old Maid. Melody was having fun until Skye ran out of cards and she (Mel) would have to pick from Mom’s hand. She knew Mom had the Old Maid. She got upset, threw her cards and said she was never playing that stupid game again. Melody loves Old Maid. She usually gets the giggles when she gets the old lady, especially when she plays with Daddy. The moods changed so quickly tonight that it had to be the steroid withdrawal. She has been steroid free since Tuesday, after taking them for 5 ½ months. Since games were out of the question for the night, Bammom offered to rub her feet with foot massage lotion she bought special for Melody. At first Melody said no, but then she changed her mind. The first step was to soak her feet in soapy water. As soon as her feet were in the water, Mel cried that her butt hurt (she’d kill me if she knew I put that in her update!). Although the chair she usually sits on has a pad on it, she has us flip it up so it’s behind her back. We’ve offered other things for the chair but she won’t go for it, so she winds up sitting on a wooden seat, which hurts after awhile. Anyway, that was the end of her foot treatment. About 9:30, Melody asked to go to bed. She sleeps in a recliner because beds hurt her back to get in and out of. We tucked her in and said prayers with her. She was in a good mood again. Good news! Aunt Sissy got La-Z-Boy to donate a recliner to Melody. We can pick it up on Tuesday. Instead of moving the one that we have back and forth between the bedroom and the family room, Melody will have one in each room to relax and sleep in. About a week and half ago, we were discussing how we were going to afford a second one when Aunt Sissy came in. She heard what we talking about and said “oh no, we’ll get that donated!” Way to go Aunt Sissy! Thank you for your hard work and persistence! And thank you La-Z-Boy! Special prayers tonight for Cheyenne as she is still recovering from surgery. With tomorrow being September 11th please say an extra prayer for all the victims of the world trade towers, but especially their families. I do not want to imagine how they are feeling tonight. May God bless them and give them peace. Thank you for all the guest book entries, they all wonderful and we cherish each one. Thank you for all the prayers and good thoughts. We would be lost without you. God Bless you all Melody’s Mommy and Daddy Rob and Deb
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Today was a pretty good day to start. Melody woke up about 8:30 in a good mood. She had a little cry about getting in the shower, but once she was in, she enjoyed it. Summer came for a visit today! Melody loves Summer, and they had a good time chatting. Soon afterward, Poppa came to pick up Bammom. He visited a little while and then took Bammom home. Bammom had been here about 3 weeks, taking care of all of us. About an hour after Bammom left, Melody asked when she would be back. She didn’t cry, but she was missing her already. Bammom spends a lot of time with Melody doing crafts and hanging out. It’s nice because we all get a break. She comes up with lots of craft ideas, which is good because Mommy does not have a crafting bone in her body. About 2pm, Dad, Mom and Mel went to check her post office box. Lots of letters, cards and packages again!!! She is loving it. Still too stingy to share, but we are working on it. Even Devin received some goodies today. We had a talk with Melody today. Melody wants the girls over with her and wants to play with her new MACS things, but does not want the girls to play with it. We asked her how she would feel if she had to sit and watch another kid play with all this good stuff and not share it. We could not get her to agree to share, but she did agree that she would not get any of it out while the girls are here, unless she is going to share it. Today she shared some new nail polish she received. The rest of the time, the girls worked on craft things we had bought for everyone. We also had a talk about Melody’s moods. Although the mood swings are not her fault, we are trying to get her to choose to be in a good mood. We asked her if she liked to be around Mommy or Daddy when we are in bad moods. We were not trying to make her feel guilty, we just want her to have a good time with the girls and we don’t want the girls to be afraid to come over. For a couple of hours after Alli and Skye came over, they were all silly. Laughing, making foam posters, making balls of yarn for kitties and having a good time and listening to Hilary Duff. At around 6pm, when standing up after going potty, Melody hurt her back. I have no idea what happened, but it hurt and scared her. We have been trying to cut back on her pain medication because her back is better than it was, but we wound up giving her the full dose. Although she was not as happy as she was before, she continued playing in a pretty good mood. Melody is still not eating much. All she ate today was 2 kid’s size yogurts. Of course we are concerned and trying everything to entice her to eat, but for the most part, her eyes look good, her color is good and she sounds great. Thank you for all your prayers for Melody and our family. Please continue with them, we are counting on god to get us through this, whatever the outcome. God Bless you all and God Bless America never forget September 11th I know we never will. Oh and by the way Cheyenne is doing better today she was able to get up out of bed and take a ride in a wheel chair. God Bless you Cheyenne you are in our prayers.
Melody’s Mommy and Daddy Rob and Deb
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Melody had a pretty good day today. She slept in until 11am! When she woke up, Mom and Dad surprised her with a couple of new games to play. She and the cousins have pretty much worn out the old ones and have gotten bored with them. After checking out the games and working a little in a sticker book, it was time to call Alli and Skye. For breakfast, Melody only ate 1/3 of a kid’s size yogurt. The girls came over at about 1pm and played games all afternoon. They played Skip-Bo, My Pretty Pony, Doggy Match Up, Go Fish and a new Spongebob game. Daddy was the caller for bingo while Mom cooked dinner. Melody was in a pretty good mood most of the time. When they were done with the games, they all worked on Halloween collages until the girls had to go home at 7pm. For dinner, Melody only ate 1 chicken tender and a couple of tablespoons of corn. She is drinking water, though not as much as we would like. We have talked about dehydration and having to go to the hospital for an IV if that happens, and that seems to get her drinking. At about 7:30, Melody asked to go to bed. Unless she wakes up really early and full of energy, we are going to call the doctor and see what he says. Her color is good, her eyes look great and her blood work has always been good so we are pretty sure it’s the lack of nutrition recently that made her tired so early tonight. Aunt Sissy is going to make chicken that Melody loves for lunch tomorrow. I’m sure she will eat it and get lots of protein in her. We have a request tonight; after reading Hanna’s web page today her mom and dad need some extra prayers. You see Hanna became an angel not to long ago. You can click on Hanna’s name anywhere in this update or there is a link on the main page. Please pray for them to find peace and happiness in there hearts. Cheyenne is doing better today but still is need of your prayers. To Aunt Alice; I tell Melody this a lot and thought I’d share it with you. Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to, so take care of that shoulder. I thank God every night for you all. Thank you so much for all the prayers and good wishes. Thank you for all the prayers for all the other children. And please pray with us to find a cure for the horrible, horrible disease. Good night and God Bless you all Melody’s Mommy and Daddy Deb and Rob
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Today was a REALLY good day. Mel and Mommy slept in late (11:00am). I got Devin up and off to school and then I got to watch the little terd from down the street (Zach). When Mommy and Mel got up, of course Mel was not hungry. We told her she could have whatever she wanted, anything, but nothing doing, she wasn’t going to eat. So off to get a haircut I went. I told her I could stop by Mc Donald’s and get her something if she wanted and BINGO, she wanted chicken nuggets. While I was gone, Mel colored with Zach for a bit and watched some TV. So here I come, in the door with two chicken nugget meals, and whoops spilled Mel’s diet coke. That’s ok though, because Zach’s Sprite didn’t even make it out of the truck with being spilled. So here they are, four chicken nuggets and a small fries in front of Mel and she’s not hungry, and she isn’t gonna eat them. Wanna bet 5 bucks she’ll eat them? (But only the nuggets and not the crunchy parts) Because that’s what it cost us to get her to eat them. Ahhh bribery, the things it can get your kids to do. After lunch Mommy went to UPS store to check the mail. WOW! What a load this is the second day in a row she received about 10 packages and 13 or more cards, letters and notes. What a great bunch of people. She got cards from Japan, Israel, and the Ukraine, now how amazing is that? Thank you all at MACS, and everyone else that has sent Mel cards, letters and gifts. If you only knew how much it lifts her and the rest of us up during the day. Did I mention dinner? Melody had three taquitos. That also cost me 5 bucks. But at this point if it was $500.00 I would have paid it to her. Don’t let her know that or meals will get reallllllly expensive around here. We’ll keep this up for a few days to get her used to eating again. Aunt Sissy brought over chicken that Mel loves, but she wants to save it for tomorrow. Mrs. Friend came over for school this afternoon. Then Skye came over this evening and the girls played a couple of games until it was time for Skye to go home. Melody and Mommy sorted through some of the gifts that Mel has received the last couple of days. Now Mel is sitting at the table watching a little TV and getting herself set for bed. Tomorrow we pick up Melody’s new recliner and we are all looking forward to it. Just to get Mel up away from that table for a little each day will be great. Thank you again Aunt Sissy and La-Z-Boy. Like I said, it was a good day, and although she had a few small moments of tears today, this has been one of the best days in awhile. You have all been so kind to us, and to just give you a simple THANK YOU doesn’t seem like nearly enough. But that’s all I can offer. I wish it could be more. Thank you for all the prayers for my sweet, sweet princess and all the other children. Speaking of other children, Cheyenne is home, but is still very sick. Please keep praying for her. And please keep praying for Melody and for a cure to this disease that claims so many children. Goodnight all you angels out there and God Bless you! I am Melody’s Daddy, Rob
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Melody had a GREAT day today! She hasn’t left the house in days because she’s afraid she will hurt her back, and today she went out 3 times, with no problem! First, she saw chocolate milk on TV and wanted some. So instead of asking mom to get it, she wanted to go to the grocery store. So off we went to Vons. She also made sure we remembered to buy more Milkbones for the dogs. When we got home, we made the chocolate milk; Melody took one drink, and was done. Next, we went with Aunt Sissy and Alli to pick up her new La-Z-Boy recliner. She was excited to go, but got kind of pouty while we were there. While we were waiting for Daddy to get the chair loaded into our truck, I asked her what was wrong. She didn’t want to go to the prayer room, she wanted to go right home and play with Alli. So we made a compromise that made everyone happy. We took Alli with us to the prayer room and then she came home with us to play. The third trip out was to the prayer room. We haven’t been able to go in a few weeks and really needed to make it today. It makes us all feel so good. When we got home, she wanted to get out of the car fast because her butt was starting to hurt, but other than that, no problems on all 3 trips out. No backache at all. After Alli played with Melody for a couple of hours, she went home to do her homework and Skye came over. Alli and Melody did foam crafts and ate, Skye and Melody played with makeup and painted pumpkins. Melody’s new recliner is great. It’s very comfortable. Melody hasn’t had a chance to try it out yet but I’m sure she will be able to tomorrow. She will finally have a place to relax in the family room. No more moving our other recliner back and forth from the family room to the bedroom when needed. Thank you Aunt Sissy and La-Z-Boy!!! Melody didn’t eat much today. She did eat a good size serving of macaroni and cheese at around 5pm. At about 8:30 she wanted chow mein from Panda Express, but while daddy was gone to get it she decided she was ready for bed. She wants to eat it for breakfast. This is dad mom wrote the update today. I want to share something with you all tonight. Yesterday I read the entire update section of Savannah she is an Angel. I haven’t had a chance to ask her mom to put a link up yet but I will. What I want to share with you all is the courage and the strength that her mom had to put forth. The updates of very explicit and do not read them with out a box of tissue. I hope that we have half of her strength to get us through this. Lisa Savannah’s mommy sent us a card with some encouraging words and little book. As well a some gifts for Melody through Make A Child Smile. Lisa thank you very much. I Haven’t had a chance to email you yet but I will. I want to tell you all something else if you haven’t already figured it out. I would do anything for my children. They are the single most important thing to me this world. I would go to the end of this world for them. Thank you all for your prayers. Every one counts so please tell your family friends and strangers. I want the whole world to know about Melody, as well as every other child that has the horrible disease. Please keep praying for Cheyenne, she is doing a little better but is still in need of your prayers. God Bless you all in great ways Melody’s Mommy and Daddy Rob
P.S. Wait until you meet Julianna Banana you can not help but love this little one.
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Today was our first tearless day since I can remember. Melody had a wonderful day! She woke up at 7am in a good mood. After she woke up a little, she ASKED to take a shower. For months we have fought with her to take a shower because she is afraid she will hurt her back. She asked to take one, and said she knew it wouldn’t hurt because she took three trips out yesterday with no back pain. After Mel’s shower, she was hungry. She ate a little bit of macaroni and cheese. Daddy went and did some running around. He took Bruce for shots. While he was gone, the school nurse Denise called. Devin had an earache and needed to come home. He brought the dog in and went back out to get Devin. When Devin came in, Daddy went back out to the recycling center and stopped off and checked Melody’s post office box on the way back. All that time, Melody worked on two days of schoolwork. We usually get some of it done, then take a break and finish it up just before her teacher, Mrs. Friend comes. She did two days work in one shot, in a good mood. All day, Melody has been asking to go to Hometown Buffet. She didn’t know what she wanted from there, but I think she just wanted to choose from a large selection of food. So when Mrs. Friend left at 4:30, we went out for an early dinner. She ate Jell-O and a bite of a roll, and drank some chocolate milk. For dessert, she ate a little vanilla ice cream. She was happy and silly. Her back was comfortable sitting in the booth. It doesn’t sound like much, but we had a great time. When we got home, Skye came over to play. To get the girls back into playing games again, I bought prizes. They haven’t played them much in awhile. Two wins can get a piece of candy; more wins can get a small prize. I can buy packs with several little prizes in it at the 99 cent store. I did have one prize in the box that was the BIG PRIZE. It cost 15 wins. It was a small dry erase board shaped like a flower that I found on clearance at Target for a dollar. Well, tonight when the girls were discussing prizes, Melody called me into the room. She told me that she forgot to tell me that she and Devin played a bunch of games yesterday and she forgot to mark down her wins. I knew she was telling me a story and was trying not to laugh. When I asked her how many points she forgot to write down, she said 16!!! With this, I had to leave the room quickly, get all of my laughing out, and compose myself. Devin heard this and said they never played any games yesterday. Melody said she couldn’t remember if they played games yesterday or not but she did remember she won 16 times!!! She was telling me this whopper so she could get the big prize. Even if she weren’t sick, I wouldn’t have called her on it. Yes, it’s a lie, but it was too precious. She just couldn’t wait anymore for the big prize, and couldn’t risk anyone else getting it. Tonight when Skye was going home, I let her have a free pick from the prize box. She didn’t win, but she didn’t cheat either! All day, Melody was happy and silly. Rolling her eyes at us, making faces and singing. Going out to the car for dinner, she was doing a little dance along the way. At one point today, while I was helping up, she sprung up out of her seat and said her back is all better. As soon as she sat in her new recliner today for the first time, she got a big smile. She is a happy girl. I want to tell you all about sometime called The Promise (Tour of Hope). You Promise to do something nothing major I promise it won’t hurt. You sign your name and Lance Armstrong and the Tour of Hope Team will deliver the thousands of Promises to Washington, DC on October 9th, following their journey across America. I just ask you look at it, it only takes a min. Ok more happy for you tonight. For those of you who haven’t meet Julianna go to her site she is almost as cutie as my Melody. What a little doll, I promise you will not be disappointed. You will fall in love with immediately. There are so many more children out there I wish I could tell you about all of them. (Keep checking the Melody’s friends section) And they all are special in there own way. Reading there story’s and seeing there parents, well it has made me a better person. It has brought my attention to a bigger problem, one that so many people deal with everyday. CANCER! I HATE IT, I WANT IT GONE! I DO NOT WANT ANYONE ELSE TO HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS! AND I AM GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT! I’m not in my little world anymore. These kids are our future and I am going to do what ever I can to there’s (future) to make it better and more promising. I don’t know what yet but you can bet this IT WILL BE SOMETHING BIG! I WILL BE HEARD! It may start out small but when I get on a roll, GET OUT OF MY WAY! Ok now that I have that out of my system. Thank you ALL for EVERYTHING. The prayers the gifts, the, cards just everything. Please keep praying we are by far out of the woods. God bless you all We ARE Melody’s Mommy and Daddy Rob and Deb
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Today was, for the most part, another great day for Melody. She slept in until 9:30am and woke up in a great mood. She watched a little TV and wasn’t interested in breakfast. Last night we had planned to make a run to Target today. Melody decided she needed to go to Michael’s craft store too, to pick out a birthday present for a friend. So off we went around noon. At Target, she picked out a few new headbands and some sunglasses. When we went to Michael’s, they were having a great sale, and we had a 50% off coupon (thanks Carol). We picked up 5 pairs of pinking shears in all different shapes for 50 cents a pair! She also picked out some more foam shapes in fall and Halloween shapes, which were all on sale too. Daddy went too, so of course she got a whole lotta stuff! Daddy also replenished Melody’s silly string supply. After shopping, we stopped and checked Melody’s post office box, which, since she’s featured this month on MACS, was loaded with cards and packages. She was in a great mood and had a good time. She has always loved shopping. When we returned home, she went through her cards, packages and new stuff. She was happy, being silly and singing silly songs. At about 2:30, we stopped playing and started doing her homework. Mrs. Friend came over at about 3:30. Melody got 100% on her spelling test today!!! After Mrs. Friend left, Melody wanted to call the girls over. I had warned her that they were probably working on their homework, but made the call anyway. Skye wasn’t home and Alli was working hard on her advanced math homework. Melody burst into tears! Bammom and Poppa came in a few minutes later. Mommy, Daddy, Bammom and Poppa were all offering to play with her but she didn’t want to play with us. She cried off and on (mostly on) until Alli came over at 6:30. While Alli was here, Melody ate some macaroni and cheese. When she was done, I gave Mel her 7pm medicine. Well, it must have been too much at once because, right away, she threw up the food and medicine all over the table. It made her feel better though, because after she was all cleaned up, Melody asked for and ate a yogurt. I reattempted the medicine later and she did fine. Mel asked to go to bed at 8pm. I’m sure the big cry wore her out. She is looking forward to tomorrow, because the cousins won’t have homework! We have a busy week next week and an important one. MRI on Monday! If you have never said a prayer in your life, we need them for this. I want Melody to shock the medical world. I want them to look at the MRI a say “Where did it go?” Please pray with us for a GREAT reading. Ok now meet Kaidrie another beautiful little girl with the same tumor as Mel. Please visit her site leave her a message and add her to your prayers. You know where the links are. As I get there parents permission I will introduce you to someone new. There are all just as important as the next. There stories are different, but there needs are all the same. PRAYERS! Oh I almost for got there is a family in Norco that is doing a fund raiser for Melody and our family. They are the Drysol’s. If you go to the events page there is more information and directions to the area. THANK YOU Drysol family. Thank you all for the prayers for Melody and our family. Please keep it up. And please don for get all the kids in this world that are in need. Please drop by the guest book and drop us a line or two. Just let us know you came by. Say “hello” or “just stopped by to see how you are doing” They mean so much to us. God Bless you all Melody’s Mommy and Daddy Rob and Deb
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Just a short update for today. Robbie did yard work all day and I’m just worn out. Melody woke up early and in a good mood. Mel watched some TV and just hung around the house until about 3pm, when we went to Target to pick up a few things. Melody got carsick on the way home. After she was all cleaned up at home, she was in a good mood again. The cousins came over to play later and Curt and Megan came for a visit. Melody was tired, but didn’t want to miss out on any fun. The girls mostly did crafts. At one point, Melody let loose with the silly string and attacked everyone. She ate a few bites of food several times during the day. At 9:30, after everyone went home, she was ready for bed. She was silly again while I was tucking her in. Melody’s Mommy Deb Hi it’s Rob I just want to say thanks to everyone for everything you do. I try everyday to check on every child in Melody’s Friends section and there are so many more links on all the other pages. I did check on a few tonight and ask for the following. A few prayer requests for tonight. Paulina and her family are in much need of prayers. She is not doing well at all. For Rayanne is experiencing some of the side effects from radiation and also in need of extra prayers. And Deb, she is having a ruff night and needs prayers for strength, courage, and the power to get through all this. Please pray for a good MRI on Monday. And please pray for Melody and every child in this world that is suffering. Good night Angles and God Bless you. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Melody had a pretty good day today. Melody and I slept in until 11:30am! We both needed it. She woke up in a good mood and wanted donuts and Jell-O. After eating a little Jell-O and a bite of a donut, she was ready for the girls to come over. The ladies worked on coloring and made some crafts. The girls went home around 5pm. Melody and I worked on a craft together and then she wanted to relax in her recliner. At 6, we watched the Miss America pageant. We get New York’s ABC channel, so we got to watch it early. I think this is the first time she has ever watched a pageant. She liked it. Towards the end of the show, Melody wanted to sit at the table, and we painted each other’s fingernails. After that, Mel worked on beads. She made me a chain that says Mom on it. Not long after that, Melody was ready for bed. She was still in a pretty good mood. I don’t think we had any cries today. I wish we could get her to eat more. Whatever she wants, if we don’t have it, we’ll get it. Food just doesn’t taste very good right now. Please pray for Melody’s MRI on Monday to show shrinkage of the tumor. As soon as we have the results, we’ll post them. Please pray for all of the other children as well. Thank you all so much for all you do for us. You are all wonderful. Debbie Melody’s Mommy Hey this is Rob. Just wanted to say thanks to Craig, Valerie, Mike, Cindy (Lucy) and Larry. You really helped me get my mind off things tonight, even if just for a few hours.
God night and God Bless you all Rob
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Melody had a really good day today. She slept in and woke up in a good mood. She watched a little TV and then we did a craft together. I left to go to the store and Melody worked on beads. She made our friend Leslie a chain with her name on it. A little while later, Leslie and Phil came to visit. Leslie brought some delicious chicken wings! When they came in, Melody let loose on them with the silly string and also sprayed everyone else in the room ( what a stinker). After that, Melody worked on making a picture with foam cutouts and Phil sat right next to her making her a bead necklace. Around 3pm, the cousins came over. They brought over a Hello Kitty sequin craft for all of the girls to do. When they were done working on that, they made a Halloween craft. Once the crafts were done, we all played the Doggy Match Up game. Melody had a happy day all day today. She started to cry once tonight about something not being fair, but I reminded her that she had a good day and we hadn’t had a cry all day, so she stopped herself. We told Mel that we would have to get up early tomorrow to get showered and down to San Diego for her MRI, so she was ready to go to bed shortly after 7pm. It was already dark out and had been a nice cool, fall-like day so I’m sure that helped her to feel sleepy. She had done crafts and played games all day without taking any breaks. She went to bed in a good mood. Melody didn’t eat much again today. She ate about 1/3 of a banana, most of a kid’s size yogurt, and a little bit of chicken. Melody’s MRI is at 12:15 tomorrow. We will get to stay with her and hold her hand, which is a first. Please pray for more shrinkage. Thank you all for the things you do large and small. They are all equal in our minds. There isn’t anything any of you do that we are not thankful for. Know that you are all in our prayers every night. There are so many kids out there tonight that are in need of you prayers. I can’t even begin to name them all. Just pray for peace and happiness to overcome every child in this world. I know our Father in Heaven has a plan for our family. I just pray that Melody is a part of it. I know what ever happens, she will be a part for ever I just want it to be here, with us on earth. I know how selfish that is but I cant help it, I’m just a big selfish kid and want what I want. ;-). Good night God Bless you and thanks for letting us share with you this time in our life. Melody’s Daddy and Mommy Rob and Deb
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Today was not the greatest day. Melody woke up in a good mood today and worked on a craft for a little bit until it was time to get showered and go off to her appointment. She ate one bite of a banana. She got a little upset before we left. She was nervous about her MRI. We left for Children’s at 10am. About 10 minutes out, we realized we forgot her past MRI films. So back we went. On the way there, Melody got carsick. She has gotten sick once a day for the past 4 or 5 days, so we were prepared. We brought towels and an extra dress. Her medicine and Protocel with not much food is really upsetting her stomach. When we got to the hospital, we got lost trying to find the MRI center. The last MRI was at Sharp Mira Mesa, and when we had the first one at Children’s, we had an escort. We found our way to radiology, who called the MRI center to tell them we were there. One of the people who worked there was kind enough to walk us to where we needed to be. After we checked in, I couldn’t hold back my tears. Just being there was a sobering reminder of what we’re up against. There was a play area that, if she could get around, Melody would have loved to play with. I didn’t let Melody see me cry. I stood behind her and she checked out their fish tank. She got a little upset again, but was then distracted by a boy that she had met in the hospital playroom the week of diagnosis. When it was Melody’s turn, a nurse took us back and put in Melody’s IV. She was not sedated, the IV is for contrast. The needle didn’t hurt her; she got pinched by the tourniquet. Her arm is purple. Then we were taken to a different MRI machine than originally planned. Melody had a rough and scary time trying to get up onto and lay down on the table. Daddy had to lift her onto the table and it hurts her back to be lifted. We were told when we made the appointment that we would be able to hold her hand during this one. With the machine they put us on, holding her hand was not an option. We were able to stay in the room and she could see us in a mirror that is part of the MRI mask. The MRI itself went well. Melody did great. We should have the results within a few days. As soon as we know something, we’ll post it. When we got home, I went off to check Mel’s post office box. She received a bunch of nice cards and a few packages. She was happy. After that, we did 15 pages of homework! Melody was in a happy, good mood the whole time. She wanted to call the cousins, but her teacher will be here tomorrow so I cracked the whip!!! Not really. Daddy told her that doing her work would give the girls time to do their homework. It was perfect timing, the girls were just finishing their homework when I called. The girls came over and they did a little craft work. Melody was pooped after the homework but she did manage to get silly a couple of times. Tonight, Melody ate about 1/3 of a big popsicle and a half of a slice of pizza. She went to bed at 8:45 in a good mood. She usually gets a little silly when we’re tucking her in. Please remember Paulina in your prayers tonight she gets a little worse everyday. I don’t even want to think about how her parents are dealing. Please remember them in your prayers as well. You haven’t meet Jordan yet at least not from Mel’s page. She is also due for her MRI on Friday. Please pray for a good one and I’ll check with her parents for a link. I think there is already one in the guest book but I should check first. Debbie and I are tag teaming the updates lately. I was doing them by myself but, I think its good for Deb to talk about our day. I usually get to do the closing parts. My favorites the thank you part. Thank you for all the prayers For Melody and our family. Thank you for all the cards and gifts for Devin and Melody. They are all very special. Thank you for all the prayers for all the other kids. And thank you for fro being there for Debbie and I. All the guest book entries, cards, fundraisers, and donations. Thank you for keeping us together as a family. I do not know what I would do if I couldn’t be here with Debbie, Melody and Devin. God Bless you all! Melody’s Mommy and Daddy Deb and Rob
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There is some sad news in this little community of ours tonight. This afternoon little Paulina became an angel. She is in the hands of God tonight, cancer and pain free. No more doctors and nurses, now more shots or medicines. Please pray for her and, her family tonight as they spend there first night without their beautiful little girl. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I must admit it was a busy day, however a good day. Mel woke up this morning not feeling so well and vomiting (sorry). Of course, she did not eat. We left for San Diego around 9:00 and the traffic stunk. We arrived at the clinic right at 11:00. Well, it was a long appointment. Melody had to be stuck 4 times in order to get her blood out of her body. Since she hasn’t been eating nor drinking like she should, her little veins wouldn’t cooperate. They tried to heat them up with warmers, patting her hands, and they even tried another person until they finally got one. They had to work it a little but it finally gave in on the fourth try. When the doctor came in to see us of course our main concern was the not eating. She said because of the Vicodin and nausea it likely creates, and the lack of steroids it is to be expected. However, she was concerned and mentioned maybe going back to ½ mg of decadron (steroid) just to get her appetite back. Now is that stupid or what? She takes the Vicodin because of the effects of the steroids. I was a little angry and immediately told the doctor that was not an option. She didn’t talk to me the rest of the visit and only spoke to Debbie. That didn’t hurt my feelings at all. I thought it was kind of silly. She had to talk to me later because Deb had to leave the room for a few minutes. She did mention a “G” tube (feeding tube). I don’t think any of us are ready for that, especially Mel. We decided to go with the Zofran (anti-nausea) three times a day and see how she does with that. Mel’s blood counts were a little low, so we will head down next week to check it again. We will go ahead with the chemo this week anyway. We went to Submarina for lunch because Mommy and Daddy were starving as it was well after 1:00 by now and we had no breakfast. Mel asked Mommy to get here a plain turkey sandwich and believe it or not, she ate a good part of it. I think after all that poking and the mention of the “G” tube kind of gave her a shock and she figured she better eat something or pay for it later. She was a very silly girl on the way home until falling asleep about ¼ of the way home. It was good to see her being silly after all the distress of the day. When we got home, it was almost time for Mrs. Friend to come over. We walked into the house and saw that Bruce, the 5month old, 63lb German Shepard had a coloring party. Even with out any thumbs, he opened a drawer where the crayons were and had a crayon eating contest all by himself (he won by the way) and made a huge mess. Mrs. Friend loves dogs, so Melody wanted us to keep the crayons everywhere so she could see them. Mrs. Friend also got to see Mr. Fuzzy in action. He brought in a juicy mouse through the doggy door. When I tried to catch him, he ran back out. He doesn’t give them to us as presents. He has no intention of sharing. Yes, our house is a circus. And we love it. Mrs. Friend came over and spent an hour with Mel. Mommy ran to the post office and I took a little nap on the couch. Ahhhh I need that. The cousins came over a little later and did crafts and played some games. Melody was happy and silly. As soon as each girl came in (they came at different times) the told them about getting poked four times. All the while Mel was in a great mood. At one point, Mommy was out of the room and thought Melody was crying and ran back in. She was laughing so hard. Apparently, Skye had done something really funny. Melody ate again tonight! She ate nachos. Not the kind with the junk food cheese, she had real cheddar cheese. When she said she was done with them, Mom asked her to eat one more. She was a show off and ate two!!! She also ate a little bit of chicken noodle soup. She is drinking well tonight. The Zofran is doing its job, and Melody doesn’t want to suffer any more consequences of not eating or drinking. The scale today said that Mel lost 10lbs in the last four weeks. Devin made it into the Multiplication Club in his class today!!! He has tried so hard and we have not been able to help him study as much as he has wanted to. He has put a lot of hard work into studying the last few days and made it. In four minutes, he did 99 out of 100 multiplication problems correctly. Way to go Devin!!! All in all in was a good day. Your prayers are working keep it up. Thank you so much for all the prayers. Please remember all the kids who are in need of prayers tonight and all the parents as well. There have been so many new angles in the past few weeks, I wonder if there is a shortage in heaven or something. I can’t imagine what they are all needed for. Why can’t we just keep a few here with us? I’m not angry, just thinking out load with my fingers a guess. OH guess what it’s ¼ till nine and Mel is up eating a Popsicle. What a stinker she is. Good night everyone you are all in our prayers. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Today was a so-so day. Mel woke up this morning in a pretty good mood at around 8:30 or so. That was pretty early, considering she didn’t go to bed until 11:30 last night. Devin’s school is having a fundraiser, and she shopped in his catalog for gifts for other people. She spent her medicine money (she gets a quarter for each time she takes her medicine good, it adds up quick!). Yesterday she had a couple naps in the car, to and from San Diego, so she stayed up much later than usual. We kind of lollygagged around the house this morning, trying to get Mel to eat something, with no luck. She took her medicine ok and I guess that’s good. Off we went the community center, where the comedy show was held, to pick up some donations that were dropped off. Thank you Greg for doing that for us. I really enjoyed our visit. On we went to Toys-R-Us. Melody was looking for a particular doll and Devin needed a model rocket for a school project. It was about a 20 min drive or so and Mel wasn’t being herself. I keep asking her “are you ok?” She just kept saying “yes”. We made it there. Went into the store and browsed around a bit and decided we need a cart. I found Devin’s rocket. As I rounded the corner where Deb and Mel were, here they came, Mel telling me “Sick up daddy, sick up”. It was all down the front of her. So we headed for the door leaving the cart where it was. She of course felt better after “sick up”. We got her cleaned up as best we could with what we had. Mel and I decided to stay in the car while mommy found the cart and quickly checked out. Mel was a little tired and rested the ½ hour or so ride home. When we got home, Mel wanted to be in the recliner. Mrs. Drumm came over and had a gift for Mel. It was a story telling bear. This thing is awesome. Thank you, Mrs. Drumm. She went to bed tonight listening to one of the tapes. Melody absolutely loves it! Mrs. Friend came over for school at 4:30. We had not been able to get her homework done today. While Mrs. Friend was here, Mommy helped Devin with his math homework. His math is much harder this year and, without help or supervision, he would fail for sure. I hate math! While all of this was going on, I visited ALL the websites of ALL the other children, and signed their Guest Books. I answered a few of my emails, but not all of them. I’m really trying to get them all, bear with if you haven’t heard from me yet. After Mrs. Friend left Mommy had to run to the bank and to Target to get Chapstick for the stinker. I made some nachos for Mel. Not five minutes after Deb left and one little bite of nachos……Yes, you got it, more “sick up”. Now I don’t do “sick up” very well, but I handled it. When Mom got home, she gave Melody a Zofran. After that, Mel ate some Frosted Flakes, a Popsicle and took her Protocel. Luckily, all of it stayed in her tummy. The cousins came over to play games and do crafts. Allison and Skye, thank you so much for coming over. I know Mel is not always the most fun person to be around. But you do such a great job being here with her. It really does mean a lot to Melody and us, even if it doesn’t seem like it at times. Melody did have a few laughs tonight but she was tired because she didn’t sleep as long as usual. She never cried, though. Hopefully she will sleep later tomorrow morning. That’s was our day in the Schleigh house. We are looking forward to the Snow Cone fundraiser this weekend. If you get a chance please stop by. Thank you for all you do for us. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody and our family. Please don’t for get all the other children and all the families that are missing there little ones tonight. There are so many! Oh and stop by Cheyenne’s page tomorrow and wish her a Happy Birthday. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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PRAISE THE LORD! IT HAS SHRUNK!!!!! THIS BEAST THAT IS RUNNING OUR LIVES IS SHRINKING!!!!!!! I am writing this as tears run down my cheeks. Officially from 44mm to 36mm! Please tell everyone that our prayers are being answered, and to be even more vigilant with them. Thank god for all that he has given us. Thank you all so much! I will post more about the day later. There is nothing that can ruin this wonderful day NOTHING! Melody’s Daddy Rob What a WONDERFUL day! As you can tell there wasn’t anything that could have ruined this day. Mel got up a little late today, around 10:00 or so. She wanted to sit in the recliner and wake up a bit before anything else. After a little while she had a little cereal. I can’t remember the last time she ate cereal. You know what, forget it. No word for word today. As much as I love to share our entire day with you, I just want to bask in our good news tonight. Today was filled with tears, laughter, smiles, joy, happiness, more tears, but mostly joy. It was truly wonderful. The cousins came over to play a few games in the evening and later we sat as a family and had some dinner. What more can you ask for? I can’t say thank you enough. Thank you to all of you and, thank you Jesus. Please continue all your prayers for Melody and for this disgusting tumor to completely disappear. We are not out of the woods yet. But we are on our way right? Please pray for Jordan tonight. Tomorrow she will have her MRI and we hope and pray for even better results then Melody. Please pray for all the other children and their families. Pray for all the parents that are without their little ones tonight. Pray for peace on earth. Pray for all your friends and family that you have and thank God for bringing them into you life. And don’t forget to hug them and let them know how much they mean to you. I am so far behind on my emails. Please forgive me if it takes me awhile. Thank you all for everything. We would not get through our days without all the prayers, good wishes, and encouraging words. I can’t say it enough, Thank You! God Bless you all! Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Sorry about the late update. Today was a great day. Melody slept in until 10am and woke up in a good mood. She relaxed in her recliner and watched TV for a little bit. Around noon, Daddy went birthday shopping for Devin and Melody and I worked on homework. After doing a bunch of it, we took a break and played checkers. She kicked my butt 3 times!!! Daddy taught her to play a while back and she is ruthless!!! She doesn’t miss a move. Still on our homework break, Melody ate some cereal. She did great and ate about 1/3 of a bowl. When Daddy got home, it was time to take a shower. Until recently, she has given us a hard time about showering because she’s afraid she’ll hurt her back. No worrying or crying, Melody took her shower and now loves it. By the time we were done dressing and combing her hair, it was almost 3pm and we were expecting Mrs. Friend at 3:30. We hurried up and finished Mel’s homework just in the nick of time. After Mrs. Friend left we went to dinner to celebrate Melody’s tumor shrinking. Melody started her chemo tonight and, since it should be taken on an empty stomach, we had to eat early. Melody got to choose any place she wanted and she chose Denny’s! Her dinner was the dinosaur chicken nuggets and fries. She ate one dinosaur and a couple of fries and was done. She had a good time though. When we got home, she worked on fuzzy posters while I went to the store. Grammy got here while I was gone and after I came home, Summer came over! Summer beaded a streak in Melody’s hair. Mel loves it! Even going to bed tonight, she had to check out her hair again in the mirror. While Summer was doing Melody’s hair, Skye and Alli came over in their pajamas. The girls hadn’t had a chance to play today so they came over for a little bit. After the girls went home, Melody relaxed in the recliner. With her stomach getting upset so easily lately, we were worried she might get sick taking her chemo. Tonight she took her Protocel, 7 chemo pills, and her regular bedtime medicine and never complained of a bellyache. The Zofran (anti-nausea) is doing a good job. Melody stayed up until 11:30 tonight. She wanted to help wrap Devin’s birthday presents. It was almost 11 when Devin went to bed and we girls got to work. Even with it being so late, being tired, and taking all of that medicine, Melody was in a great mood and had a good time helping me. The minute we were done she asked to go to bed. She was still a happy girl. Devin is 10 years old as of about 45 minutes ago!!! I can’t believe it!!! We love you Devin!!! I forgot to mention Ben’s MRI today. Please pray his tumor will remain stable. I didn’t have a chance to check on the kids today so please pray for them. You are all amazing. Thank you for everything! We are going snow coning tomorrow, YEA! Well it’s late after 1:00 Am., here we are getting very tired and we need to get up early. Good night and God Bless us all Melody’s Mommy and Daddy Rob and Deb
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Update on Mel 9/25 (Devin’s
B-DAY) What a great day! Today was Snow Cone fundraiser day at the Drysol’s. I wish you all could meet this family and friends. We had such a wonderful time. Devin went swimming for about 3 hours; Melody had 4 or 5 different flavor snow cones, got splashed with the water (she asked the kids to splash her), ate a little, and even found time to get in a game of Pretty, Pretty Princess. She won of course (with a little help I think. I told you guys she was ruthless when it comes to games) Debbie and I just sat back and relaxed enjoying watching our kids have such a good time with new friends and good grown up conversation. Thank you all for such a good day. I would mention everyone’s names and I am sure it would be ok but, I didn’t ask you first. You know who you are and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. When we got home it was party time for Devin. He is the big one-oh. We made his favorite, RIBS! Bammom had already started them so I didn’t have a whole lot to do. My sister and her family came over and joined us. Then later some friends came over for cake and ice cream. Thank you all for the gifts for Devin. Mike and Cindy, paybacks are fun huh (they gave him a giant bag of candy). You just wait. Hehehehe. (Just think bag of sugar.) Melody is in a great mood tonight. Better than in a long time. She was giggling so hard with her cousins and neighbors, I thought she was going to fall off the chair. Bammom and Poppa played some card games with Mel tonight and, received a lesson on how to play Old Maid, Doggie Match Up, and Go Fish. Now, I don’t know how it all got started, but there was a small but very wet water fight at the table between Poppa, Bammom, and Mel. Again she was laughing so hard, she couldn’t stop. That was so much fun to see, I love to see them playing like old times. Well its chemo night in the Schleigh house. So I better get going. Thank you again Drysol’s, for everything. Melody is looking forward to the girls coming over next week to play. Debbie and I are looking forward for the company. Thank you all for the prayers for Melody and our family. In case you haven’t heard, they are working! Please say a prayer for all the other kids. I hope they had as good of a day as Devin and Melody. Good night angels! God Bless you all! Melody’s Daddy Rob
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It was a pretty good day today. The girls got up about mid-morning. Bammom and Poppa stayed the night last night and everyone got to sleep in a little. Saturday was a long day so we all welcomed a little extra sleep. Mel watched TV for about 2 hours this morning and then worked on a couple of her Hello Kitty books, with her Hello Kitty pens, that were in here Hello Kitty pencil box, that was in her Hello Kitty carrying bag. She just loves it, as do we. Poppa and I watched the Charger game. Oops, let me put my paper bag on my head before I mention that again. Devin was at his Aunt Sissy’s house playing Xbox with his cousin. Mommy and Bammom were hanging out with Melody. Later in the afternoon, we took a few of the neighborhood boys to the Family Fun Center in honor of Devin’s birthday. What a time we had. We were only going to be gone for a couple of hours, well…4 1/2 hours later, we returned home. Melody had a great time playing all the games that give you the tickets for prizes. By the time we were ready to go, she had over 2000 tickets. With all of her tickets, Mel picked out a dolphin light, a Care bear and a cup with a crazy straw. Talk about a lucky day. I hope I didn’t get in trouble with the kids’ parents, I know we were out past bedtimes. Tonight is a chemo night. In the past months we’ve cut off Melody’s eating at 5pm so she could take her chemo on an empty stomach at 9pm. It’s recommended to do it that way to lessen nausea. With Mel not eating much these days, we kind of figure that even if she does eat a little, her stomach will pretty much is empty anyway. Big mistake. Tonight she ate a couple of bites of vanilla ice cream and a glass of milk. She took her chemo and threw it up so fast; all 7 capsules were still intact. We gave her an extra Zofran (anti-nausea) and will repeat the chemo when her tummy settles. The doctor on call at the hospital is going to call in a prescription for another day’s worth of chemo in the morning. I often wonder if we will ever have a “normal” life again and if so, when. Our lives are “upside down” nothing is the same anymore. So many things have changed. Not that we were normal before or anything but, well you know what I mean. It’s just all so different. I’m not complaining I don’t think. Things are just so different than they were 6 months ago. That’s right it’s been just over 6months. March 23, 2004 the day our lives changed forever. I guess that just answered my question now didn’t it. Once again I didn’t get a chance to check all the kids’ pages today. I know Ben is still waiting for MRI report, Rayanne is still feeling the side affects from radiation and having a VERY difficult time. Cheyenne is starting a different kind of chemo tomorrow and is having a very hard time with things that could be anything from radiation side affects tumor growth or even edema. All not good things. I know Kaidrie was not doing very good at the start of the weekend. Every one of these kids needs your prayers. As well as the rest of the kids. Please say prayers for all the Angles loved ones who miss them so much. Savannah, Paulina, Celeste, and Hanna. Those are just a few whose lives will never be the same and are in need of your prayers tonight. I just don’t understand why there are so many or any at all, so young and innocent. Never to experience ALL the joys that ones life can have. Count your blessings and hug your loved ones. Things could change tomorrow in the blink of an eye. I know you would not want to regret anything. Live for today, worry about tomorrow when it gets here. I know what you are thinking, easier said then done some days. I live that every day. Thank you all so much for everything. Those words will never be enough to let you know how much we appreciate all that you do for us. The cards, packages, letters, prayers, and good wishes. I do not know how we would be getting through this with out you and the things you do. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody and my family. One way or another WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS! God Bless you all, your reward will be heavenly I’m sure. Good night earthly angles, good night. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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It has a good day. We had a late night yesterday so Bammom got up with Devin and sent him off to school. Thank you Bammom. Mel and Mommy got up a little late today, but they both need their sleep, so let them sleep I say. Mel was in a pretty good mood upon awakening and it continued throughout the day. Lately she has been going right to the recliner in the family room after waking up. She watched a movie and a little bit of cartoons. After a little time in the recliner she was ready to get dressed and sit to the table. Mel decided to work on a couple of the workbook and coloring books she received in the mail. So off to run errands I went. Three stops with a stop at home in between. While I was at Wal-Mart, I picked up some new crayons (thanks Bruce) and a few more things that Mel probably didn’t really need. :-) While I was gone Mel and Mommy worked on some homework and Bammom went to the UPS store to pick up the mail. In between homework, Mel and Mommy took a break to read the mail and open packages. When Mrs. Friend came over for school, Daddy watched the news while Bammom and Mommy took a little rest. Melody has been eating pretty well the last few days. And what that means is, not a whole lot, but better than in the past few weeks. Today she ate some Ruffles chips, and some of a PB&J with a glass of milk. I think she wanted that more because Skye was having one. Whatever it takes. When the princess put in her order, she asked for no crust, the sandwich cut into four triangles and wanted it served on a Hello Kitty plate. The cousins came over this afternoon and played games and watched a movie. Well, the girls have gone home and Mel is resting in the recliner and watching TV. I’m sure we will have a good night tonight even with the dreaded chemo. Please take some time to introduce yourself to Christy. She has put up quite a fight with one beast of a tumor. The doctors now tell her that the fight is over and she will begin a new Journey with our heavenly father. Now I don’t know about you but I will be praying to God tonight for a miracle for her. I do not believe in giving up. Not for anyone or anything! Thank you, for all the prayers for Melody our family and all the kids and there family’s. You have all been so good to us. I don’t know how we will ever repay you. God Bless you all. I thank him every night you are all in our lives. Please drop us a few lines in the guest book if you have a little extra time. God Bless you Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Melody had a great day today. She woke up at 8am and mostly relaxed and watched TV until 11am. At 11 we played a couple games of checkers. Of course, she won. Yesterday in the mail Melody received a disposable camera with 27 exposures. By noon today she had taken all 27 pictures and sent Daddy off to get them developed. After checkers, Melody was hungry. She asked for cereal, then changed her mind and ate ½ of a turkey sandwich. Then we worked homework. We took a break around 1:30 when Daddy brought in her mail, then started homework again. All day she has been singing, silly and giggly. She even did little silly dances every time we walked to the bathroom. Mrs. Friend came over about 3:45 and stayed until 5pm. After she left, Melody ate ¾ of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and relaxed in her recliner while I cooked dinner. I didn’t think Mel would eat dinner, but she did! She ate ½ of a pork chop!!! She was a good eater today. When everyone was done eating dinner, Melody took her shower and loved it. We are having company tomorrow at 11 am so we needed to get homework done tonight to turn in tomorrow. She was still in a good mood after her shower so we got started on it. She did 2 pages of math and was ready for bed. We’re going to have to try and get her up early to get it all done before company arrives. Melody went to bed happy. She asked me to kiss her all over her face and tickle her. I did over and over and she giggled. She had a glow stick and wanted it put under the desk in the bedroom so she could see there were no monsters under it. A few minutes later, Mel called me back in to give her the glow stick back. A few minutes after that, she called me back to change the CD she was listening to. She hasn’t called me in since, she must have fallen asleep. I’m about to wake her up to give her tonight’s chemo. Please pray for Melody’s tumor to continue shrinking. Thank you all for your guestbook entries, we love them. Goodnight and God Bless you all. Debbie Melody’s Mommy
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Mel has the stomach flu, lack of steroid to the tumor or a bad reaction to Chemo. She has been extra fussy and wants both Mommy and Daddy in reach. She wants to hold mommy face in her hand and Daddy sitting right on the other side of her chair. She is having bad cramping in her tummy for most of the day even to the point of the long awaited visitors, Taylor’s Family and friends, had to leave early to let Mel rest. Tonight things took a downward turn as Melody’s eyes aren’t right. Her eyes are dilated and the right eye is wandering uncontrollably. The doctor was called and it was decided that she needed to go in for a check. So at 10:15pm tonight they packed a few things and flew down the freeway to Children’s hospital. We will update as soon as we hear anything. Please say a prayer that the outcome of the checkup is positive. Robbie and Debbie truly crave communication on the web site and even track how many Mel’s site gets a day. It keeps them going. Also say a prayer tonight for those parents who do not know the fate of their children either health related or missing. Pray for their comfort and peace Webmaster
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Update on Mel 9/30![]() Melody has signs of a bacteria infection in the urine. The MRI that was scheduled for later tonight has been canceled. Doctors think the eyes being dilated and double vision are due to swelling around the tumor because she is off of the steroids. Melody is now on 2 mg. of steroid 3 times a day. She will be staying in the hospital for a few days until they can figure out the source of the bacteria and to make sure the steroids are doing their job. She is allowed to eat jell-o and things like that for now. We are hoping that when the steroids kick in she will be eating anything in her site after not eating that good for the last few weeks. Now all we need is for Rob and Deb to get some rest. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This is Sis and Rob is telling me how to do this from a cell phone...so here it goes. "They are going to be keeping us a few more days. The want to find the source of the infection. If you remember her blood work had come back with a little bit of an off so this may be the cause of that. We shall see. They are telling us they didn't see a need for an MRI because the good reading was just 10 days ago. They did find some bacteria in her bladder and they may be the cause of a tummy ache. Her eyes are still not quite right. Her right eye is still hanging to the outside a bit and will not stay in the middle. Her left eye pupil is very large and seeing double sometimes although not as bad. She is still having the double vision probably due to the fluid build up near the optic nerve. Melody is miserable. She wants to come home. she misses "Her Devin" and the ever clownin' pets that make her smile and laugh. Bruce is thrilled to be partying in the empty house because anytime Bammom runs out to the store or Aunt Sissy's he checks out another item he always wanted to get to. Like the stack of magazines this afternoon. Melody Called home where Bammom is staying with Devin and gave her a list of items she needed in the hospital with her. Mel is asking for "Spinoza" tapes, a talking bear from Mrs. Drumm, and glow sticks. And numerous other things like a game-boy. Oh by the way, Rob's boss Jessie game Melody a rabbit and it hasn't left her side since receiving it. What a super treat it turned out to be. Thank you Jessie. Mel has eaten a turkey sandwich, Jell-O, a couple of Oreo cookies, and crackers. I am sure with her back on the steroids she will be asking for a list of things that sound great anytime soon. Leslie made a trip to the hospital and it was a nice visit. Thank you Leslie. If you are in the area of Children's Hospital feel free to visit. It will be nice to see you. " Please keep Melody in your prayers as I know you all have been so wonderful in doing. Don't forget her Mommy and Daddy who have to face reality of having a sick child. I can only imagine the pain in their hearts as they live this ordeal. They are stronger than they know because they have all of us, all of you, behind them sending them the well wishes, prayers and messages on the sign in book. Aunt Sissy and Rob via cell phone
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WE ARE HOME! And it feels great. Things aren’t what they were. Melody’s right eye is still turned out. She is currently taking Decadron (steroids) 1mg, one time a day, among other things to counter some of the side effects of the Decadron. Everything else is working. There are no other symptoms. I guess we caught it soon enough. The doctor is hoping that we can wean her down to an even lower dose as time goes on. We are shooting for an every other day dose to keep the toxicity down. She is also taking an antibiotic for her bladder infection. There were signs of e-coli in the test results. I guess that is common in bladder infections. Now that’s new to me. It was a long four days. Not fun at all. From the moment we arrived at the emergency room, Mel wanted to “just go home.” Being poked and checked, well you know the drill. We were in emergency for only about 4 hours before we were admitted. We got to her room and, if you guessed more checking her, you’re right. The nurses the on-call doctor and who ever else wanted to see got to see. We finally settled down for a little rest around 6am Thursday. Melody in the hospital bed, Mommy in the chair that thankfully turns in to a bed and Daddy with two chairs one for the butt and on for the feet. To say the least, we didn’t sleep much the first night, MAYBE a couple of hours for Mom and a big fat ZERO me. As you can tell from he past posts Mel really missed home and DID NOT WANT to be there. Melody is feeling a lot better than we left on Wednesday night. Her spirits are high and she has had many good moments since we got home early today. The dogs came out to visit us in the garage as we were pulling in and Bammom and Devin raced home to meet us here. After we settled in for a little bit, Mel wanted the cousins to come over for a visit. So the girls came over for a little playing time. I didn’t think they would stay very long because Mel’s moods come and go. Boy was I wrong! They were here all afternoon and left at about 8 o’clock. Playing cards, coloring, and even doing some scrap booking, trying to copy that little Cheyenne I think ;-). I bought here a little camera that spits out tiny Polaroid pictures so Melody and the girls went crazy with the thing. Boy did they have a good time, I heard them giggling and laughing and screaming while I was in the shower. What a time they had. So far tonight, her mood has stayed in check. She and Mommy are sitting at the table scrap booking. Well I’m sure I missed some things, but we are tired and ready to be in our own beds. Now if we could just convince Mel to go to bed will be in good shape. Thank you for all the prayers. We couldn’t have gotten through all this with out them. I was asking God several times to “give me some more” every time I was feeling sorry for myself or worrying for Mel. And of course he did! Thank you for all the guest book entries they are all so great. If this should ever happen again, I have a plan to update more often, I’ll tell you about it later. I am now so far behind on returning emails that I don’t think I’ll ever catch up, but I’ll do my best. Thank you again for everything. I haven’t had a chance to check all the other kids’ web sites, but please pray for them all everyday, always. There’s no place like home! God Bless you all! Melody’s Daddy Rob
P.S. – I just wanted to thank Deb, Melody’s nurse during the day. Everyone there was really great but, Deb was wonderful she went above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you Deb, you made our stay just a little bit tolerable.
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Today wasn’t so great. The damn steroids are really kicking in and the mood swings are definitely back. This afternoon Melody’s left eye has turned in and she is complaining about headaches. All not good things! So we called the doctor and we are now up to 1mg of Decadron three times a day. A necessary evil I guess. The only good thing about them if there is one, is her appetite is back and in full swing. I am praying that the steroids really kick in good and put this swelling in check. Not much to say about the day. We didn’t get a whole lot of sleep last night. More like broken sleep. Mel is restless trying to get to sleep and when she gets there, it doesn’t last real long. We did have a couple of good moments today with some giggles and laughing, but they were few and far between. I don’t really know what to say except to please pray and pray and pray. It’s all we have; it’s in God’s hands and has been for sometime. Please check the address you have for us. Some people have been putting 1399 for or house number and that is incorrect. The house numbers are 1339. The post office knows us by now and have been correcting it, but I’m sure that’s a pain in the butt for them. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody and our family. Thank you for all the prayers for all the other children. There are so many miracles needed out there for so many children. Don’t live for tomorrow, there’s no fun in it. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Today was better than yesterday but still had room for improvement. It was a long night, we were up at 1,2,3,6, and to stay up at abut 8:30. Mel woke up today in a good mood. We lounged around for awhile and then all took showers. Mel hadn’t had a shower since before going into the hospital. She doesn’t get dirty or anything. But you know how good a shower can feel after a few days without one. A MILLION BUCKS as we tell Mel. She always feels better after a nice long hot shower, it’s just the task of getting upstairs in her “stroller”, taking the doors off and putting a chair in there for her to sit in. That’s the parts she doesn’t like. But, when all is said and done, I’m sure she really does feel like a million bucks. We did go out today to target to spend a $50 gift card Mel got in the mail. Then we went to Subway for a plain turkey sandwich. Now your plain and her plain are probably two different things. Melody’s is bread, turkey and nothing else. We had to rush home from both trips to go to the potty. With this bladder infection she has to “GO” a lot. After a little rest, we went off to the Healing Rooms for a great prayer session. I feel so good after leaving there. Isn’t God great! After rushing home to go potty again, Mel’s mood changed quickly. After being in a relatively good mood all day, it went to the “witchy” side as Mommy calls it. Skye came over to play, but didn’t stay long, as Mel’s mood dictates company. I’m sure with all the running around today it finally caught up to her. And of course these steroids are a killer to the mood. We are looking forward to an even a better day tomorrow. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody, our family and all the other sick kids in this world. The ones we know and the ones we have yet to meet. Thank you for all the guest book entries and thank you for letting us share our lives with you. There have been a lot of visits to Mel’s page lately and few guest book entries in comparison. Please leave us a little something every now and then. I know it’s hard to find words sometimes but anything will do. Please, please just something, anything. It’s nice to put names with all the visits. A stranger is a friend you haven’t met yet. God Bless you all in great ways! Melody’s Daddy Rob P.S.- Meet Devin Ross. He is fighting Non-Hodgkins T- cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma Stage III. This young man is quite the fighter and an inspiration. We all have something to learn from him.
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Happy birthday Uncle Bill! Today was a great day! Best one since the day before Melody got sick last week. It was, however, another up and down night, and none of us got enough sleep. ARGGGGH! Mel woke up (for good) this morning in a great mood and it has lasted for the entire day. There was one little cry when Mommy was going to go to KFC for Mel’s lunch and to get out of the house by herself. Bammom finally went so Mommy could stay here. Thank you Bammom! Mel, Mommy and Bammom played some games and did some coloring today while I did some housework. Yes that’s right, housework. I vacuumed and then shampooed the carpets in the front room and the hallway. Oh yeah, and I vacuumed the stairs. I plan on doing the family room tonight after Mel hits the hay. Curt came over for dinner and got sucked into a game of Life with Mel and Mommy. Can you guess who won? Well if you guessed Mel, you’re right. Something like $2 million for Mel and the runner up was Mom with like $1.5 Million. Curt got a lesson in the game of life. The girls came over and played, laughed and were silly with Melody. All three girls had a great time tonight. Melody, Mommy and I finally worked on few thank you notes today. A few down and about 1000 more to go! Mel had many silly moments today and tonight. She even played the air guitar tonight. It was really a good day today. I can only pray that we have many, many more of these in the future. It wasn’t a very eventful today but, after all, we’ve had enough eventful days to last us awhile. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody, our family and of course all the other kids. THANK YOU for all the guest book entries. Please keep them coming. They are all so great. Good Night and God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Today was a pretty good day. Melody got up at 8am and worked on crafts with Bammom and Daddy while Mommy got some more sleep. I think we were up every hour last night. Today, Mel wanted to go to the Hemet Mall and spend a little of her medicine money. She bought Hungry Hungry Hippos and a Barbie at KB Toys and a necklace and sleep mask at Claire’s. We also went to Payless and bought Melody two pairs of shoes. Since being in the hospital, her feet have looked wonderful. They were so swollen before that they have stretch marks on them. They are almost normal now. On our way out of the mall we stopped and picked up a plain turkey sandwich from Subway. While at Payless, a lady asked me if Melody had just gotten out of the hospital. I said yes, she got out on Sunday. It took me a minute to figure out how someone would know she had been in the hospital. I thought it could have been because Mel still has marks from the IV tape. No, it’s because everybody knows Melody. She’s famous! I hope I didn’t seem rude to the person asking, I really was puzzled. Tonight, the cousins came over and played the Hippo game and then Polly Pockets. They all had a good time. Melody got really tired and asked to go to bed at 9:30 tonight. About 10 minutes later she said she couldn’t sleep and wanted to get back up. I thought she wouldn’t last long but it’s almost midnight now and she’s just now showing signs of sleepiness. We watched ER (she has always liked that show) and she was a chatterbox the whole time. Please pray for Melody’s tumor to continue shrinking. Please don’t ever stop praying, God is hearing us. Please pray for a cure as well. Thank you for all of the guestbook entries. They really do a lot of good for us.
Debbie Melody’s Mommy
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Today was a so-so day for Melody. She woke up at 7am STARVING and in a good mood. Daddy drove Bammom home to San Diego and went in to work to visit and drop off some thank-you cards, so it was just us girls for a few hours. We started to work on homework at 10:30 but didn’t get very far when Melody was ready for lunch. It had been a couple of hours since she had eaten and the steroids make her feel like she is hungry all of the time. We took a break and had some chicken and macaroni and cheese. After eating a drumstick and a regular size serving of macaroni, Mel was too full. She got really sick to her stomach. She relaxed in her recliner and when asked if she wanted to take a nap, surprisingly, she said yes. We both took a rest for about ½ hour and then she couldn’t sleep anymore. The steroid also causes sleeplessness. This afternoon Skye and Alli came over to play. The girls made Halloween door hangers out of foam cutouts and had a good time. We took a walk around the block and visited with Renae and Rags (a dog). Even though it was 6pm, Melody needed to bring her parasol just in case it got sunny out while we were walking. When we got back, we had dinner. Melody didn’t seem to eat a large amount of food, but again, she was over full and had a belly ache. She relaxed in the recliner and the cousins went home. I think her stomach is shrunken from not eating well this past month. The steroid’s side effects have kicked in and she wants to eat eat eat. At 9pm, Melody was getting tired. I gave her the bedtime medicines and within 15 minutes she was wide awake again. She was silly too. She called me over to her to tell me a secret. The secret was “you’re a stinky face!” She stayed up until 11:30 doing crafts. Because of the same thing happening last night after medicine, I think the steroid is what is waking her back up. One good thing though, after staying up last night after taking medicine, she slept sound last night. Instead of getting up every hour, we were up twice to go potty. We all rested better last night. Please pray for Melody’s complete recovery from this nasty disease. Thank you all for your love, kindness and support. We appreciate each and every one of you. Goodnight and God bless you all! Debbie Melody’s Mommy
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Today was not the best day, but better than yesterday. We slept in until 9am, which was great, but we were up every hour again last night. Melody watched a lot of TV today. She watched Clifford’s Big Movie and some other TV shows. I don’t think she really wanted to watch as much as she did but didn’t feel very good and need to relax in her recliner. She officially has a cold. Mel also spent about 3 hours sorting change and putting it into wrappers with me. We have saved our loose change for a long time and the wonderful people at SDCS Maintenance and Ops have been saving change in “Melody’s piggybanks” set up all over the building. Grammy found coin wrappers today when she went out to the pharmacy for us. Melody really had a good time listening to music and putting the change I counted into wrappers. We are not done yet, and so far have wrapped almost $200 in change! She wanted to do some more tonight but got sleepy before I could sit down and do it with her. Tonight, she worked on a craft with Daddy while Devin and I went out to the store for a few things. She had a big cry before I left. She wants me to be right next to her all the time. She settled down and had a good time with Daddy. Daddy had spent most of the day in bed because not only does he have a nasty cold, he now has the stomach flu. Most of the day was just Melody and me. Grammy was here, but I sent her off on errands before she had to go home and Devin played computer games all morning and part of the afternoon. Bammom and Poppa got here at 9pm. Melody was tired and getting kind of cranky. She took a little rest in her recliner and got a big smile when Pop gave her Scooby Doo graham crackers shaped like milk bones. She is getting a kick out of eating Scooby snacks! Please pray for many, many happy days for Melody. Also, our Caringbridge friend Ray-Anne is having a lot of problems and is not doing very good. Please pray for her as well. Thank you all for being there for our family.
Goodnight and God Bless!
Debbie Melody’s Momm | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Melody had a GREAT day today! This morning she played games with Bammom and Poppa. At 11:30, the 3 of them went shopping at Michael’s. Melody bought some stickers and a scrapbooking how-to book. After Michael’s they went and picked up lunch from Subway. After eating lunch, she wanted to roll some more coins. We worked on that until Mrs. Friend came over for school. Since being on the steroids again, Mel has been very negative about her schoolwork. Today, I listened in on their work and she did great! She had agreed to start her homework tonight so we didn’t have to do it all tomorrow, but it got too late before we got a chance. This afternoon, Alli and Skye came over to play. They played card games and listened to CDs. They were all singing, laughing and having a great time. Melody was even dancing around in her seat as they played cards. Tonight after dinner, Melody and I finished a craft she had started with Daddy yesterday. It’s 10pm and with no nap, she is just now starting to get tired. Thank you for all of your prayers. Yesterday I asked you to pray for happy days, and this day was wonderful!
Goodnight and God Bless Debbie Melody’s Mommy
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It was another good day minus a few moments. The steroids are adjusting I guess. Kind of like she is getting used to them or something. But they are definitely in full swing. Boy oh boy can she eat some pork chops. We didn’t have such a great night last night. We were up every hour again to go potty. Yesterday Mel ate a lot of chicken noodle soup and we are hoping that had something to do with it. Not much chicken noodle soup today, only one bowl. J. We got up around 8:30 or so. Bammom has been getting up with Devin in the mornings and getting him off to school, thank you so, so, much Bammom. Mel had some breakfast, watched a little TV and had some breakfast and watched a little TV. No I didn’t repeat myself, I’m telling you this girl on steroids can eat. Mel and Mommy did some craft stuff after all the breakfast. They made a ladybug thermometer. I built a bird house. After that we all took showers. Mommy and Mel worked on some homework and then Mrs. Friend came over for school. Devin and I built a Lego replica of the International Space station for a school project. After school, Mommy, Bammom and Mel all went grocery shopping. I went for a prescription and a few other things, and Poppa stayed with Devin. We had a little dinner and the cousins came over to play for a bit. After the girls went home, Mel and I painted the bird house. In order to speed up the drying process I grabbed the blow dryer and went to work. She wanted to do two sides before bedtime so WALA blow dryer magic. J Mel and Mommy did some homework tonight to get a little ahead of the game for tomorrow so we have more time for fun. Mel is getting sleepy now and we are hoping she will sleep very well tonight. We got so busy today we forgot what day it was. Tuesday, right? Healing room day ARRGGG! We missed it, I hate when we do that. It means so much to Deb and I that we go and makes for a long week when we don’t make it. Mel had many, many silly moments today. It was really great to see her being silly. I love it and I love being my kids Dad. If you have sent me email or have noticed the lack of visit and guest book entries from me, it’s because I haven’t being feeling well and this darn computer is giving me such hard time. I’m sorry and as soon as I get it fixed I will return to my visits and returning messages. I just didn’t want anyone to think I was ignoring them. I’m not, I swear. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody, our family, all the other kids and their families. We couldn’t get through the days without them or you. God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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This was a pretty good day for Melody. We woke up at about 8:30 and pretty much lounged around the house all morning. Around noon, we took a trip to Target to return some shoes we bought for Melody that were too small. We were almost to Target and realized we had forgotten the shoes. Not a big deal, we’ll take them back next time. We went in and bought a bunch of stickers for Melody’s thank-you notes. After we left the store and were in the car, Melody started crying hard. When we asked her what was wrong, she kept saying she didn’t know. She calmed down quickly and we went to check her post office box. By the time we checked it and got home she was in a happy mood again. Steroid mood swings. When we got home, Melody and I worked on the rest of her homework. There wasn’t much left to do because we had done a bunch last night. We used the time we had left before Mrs. Friend came to bead some of Mel’s hair. She chose all heart beads. Alli came over this evening. The girls colored, painted a little and watched Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed. For the most part, Melody was happy. She started to get kind of grumpy towards the end of the movie. She said she was bored but didn’t want to do anything. She did sew a little heart with yarn but when she was done, she didn’t want to do anymore. After Alli left, we worked on a sticker book Melody has. It’s Disney Princesses, and the stickers are scenes from their movies. She enjoyed doing that for a while and is now relaxing in her recliner. Please pray for Melody’s miracle. Please pray for that nasty, nasty tumor to completely die off. Please remember all of our Caringbridge friends as well. Goodnight and God Bless Debbie Melody’s Mommy
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Today was a pretty good day for Mel, but a really long night last night, up and down all night. It sure makes for some long days, though and I have to say if there is anything good out of the nights, that’s it (We like long days around here, for the most part.) I ran out to do some errands about mid morning. Mommy, Bammom and Mel did some stickers booking, played some games, watched a little TV, and just had some quality time together. After I got home, Mommy ran out to pick up a few items and the store and Mel and I just kind of hung out together. When Mommy got back we all loaded up to go to the kid’s last elementary school for their Fall Festival. We had a great time, playing games and, of course, eatingJ. When we got back, Melody and Allison played a little and did some crafts until Mel had a meltdown about not getting chicken noodle soup before bed time. We told her it would keep her up all night going potty and none of us need that. It’s so hard to tell her no. We hardly ever tell her that and it really sucked! It’s late and we are exhausted and ready for bed, so I’m going to cut it short. We are still having computer problems and it’s a real pain in the butt just to do the update. Please bear with us while we work through this technology problem and forgive me for not replying to your emails and not visiting your Caringbridge pages. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody and all of our Caringbridge friends. I wish there were words to tell you how much you all mean to us. God Bless you all in GREAT ways! Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Well it’s been a pretty good day for the most part. Mel had a few moments today but it was mostly good stuff all day. We got up about our regular time. Mel had breakfast, and then had lunch, and then had lunch again all in the span of about 4hrs or so. I can’t imagine not getting a belly ache after all that. Mel mostly watched TV today and one little craft with Mommy in the afternoon. While Mommy was at the parent teacher conference I tried to get Mel to do some stuff with me but she just wasn’t interested. After Mommy got home her and Mel did the craft and then worked on some of her homework. We had a little dinner and just kind of hung around the house. Bammom, Mel, Devin, Allison, Skye and K.C went to see Shark Tails. I guess it went pretty good. My mom said Mel ate during the entire movie but never once need to go potty. When they got home, right to the potty and she wanted chicken. So Mel pretty much ate all day I guess that sums up the day for her. We really hate these steroids and yes I mean hate. Well I am going to take Devin for a day of ATVing in the desert tomorrow so there maybe no update. So don’t worry if you do not see one for tomorrow. Devin really needs some well Devin time. We were supposed to go a couple of weeks ago but our trip to the emergency stopped that. So off we will go with a couple of friends for a little fast fun. It’s a little closer to home this time and I like close to home. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody, our family and all our caringbridge friends. We are off to Disney World in just a few weeks Nov. 7th we depart. Pray there are no more weather interruptions and for good weather when we get there. Good night and God Bless you. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Melody had pretty good days yesterday and today. Yesterday in the morning, Megan came over and played Life with Mel and Mommy. Megan won with over 3 million dollars! I didn’t even count my money. I knew both girls had me beat by a landslide. We all had a good time. Shortly afterward, the Devin and Dad went to join some neighbors in the desert for the night. We gals went shopping! Melody, Bammom and I went to Wal-Mart and Mel chose 4 different materials for Bammom to make some new dresses out of. While we were waiting for the material to be cut, Melody picked out a couple of wooden shapes and some heart-shaped paper mache boxes for herself and the cousins to paint and decorate. The cousins came over later and the girls worked on the Wal-Mart stuff and colored fuzzy posters. They all had fun. Melody was looking kind of tired when the girls went home, but got her second wind. Together we worked on thank-you cards and watched ER. She loves ER, even now. Today, we didn’t do very much. It was raining and wet outside, so we just hung around the house today. One of the cousins is sick, so just to be safe, we didn’t have the other one over. Today we went through some of her MACS packages, baked some cookies, put another coat of paint on her wooden shapes from last night, made a journal from a craft kit, made charms for a bracelet and sewed a flower and butterfly from a kid’s sewing craft kit. Melody even helped make homemade pizzas for dinner. Right now, Mel is relaxing in her recliner for the first time today, watching Scooby Doo. She is pretty tired so I better get her off to bed before she gets a second wind! Thank you for all of your prayers. Please continue to pray for happy days and tumor shrinkage. Goodnight and God Bless! Debbie Melody’s Mommy
Hello Everyone. It’s Rob. Just wanted to say hello and that Devin had a great time riding. I saw that Deb mentioned the rain in her update. Well for those of you who do not live in So. Ca. We haven’t had rain in 182 days up until last night. Deb said it rained all night and there were showers on and off during the day. Well Just wanted to say thanks for everything and to please keep up the prayers. Please remember all our caringbridge friends as well. Goodnight and God Bless. Melody’s Daddy. Rob
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Today didn’t start out well but has ended pretty well. Mel woke up with a backache that lasted most of the morning and into the afternoon. I’m sure it’s the side effects from the steroids. We go to the clinic tomorrow so hopefully we will start the tapering of them. Our clinic visit is routine blood checks and what have you. It’s time to start the chemo round again. For lunch Mel wanted Mexican so of to get the burritos goes Bammom. Yes that’s right I said burritos, as in two of them. Hehehe these darn steroids sure make her hungry. She ate ½ of each. Luckily, Mel pretty much just eats the insides of the burrito and not the whole thing. A little after lunch Mel’s mood started to change for the better. She wanted to do a few little things at the table so she did some coloring, sticker stuff, homework and worked on a few more thank you notes. For dinner, Mel had a pork chop, corn and some chips and beans. We tried to limit her intake today so she didn’t stuff herself. We went with smaller portions about every 2hrs or so. It worked and she didn’t complain about it. We decided to start her homework tonight because we will not be home from the clinic until at least 2:30 tomorrow. Melody did all of it. She was eager to be done with it so we didn’t have any rushing tomorrow. Recently she has been negative about school, she seems to be getting back to liking it again. Well I do believe we got our computer problems fixed and I was able to check our email today. WOW do I have a lot of catching up to do. I can no visit all the other kids and leave messages for them in there guest books. I also have some information for you on how to check up on Mel when we are away from our house. If you haven’t found Mel’s caringbridge web page yet the address is http://www2.caringbridge.org/ca/melody/ I can update this page from any PC. So when we are away this is where you can find the updates. I do not update it as often as I would like so you may want to check back here first. I have been playing with the other page so it is in complete. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody, our family, and all the other kids. Thank you for all the cards and packages fro Melody and Devin. Please continue praying for our Miracle and for the strength for our family needs to get through this. At the end of this update there is a link I to something I want to share with you all check it out it’s awesome.
Thank you and God Bless Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Today was a good day. Melody got up at 8am after only getting up once during the night! She didn’t even want to get up yet, she had to for her clinic appointment. We headed towards San Diego at 9am for Mel’s appt. but after getting halfway there, we had to turn back. Cars were stopped for as far as we could see and we would have never made it anywhere near our appt time at 11. We rescheduled for Thursday. When we got home, we relaxed a little bit and had lunch. Melody and I decided because it was cool outside and raining, it would be a good day to bake. We made chocolate chip cookies and brownies. Both were from packages and Melody did everything except put them in the oven and take them out. Melody did her part well but I burned the cookies. We had fun. After Mrs. Friend left, Melody started her homework. No more last minute stuff for her. Tonight, before dinner, Mel played games with Daddy. After dinner, she did some extra math in one of her workbooks, played with makeup and did a little painting. I don’t think she had any cries today. She is still afraid she will hurt her back every time she moves around, but it has done pretty good all day. We don’t let her go over 4 hours without her medicine, just in case. We’ll, I’m excited to go to bed tonight because I may just get another night’s sleep like last night. Last night, although I didn’t sleep long enough, was the best night’s sleep since Melody entered the hospital 3 weeks ago. Melody is getting sleepy too. Thank you all for everything, especially the prayers for Melody’s healing. Goodnight and God Bless Debbie Melody’s Mommy
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Today started out ok, and turned out ok. It rained most of the day today and that made for a long day in the house. Deb had a really bad day. I not even sure what was wrong but this afternoon she was in tears. I guess not being able to control things not having a happy healthy little girl like we had only 7 months ago. It’s hard to see our little princess this way and you can’t help but think what the future COULD bring. We don’t have control over the situation and want so much for things to be what they were. I know it will never be the same, ever. We didn’t ask for this, we don’t want this but, like I told Deb, “We have to find a way to get through it, and we will get through it as a family.” I’m not looking for your sympathy, I’m just looking for your support. I’m not feeling sorry for myself because what good would that do. I do not wish this on anyone. There is no way most of you can even imagine how we feel. I know some of you know how it feels. I am sorry for that. I wish I could just make it all go away for all of us. But I can’t! I wish Deb would talk to someone, another parent preferably. I wish I could take away all her pain and make things better. I used to be able to do that. This however is so much bigger than me, bigger than you. I want our lives back but wait this is our lives now isn’t it! Don’t try to read in to this, it is what it is. Don’t call my folks and say “I’m worried about Rob and Deb.” It doesn’t do any good. There is nothing you can say or do that’s going to make us feel any different. I wish there is something you could do or say. But don’t waste your time trying to figure what to do. You need to spend that time with someone you love. Don’t ask “How are you doing?” You don’t want to know the truth it’s ugly and I hope you never know how we really feel. Life is so short. Call someone and tell them what they mean to you. Go to lunch with an old friend or your child that you haven’t spent time with recently or your spouse. When was the last time you did something with your entire family? Went to a movie, or took the kids to the park and pushed them in a swing or just watched them being kids. Please don’t miss out on this stuff. Ok now that I got that all out of my system, for now anyway. As I said it was a long rainy day for us hear in So. Ca. We didn’t do much. Mel did do some homework and did some coloring and worked on a few thank you notes. She watched a movie (lilo and stitch) and tried out a few new things she got in the mail. I took Deb out to dinner tonight. It was nice kind of quite, not a whole lot said just trying to Rob and Deb gets harder and harder as the days go by. I just wanted to get Deb out of the house. Away from all the sickness and depression that seems to be most of our days, even the good days have there bad moments. We are reminded every second how bad things are. It was nice to get away from it for the hour or so it was. Tonight was better than this afternoon. Kind of quite. Thanks to my mom for helping out the past few weeks. We love you mom! We couldn’t get through this with out all your help. Thanks Dad for lending her to us. I know things hard with out her but know we appreciate all the help and understanding. We are going to attempt the ride to San Diego again tomorrow. But the forecast is calling fro rain again. Its 80 miles or so to the clinic mostly freeway but that could take us 2 and half hours or better with the rain. We Southern Californians do not know how to drive in the rain. Especially when it’s been 182 days since we really had rain. But we are going to give it a go. Thank you so much for all the prayers for Melody and our family. I didn’t get to check on all the kids today but I know Kody is not doing very well. Please go buy his site and leave him and his family some words of encouragement. Thank you for all the prayers for all the other kids and there family’s. Thank you for all the cards and packages for Melody and Devin. They really make there days. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Update on Mel 10/21 ![]() Things are a little better than yesterday. Still not how we would like to see them though. It was a very uneventful day. It was cold here today. When I say cold, I mean not as warm as usual. Our cold is different than most. Anyway, it was another day inside. Mel didn’t do a whole lot today, some coloring and watching TV consumed most of the day. The cousins came over for a visit today and the girls did some fuzzy picture painting, and I heard Mel trying to be bossy. It was kind of cute. We didn’t go to the clinic. We got a late start and traffic looked horrible. No more rain today, just a cold breeze and some threatening clouds. We will try for the clinic next week. Deb’s day was a bit better. I got a giggle and some smiles out her by tickling her while she laid on the couch. She hates to be tickled but I on the other hand love to tickle her until she almost pees her pants. Hehehe. Short update tonight, not a whole lot to say, we didn’t do much. I checked on all the kids today a left them all messages in their guest books. Please continue to keep Kody in your prayers as he will be going in for brain surgery on Monday. And Matthew’s MRI showed some possible growth since some older scans. The Passarella’s may need to make some decisions about treatments for Matthew. I put up some cancer stats from the Candlelighters Foundation they are on the home page in case you missed it. They are sickening and these are only children, it does not include adults. We have to do something about all of this. We must play a part in this or it will never get any better. Thank you for all the guest book entries today. To the group called “Allies Angels” I think everyone of you came by today and left a message. Thank you so very, very much. Please continue leaving them. I saw Deb in here today several times today reading the messages. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody and our family and all the other kids and their families. Thank you for all the emails and words of encouragement. All the messages all the emails and all the cards keep us going day to day. Please continue to pray for our miracle and of course the many other miracles that are need in this little community that gets larger by the day. And for any child that is ill in this world, whether it is a little sniffle or the worst of the worst. Good Night and God Bless. Melody’s Daddy Rob | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
It was a better day but no outings again today. It’s starting to smell in here. J Deb’s day started out on the down side but turned around this afternoon. Mel watched TV today and worked on some crafts this evening with Skye. But she mostly kicked back in her recliner and watch cartoons and movies. At one point she made some sugar cookies with Deb and even got a little silly this evening. She did a lot of moving around today between the table and the recliner. She was also complaining about a belly ache most of the day. It could be from to much eating or this flu thing that’s making its way around. We did decide to knock down the steroids to two (2) mg a day today. Talk about nervous. I worked on Thank you notes more like post cards for Mel today. I’ll try and fit them in here so you can get a preview. I also made her some business cards for her to hand out to people who like to look a little to long. I have about 40 or 50 cards printed out so only about 950 or so to go. OUCH! Please continue to pray for Melody and our family as well as for all our caring bridge friends. Please pray for a Miracle for Melody and all the other kids. I just can’t imagine life with out her. Good Night and God Bless you all. Melody’s Daddy Rob Front of post card Back of post card
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Today was a pretty good day. We all slept in until 9:30 or so. I must say it was maybe the best night sleep we got in a long time. Even with all the waking up to go potty. We made it out to Target today and boy was it nice to get out of the house for more than a run to the post office or to get food. We all went, even Devin, now that’s a new one. Devin! Shopping!… Mark it on your calendar. Trying to get Devin to shop for anything is almost impossible. Mel got some more bubble gum and new shirts so Bammom can make some new dresses for our trip to Disney World. She also got some princess stickers for her princess sticker book, and a Lizzie Maguire movie. Devin got a new video game, just for being Devin. After Target we went to KFC for some take out. When we got home we all sat down for lunch and Mel watched her new movie. I even got to take a nap today. Deb got a little bit of snooze time on the couch also. About 6:00 the cousins came over and the girls did some bead stuff, listened to music and had some hot chocolate. Devin and I went to a friend’s house a few doors down to watch a movie about 9:00 and we are just getting back at 11:00. Deb said the girls just left for home. Wow they must have had quite a time. Deb did very well today or she kept it all in. She even had a few silly moments. Complements of…..that’s right, me. I try to keep it light around here. No sense in getting all worked up about what we can’t control, right? Thank you so much for all your support. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody, our family, and our caringbridge friends. Thank you for all the cards, and packages for Melody and Devin. Thank you for everything. You make are days just a little easier with all your guest book entries and emails. God will bless you all in great ways. Good Night And God Bless Melody’s Daddy Rob
Here is Mel's new business card, kind of cutie huh?
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Another good day in the Schleigh house. We got to sleep in again today. I was very happy. You see, I got to bed really late last night. Deb's mornings have seemed to start out bad but has the day goes on things get better for her. She said waking up brings things back to reality. We didn’t do a whole lot today but good anyway you look at it. Mel watched her Lizzie Maguire movie again today. She also made cookies and brownies for our neighbors Charlie and Georgeann. Charlie isn’t doing well, he went on hospice early last week and doesn’t have much time left. Melody made him a get well card and we had to explain to her that he won’t be getting better that he is going off to see Jesus in Heaven. She understood and made Georgann a card that says “you are in our thoughts and prayers.” Deb, Mel and I took the goodies and the cards and a couple of days ago she decorated a bird house for them that we also took over. It was good to Georgann, Charlie is not conscious, they have him on morphine and he is no longer eating and drinking. Please pray for them both. Charlie to not be in any pain, and Georgann to find peace in her heart and mind. Mel and Deb took a ride to the bank and to In-N-Out (thanks to Nurse Mary for the gift certificates) and to KFC. KFC is Mel’s favorite! I think she might start to grow feathers soon. That’s about all she eats is chicken from KFC. The ladies (cousins) came over to play and do crafty things this evening. They had a good time, they always do. We had a late lunch so we will probably just snack a little, ok a lot until bed time. Mel and Deb are working on her sticker book and Devin is hanging around the table looking for trouble. And here I am letting you all know about our day. Please remember to say a prayer or two for Charlie and Georgeann tonight. Thank you for visiting our little part of web. Remember to visit all our Caringbridge friends. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody, our family, and all the kids. If not for you I do not know how we would get through the days. Good night and God Bless Melody’s Daddy Rob
Please say an extra prayer or two for all these kids. Cheyenne – Not doing so well and showing signs that her treatments are not working. Rayanne – Fighting the side affects of radiation. Kody – As he prepares for surgery tomorrow. Conner – Who is fighting for his life everyday. Devin Ross – Who is dealing with all his treatments and the ups and down of steroids. Julianna Banana – Her blood counts aren’t so good. Matthew – His family trying to make plans for treatments just in case they are needed.
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Well it was a pretty good day today. Not a whole lot to tell but a whole lot to ask. We got up early today than the last few days. Mel went right to the eating. I’m telling this girl can really eat. You want a good stock tip? KFC! We go every day, sometimes twice a day for this girl. WOW! What a chicken and macaroni eater! Mel did some more sticker booking today and she made some bead necklaces for Darrel and Sochi at the clinic. We watched some TV and Mrs. Friend came over for school. Skye came over this evening to play and do some beading with Mel. After her shower, Melody tried on her costume for the Halloween party thing tomorrow at the clinic, and had a little snack. She is in bed right now resting up for an early rise tomorrow for our trip to San Diego. Mel got a butt load of mail today. She looks forward so much to her mail everyday. Thanks for all of it for her and Devin. Mel was just happy all day today. Between looking forward to tomorrow and her Make a Wish trip that is just around the corner. Deb did pretty well today, she is starting to stress about the Orlando trip. She is so worried about it all. What if we forget something, do we have enough meds, is there going to be a chair in the shower. A little later in the day she was starting to settle down a bit and saying she knows Mel will have good time. CHEYENNE! She is not doing well tonight and needs all the prayers she can get. They have run out of options and are now retrying the first chemo she was ever on. Temador, the same as Mel. Please, please pray for her! We, as have others, have become very attached to this family and worry about them like they have been in our lives forever. There is a little guy named Troy Paulmeno. I want so much to give you a link to his site but have yet to hear back from his parents for permission. He also has a Diffuse Pontine Glioma, and he is showing symptoms of tumor growth. He was DX on 12/6/03. Please pray for him tonight. Kody’s surgery went well and they were able to remove some of the tumor. There is some concern about his short term memory and his right eye. Keep all the prayers coming for this guy. He’s fighting up a storm. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody, and our family, and of course, the rest of these kids and their families. Please do not forget the kids I failed to mention tonight. They are all in need of prayers everyday. Please say a prayer for us for a safe ride to San Diego and back. It’s going to rain tomorrow so it’s going to make for a long ride both ways. We will be gone all day and will be looking forward to coming home. Good night all you prayer warriors. God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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It was a fine day for us all. A little stressed out this morning trying to get the door on time but it all worked out just great. The clinic appt. went well except for the LONGGGGGG wait. Mel’s blood counts are good and we will start chemo tomorrow night We hung out at Bammom and Poppa’s during the day. And hit the Halloween carnival at Children’s tonight. Both the kids had a grand time. They played all the games several times and the prizes were like gold to them. It is very late and it has been a long day. So a short update for tonight. Sorry. I do have some great pictures of the kids from tonight and will get them up ASAP. Cheyenne is doing worse tonight. Please, please pray extra hard for her and her family. They are in need of a Miracle as all of us are. From my heart I ask you to do this for them. Kody is doing better from his surgery and is awake tonight. Thank you God! Please keep the prayers coming for this young man and his family. Thank you so much for all that you do for us. You help get us through each day. With out you we would be lost. Thank you for all the prayers fro Melody our family and all of our caringbridge friends. God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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It was a pretty good day today. Kind of boring if I do say so myself. It was another rainy day here in Southern California. And we didn’t do a whole lot. Mel did some coloring today and opened up her mail but mostly we just kind of hung around the house and watched movies and watched cartoons. Just sitting buy the fire, keeping warm and drinking hot chocolate Mrs. Friend came over about 4 O’clock for some school work. After that we all went to the new SUPER WAL-MART! Wow what a store! And as with everything that’s new in this town EVERYONE was there. Mel was in AW this place was unbelievable. (Sorry Aunt sissy) Well now we are home in the warm dry house. Mel and Deb are doing some homework. We are all going to relax a little before Mel takes her Chemo. And off to bed fro another night’s sleep. Remember with God all things are possible. We will not give up on this fight for my little princess most precious life. Nor will we give up on any of these other children our there family. Please remember Cheyenne in your prayers tonight, she is still one sick little lady. And we are very worried about her. Kody is doing better today and talking up a storm, when he’s awake. He is one tuff little kid. Meet Cameron Brooks, I am going to put a link on up because his Aunt already put on e in the guest book. Same DX as Mel. His family’s life has changed forever in late Sept. Toni, all we can offer right now is prayers. And there will be a whole lot of them. I cant help but wonder again, why this has to happen to so many kids it kills me inside to see that there is another one. We have got to do something about this, it is unacceptable! Well good night all you wonderful people thanks for stopping buy our little part of the world. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody, our family, and all the others kids. God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob I removed the Cancer Facts from the front page but here they are for your reference.
Facts about childhood cancer, from the Candlelighters Foundation: Today another 35 children will have been diagnosed with some type of cancer. Seven (7) families will begin the grieving process for the death of there child from a pediatric malignancy. This translates to about 12,500 children per year and about 2300 deaths per year. There is an estimated 20,000 children being treated for some type of cancer. In the US about 1 in 300 children will develop cancer before the age of 19. Cancer is the second leading cause of death of children and the major medical cause. In the United States, more children die from cancer than from asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, congenital anomalies, and AIDS combined. Although cure rates are steadily increasing, 35 percent of children will die.
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It was a good day here. We slept in a little bit and Mel only woke up a few times to, well you know, “go potty”. Mel did pretty much the same things today that she did yesterday. It was raining again this morning. I left the ladies to their own this afternoon while I ran some errands. Mel did a lot of coloring and workbook stuff today. It was pretty chilly for us here but Mel and Mommy did make it down to the SUPER WAL-MART today. They walked, no car. I thought that was great. Mel can shop like it’s the last day the store will be open, ever. Hehehe what a stinker! Mrs. Friend came over for school this afternoon and then Skye came over for a little girl time. The cousins played for a bit until Melody got tired. Uncle Brownie (long story, maybe I’ll get into it someday) took Skye and Allison to the SUPER WAL-MART so they could see how big it was. Now this is funny because my sister hates it and has vowed never to go there. HEHEHE! You should see it Sis, it HUGE! You don’t have to buy anything, just browse. Mel is kicking back in the recliner trying to get sleepy so we can all go to bed. They, Mel and Mommy, are watching ER. Devin and I are off to the desert this weekend. We are going to do some riding and then Sat. night the off-road coalition is going to throw a trick or treating thingy for the kids. It sounds like a lot of fun. And for the adults, a poker run. So if you are looking for updates for this weekend Fri. and Sat. night check out Mel’s caringbridge page. Here is the link. Deb can do the updates on that page a lot easier then this one. And we do not want you to miss a thing. No really! We love to share all of this with you. So little Miss. Cheyenne is not doing so well today. Her lungs filled with fluid overnight and she is now on oxygen. PLEASE, PLEASE keep her in your prayers. She is an inspiration for many, many kids Mel included, and adults. She can teach each one of us a thing or two about life. Please, as his web page puts it, LET US STORM HEAVEN WITH PRAYERS FOR CONNER. This young man is not doing very well and needs our help. Remember him in your prayers tonight. And Marni, what can I say. You are amazing! Marni has sent so many things to Mel. Now we are talking about getting something in the mail EVERYDAY. Whether it be a card, or a little gift, something everyday. Devin, Deb and I have all received gifts. Marni you are amazing. Did I already say that? Thank you so much. Melody even sings your name, Marni Marni Marni. This does not mean that we do not appreciate all the cards letters, and gifts form the rest of you. Each and everything that anyone of us gets in the mail is as special as the next one. It is so great to see everyone’s face light up when they get something, especially Mel. Mail time usually comes when we are trying to figure out something fun to do with Melody. Perfect timing! Thank you for all the prayers for Melody, our family, and all the other kids. I didn’t get a chance to check them all today so please remember each one tonight as you say your prayers. So many of us are in need of a miracle. Thank you for all that you do for us. You are all gifts to us from God. Good Night and God Bless You All Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Hello everyone. I know you already know about Cheyenne. What a special girl she IS and always will be. Cheyenne and her family touched so many people’s lives, maybe even yours. I know she is up in Heaven doing her karate and playing a great game of basketball. I am sure is cracking everyone up with that great sense of humor that we always heard about. This world will not be the same with out her but Heaven has become so much better today. May God bless the Fiveash family and help them to find peace in their hearts. Cheyenne will missed by so many, many people. She was so special to so many. Devin and I had a great time in the desert. The weather was great and company was even better. Mel was a goofball all day. She was so excited about trick or treating today I don’t think anything could have ruined her day. Melody was a witch with green hair and some funky green and black striped stockings and Devin was a skeleton with a bleeding chest thingy, yuck. We went to the small and did a community trick or treat. That is not a typo, I said the small. You see, our Mall is so SMALL that we call it the small. After that, we went over to Aunt Sissy and Uncle Brownie’s for hot dogs, chili, and nachos. Mel didn’t eat any of that. Can you guess what she had? RIGHT! KFC! Hehehe what a stinker. I’m telling you, buy stock in KFC, Mel is carrying the whole chain right now. Well, after dinner we did our trip around the block with all the cousins and the neighbor kids. What a great time we had. Mel thought that anything that was supposed to scary was hilarious to her, she giggled and giggled so many times I thought she was going to pee her pants. We are at home now, relaxing from our outings today. Enjoying all the loot the kids scored today. I don’t know about the rest of the family, but I am so looking forward to bedtime. Please remember to keep Cheyenne and her family in your prayers. Please remember Connor also. He is not doing very well and is great need of all the prayers. Also Kody he is still recovering from brain surgery. Thank you so much for everything you all do for us. Thank for all the prayers for Melody and our family. Please continue to ask for a Miracle that we so desperately need. Thank you for all the prayers for all the other children. Please, please do not stop praying, please, I beg you. Good Night and God bless each of you Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Melody had a great day today. Last night was the last chemo night for the month and she woke up starving. We didn’t do a whole lot today. This morning was spent eating, checking out and eating some Halloween candy, and watching TV. Around 1pm, Melody took her shower. She was a being silly girl in the shower. She held the sprayer and said she was never getting out. After she had her shower and got dressed and hair combed, we went to Blockbuster. She picked out 5 movies but put 2 back after she learned she only had 3 days to watch them. When we got home, she had a little lunch before Mrs. Friend came over. After school, Alli came over and they did some homework together. Then they watched Rugrats Gone Wild, one of the movies she rented. Tonight, Melody became a 7 year old voter. Not only that but she got to vote TWICE! She filled out our absentee ballots with what we told her to mark. She really got a kick out it. Mel’s keeping the top stubs of the ballots that say “I voted, did you?” as a souvenir. Melody seems to have a little bit of a lower intestinal thing going on today. Devin and I already had it and Poppa’s got it now. No worries though, unlike the last one that went through our house, she is eating and drinking so there’s really no chance of dehydration this time. ‘Tis the season. Luckily, Melody was able to get a flu shot, so when that bug gets here she’ll be safe. Please pray for Melody’s miracle. Please pray for Cheyenne’s family, as they try to adjust to life without her. Please remember Connor and his family tonight he has joined Cheyenne in our heavenly fathers house. He fought with all his might. Goodnight and God Bless Debbie Melody’s Mommy
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This has been a horrible week for several children and their families. Tonight Troy Paulmeno has won his battle and went to be with our Lord. Please go by is web page and He joins Connor and Cheyenne in Heaven to dance on the clouds. I have shed more tears this week than I have in quite a while. Why does this have to happen to these kids? I know I have asked before but I need, no, I WANT answers. Why is no one doing anything about this monster? How can we spend billions of dollars to send probes into space but not on a cure for this monster? How can we spend billions on stupid, ridiculous, crap for other counties who can’t take care of themselves when our children are dying? Everyday they are dying and no one seems to be doing anything about it. We have got to do something about this MONSTER that is stealing our children away from us. We can not let this continue! How can anyone not be angry about this? We still have this tummy thing going on in our house but it seems to be going away slowly. We just needed to stay close to home today. We didn’t do a lot. Deb ran out to the bank, store, and pharmacy and to drop off our absentee ballots today. But that’s about it. Mel was busy today doing some coloring and a making a few bracelets today. We watched The Prince and Me today. It was one of the movies Mel rented. She did some homework with Allison and Skye today and they just kind of hung around for awhile. Melody had several very silly moments today. Aunt Sissy, KC, and Sarah made dinner for us tonight and it was great. Pork Roast, mashed potatoes and gravy. Man O man was it good. Thank you ladies, it was delicious! Tonight we just kind of hung out. I have been watching the election results with Devin and Mel’s been busy watching cartoons and working on some soup among other things. We didn’t make to the Healing Rooms today. Deb and I are very disappointed, we really wanted to go before our Florida trip. It really gets us through the days and weeks when we go. You are all so great and we miss you when we do not make it over. I do not where we would be with out you. Thank you so much for being there for us. We have met so many great people at the Healing Rooms. They help us with our faith and teach us more about our savior Jesus Christ. Again, thank you so very, very much! I wish I had more to tell you all. Please continue to pray for Melody our family and the other kids and their families. We all need the strength of God to make it through these troubled times in our lives. And we need you too. We need your prayers and positive thoughts. Please, PLEASE, pray for a cure for this monster that is tearing so many of us to pieces and taking our children from us. I am begging you to do whatever you can to help with this. May God Bless you all in great ways today and everyday. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Not much to say about today. Another day at home in the house. Deb and Devin did mange to make it out to the SUPER WAL-MART. Devin needed some new clothes, he has grown out of the ones he has. He is growing like a weed. Deb and Mel slept in today while I vacuumed the house and tidy bit, and mean a bit. :-) Mel had a good day minus some crying about not having any food she likes. She was a goof ball most of the day and very, very, silly at times. Giggling so badly I thought she would pee her pants. She did mange to get in some coloring and lots of TV, after daddy gave up the TV in morning. I was following the election stuff. Mrs. Friend came over for school and decided she would see us after our trip. She to is going on vacation. Skye cam over tonight for some play time the girls colored and just kind of hung out tighter. Later Aunt Sissy came over with Allison and I heard some really loud laughing coming form the other room. Mel is watching some TV and having a little soup before bed time. Tonight there is a couple of must reads. Cheyenne’s services were today and Roy has posted the details. What a beautiful service it was just reading it brought tears to my eyes. Cheyenne you will be missed so many people. The Love for you in this world is truly amazing. And the other read is Savannah’s mom Lisa’s post. She really has a way with words and I love to read her posts. Deb started officially packing for our trip today. And she is starting to get excited. More to get away from the house I think. Neither of us are looking forward to the travel part. But just to be away from the house and maybe to forget things for awhile will be good for us. Good night and God Bless Melody’s Daddy Rob
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It was a full day in the Schleigh household today. The ladies woke up at 7am (Daddy got an extra hour). We got started kind of early with Mel taking a shower. After Mommy and I took our showers we headed off to the SUPER WAL-MART. We picked up a few items for Mel’s wish trip and a couple of gifts for a baby shower Melody, Bammom and Aunt Sissy are heading of to on Saturday. Mommy went of the Vons (had to get the stuff on sale) and Mel and I, HAD to play with some of the new stuff we got at the store. And we watched a little TV and we snacked. Hehehe what a good time we had. So after Mommy got back from the store, Mel and Mommy (mostly Mommy) took a little rest. After the rest Mommy got busy making Mel even more beautiful then she already is for the wish party. Mel got a pedicure and a manicure, hair done and she wore a new dress that Bammom made. WOW what an afternoon the ladies had. They really had a great time. At about 6:30 in the evening Ryan, Jennifer and Ethan came over. They were our first guests for the wish party. People slowly started to arrive around 7 and the gentlemen from Make a Wish arrived. They brought all kinds of stuff besides our plane tickets. They brought cake and ice cream, balloons, a stuffed animal, a blanket backpack, a diary, a special hat for wish kids, special stickers for Mel and the rest of us to wear at Disney World, an autograph book, and a camera. BOY! I think I got it all. What a time we had! There were about 30 people or so and it was great. We all laughed and played and laughed some more. It was great. Bammom and Devin are in bed and Grammy, Deb and Mel are in the family room relaxing from their busy, busy day. So you think we had fun today? See for yourself. I added the pictures from the wish party under Photo Album and then New Melody. I also added pictures from the Snow Cone Fundraiser, and Halloween. Ok, ok, it took me awhile but they are finally up for all to see. I am not sure if we will have access to a PC while we are in Orlando so if you do not see an update, do not worry. I will update on Sat. the 13th when we get back. But if I can update, check on the Caringbridge page, that’s where I’ll be doing the updates. I’ll try and find a way to let you all know. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody, our family, all the other kids and their families. Please remember all the families of all the new angels, Cheyenne, Connor, and Troy. Please continue to pray for a cure to the horrible, horrible monster that affects so many of us. Also, please pray for a cure for every other childhood illness that affects so many, many, more. Good Night and God Bless Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Well Mel is watching Shrek 2 for the 3rd time today. I have personally seen it twice. What a great movie, and there are plenty of extras also. Melody knows darn near every word to every song of that movie. It was a very unproductive day today. For Mel and I anyway. Deb was in and out a lot today, getting ready for the big trip. Mel’s back has been really bugging her today so she spent most of her day in the recliner. She watched…well Shrek 2, and lots and lots of TV. She just kind of relaxed today I guess you could say. I think maybe she is getting a little anxious about the Orlando trip. We keep reassuring her what a great time we will have and that everything will work out. Allison came over right after school today and Skye came over a little later. They played and played quite a bit this afternoon. They played Connect Four and some other card games. Now they are watching THAT MOVIE AGAIN! We have a very, very busy day ahead of us tomorrow. With all the packing and what have you. I am hoping everyone gets up early so that everyone will be to bed early. Our flight leaves at 8:45am on Sunday and you know how early they want you there now so we need to leave here around 6ish OUCH! We have a 2 and a half hour layover in Nashville on Sunday. That will be kind of nice since it’s a total of 6hrs in the air. It will break it up and we can do lunch. We will arrive in Orlando at 7:20pm, man O man talk about a long day. Deb and I are kind of looking forward to it all. Thank you, for all the guest book entries, all the prayers for Melody and our family. Thank you for all the prayers for all the other kids and their families. You let us vent about all the bad days and share with you the good ones, you are all truly angels sent to us by God himself. OH I almost forgot to thank Celeste for the Lance Armstrong, LIVESTRONG bracelets. She sent one to each of us. Celeste, they are great I will not take mine off for the whole trip and maybe even longer. I will try and get a link up for them before we go. They are only a dollar so no excuses, you should all get one. Well good night and thank you all once again. God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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It’s been a busy day here. Packing up for THE BIG TRIP! I helped keep Mel busy all day and got my but kicked SEVERAL times at Connect Four today. She is ruthless when it comes to games. We did some homework, watched some TV and we colored together. It was all so wonderful and I had such a great time. That pretty much sums up mine and Mel’s day. Deb was pretty much packing up most of the day. Trying not to forget anything. Devin did a bunch of homework so he doesn’t need to worry about it so much while we are gone. So not very busy but very productive today. The kids are going to bed in a little bit. We need to be at the airport by 6:15am. I am going to get up around 4:00 and load up the cars and do my morning routine and then I’ll get everyone up later. We need to leave the house by 5:30 or so. So keep your eyes on Mel’s other page (I’ll put up a link up like last time). Hopefully I’ll be able to find a PC to let you all know HOW MUCH FUN WE ARE HAVING! Hehehe I like that caps stuff. Thank you so much for all the guestbook entries. They are all so great. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody, our family, all the kids, and their families. Please continue to pray for a cure for this nasty tumor that affects so few children but so many, many people. God Night and God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
P.S. The link for the LIVESTRONG bracelets is here.
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The flight was good; we got to the airport at 6:30am.
WOW! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update on Mel 11/08 ![]()
We spent the morning at Give kids the world today. Just
checking out the sights and making a plan for the week. Rob went to the
orientation and was given some great ideas. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update on Mel 11/09 ![]()
Up early today and ate at the gingerbread house. Then we
headed back to the Villa to packed for the Magic Kingdom. What a day!
Although speaking like a California resident who had season passes to
Disneyland, Don’t go to the Magic Kingdom, it is the same as
Disneyland…almost identical. However we had a great day. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update on Mel 11/10 ![]()
We have been going non-stop since 8am. We ate breakfast
at Give Kids the World and headed off to the Island of adventure. It was a
fun filled day. We were able to get some more autographs of characters like
almost all the X-men, captain America Seuss characters, Grinch, Cat in the
Hat and a few more I didn’t know the names of. We rode a few rides today.
Mel didn’t ride ones that were rough. She rode the visually appealing ones,
no motions, like Shrek 4D and jimmy neutrons ride. She also shopped till she
dropped again today. She spent more money today then at Disneyland. We had
lunch at whimpies in Universal studios. Rob told Deb to tell the cashier she
would pay Tuesday for the hamburgers today but she wouldn’t. After lunch
there was a huge ugly cloud and it gave us a rain storm, 10 mins long but
big drops. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update on Mel 11/11 ![]()
Another long day, not as tired though we slept in. Ate
breakfast at the Gingerbread house. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update on Mel 11/12 ![]()
We are ready to come home…
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Update on Mel 11/13 ![]()
We are home and very, very, tired. I will Update in the
morning. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Well where do I start? Thank you to Make A Wish for making it all happen. Thank you to Give Kids The World, you really do what your name says. Thank you to everyone for checking up on us while we were gone. Thank you to everyone who left us messages in the Guestbook. Thank you again to Aunt Sissy for doing the updates for us. And thank you to my Mom, Sarah, KC, Allison, and Skye, and who ever else helped take care of and clean the house while we were gone. I just want to say it looks like the Disney World Tornado came through right now. There is stuff everywhere. I can’t say enough about our trip. It was truly magical. To start Give Kids the World is the most wonderful, magical, place in the world. There are no words to describe this place. From the landscaping, the meals, the cottages, the buildings, and ALL of the wonderful people that work and volunteer SO hard to make it all happen, and to all the companies who give so much so it CAN happen. Thank you all so, so much for everything that you do. We will be back to give you some of our time. I am not really sure when but we will be there. If you give to charities may I recommend this one? All the parks were great! We were treated like royalty! No really! They were great. Anytime anyone saw that Mel was a wish child they always asked if we were having a good time and was there anything they could do to make it better. Most of our time spent in the parks was shopping. Mel can shop with the best of them. No! BETTER! Devin and I did get a chance to get in a few rides at couple of the parks and some shows at Universal with the ladies. Today was a day to relax and enjoy the company and share experience and photos with family and friends. Mel wanted to unpack all the goodies that she purchased while on our trip. And it was A LOT. We had a 4ft long by 2ft wide by 2ft deep suitcase that was exploding with stuff, and we overflowed into another suitcase about half full. You have no idea, it was nuts! Also, she had a ton of mail to go through today that came in this past week. She was so happy. We will be back to our regular lives of worrying and wondering what will come next. I will be returning to work sometime this week. My heart, soul, and mind will be here at home and I’m not really sure how I will get through the days. With the thought of coming home to see my princess and lots of prayers I will get through the days. I need to get back for the benefits. That’s the only reason. Ok, that and the paycheck of course. I lost it Wednesday night just thinking of returning and not being here where I belong. It is literally killing me inside knowing that I will not be here. I have over 300 hundred pictures that we took along the way on our trip. It will be awhile until I get them up but it will be in the next few days. I need to sort through them and pull out all the duplicates. But there are some really good photos. We have some of the GKTW, the parks, all the characters from all the parks, and my favorites, ones of Mel giggling and laughing up a storm. I can’t wait to share them with you. I thought so much of all the kids that were there before us. Some to return someday and some that cannot. I wish and pray, as great as it is, places like GKTW don’t have to exist. I am glad they are there for the children but I wish more that they were not needed. Thank you so much for all the prayers for Melody and our family. Thank you for all the prayers for all the other kids and their families. Please pray for all the families that are without there little ones tonight, and for the parents of all the newly diagnosed children. God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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First and foremost, THE PICTURES ARE UP! They are under the Photo Gallery or you can click on the link on the home page. There are almost 200, some are similar to others but I think I did get most of the duplicates out. Today was a day of playing with all the loot from the week long shopping tripJ. I spent most of the day printing out digital photos and making photo galleries for the web page. Mel and Mommy got in a few games of connect four. And we opened a whole lot of packages that Mel just had to play with. She was complaining about a belly ache a lot today and into tonight. Other than that she is doing well. We are down to 1mg of Decadron (steroid) every other day. We will try that for a couple of weeks to see how things go and then try ½ mg every other day. We will probably hold it there. I handed out a lot of Mel’s business cards while we were on our trip. If you are here visiting Mel by one of these cards please leave us a message in the guest book. Just a hello and where you were when you received the card. To Paul on the SW flight from Orlando to Nashville, I am sorry I didn’t get to a chance to say good-bye. I really enjoyed your company and the great conversation. Please drop us a note. And to everyone else, you really made our trip more special by taking the time to say hello and make my little princess feel a little more special. Well here it is 8:30 and everyone is in bed but little ol me. I do not think they are back to our time yet. Deb isn’t feeling so great since about Wed. night and tonight not good at all. She is getting or has a flu thingy going on. And on top of all that here emotions are running the gamut. Wonder what the future will bring. And I know that our minds always turn to the worst thoughts. I know exactly how she feels and what she is thinking and the pain that she feels in her heart. There is no way to make it all go away and it is such a horrible feeling. I hate it when she feels like that. But I hate it even more that I can’t make it all go away for her. That’s supposed to be what I do best, fix things. Devin is himself he was pretty good tonight a little loud for me, he gets wound up at night for some reason. He and I spent about an hour and a half putting together one of the Lego projects he picked out on our trip. You are all so great to us, I can’t say enough, thank you just doesn’t seem like it is enough and will never be. Thank you for al prayers for Melody, our family, all the other kids, and there families. Please pray for a cure to this horrible, horrible disease that affects so few but affects so many. Please continue to pray for a complete earthly healing for Melody and every other child that has any life threaten disease. Please remember all the parents that ore with out there little ones tonight. And for all the parents that are spending the first night with a newly diagnosed child tonight, wondering why them, how could this happen to them, and what will the do next. Good night all you Angles and God Bless Melody’s Daddy Rob
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It was a good day here. No major events. We just kind of hung around the house opened some more things form Mel’s wish trip, watched some TV, colored, and took a shower. Mrs. Friend came over today for school, and we went to the Healing Rooms. Deb is still not herself today but is feeling a little better. We always feel better after visiting the Healing Rooms. All the encouraging GB entries helped today as well. Mel woke up with a headache this morning. We are hoping it was from being hungry and not the lack of steroids. We’ll keep an extra close eye on her the next couple of weeks. Devin did really well on a math test to day; he got a “B”. That was his best so far this year. We are very proud of him. He has been getting up in the mornings and getting done what he needs to do without giving us any hassle and getting off to school. He’s growing up too fast! I think I will start another Lego project with him tomorrow, 800 plus pieces. I really enjoyed doing the last one with him. Mel worked on some homework tonight and sent off a little gift to Aunt Alice. It’s looking like another to bed early night for most of the house. NO biggie, we all could use the extra sleep. Mel got over 12hrs last night. Deb and Devin got close to 11hrs. I just need at least 6hrs and I’m good, but I got 8hrs last night. Ahhh….. nice and refreshed! I managed to get some of our stuff put away from the trip and did a little cleaning up around the house. Tomorrow I will mow and edge the front yard (It’s been a least a couple of weeks) after Deb goes grocery shopping. We are going to take Mel to the duck pond in Temecula sometime this week. She used to love going there with Jennifer. I am going to do as much with her and Devin this week as I can possibly fit in. Devin and Mel are off of school all next week for Thanksgiving. I don’t know what they will do with time. Maybe drive Mommy even crazier then she already is. Thanksgiving weekend I am going to attempt to take Devin out to the desert for a couple of days, funds allowing. Gas is nuts out here $2.30 a gallon or more. In Florida it was only $1.96 a gallon and I thought that was a bargain. Crazy huh? I do want to mention one more thing before I go tonight. It’s the Candlelighters Foundation. Cancer Awareness Tree 2004, This is great organization and an even better cause. You see for a small donation or a larger donation of your choice, you can purchase a ribbon to go on the holiday tree in WA. D.C. You can purchase the ribbon for, All children affected by cancer, In honor of someone, or in Memory of someone. I purchased, In Honor of Melody Paige Schleigh last night before going off to bed, and placed a little message for here on the back of the ribbon. You can even search a list to see what ribbons are going on the tree. Please consider this a gift for someone you love, or just for. There is a link to there home page on Mel’s home page or click on the link above to purchase your ribbon. Let’s help fill the tree! It was such a good closer last night. I think I’ll use it for awhile. It really said it all. Thank you for al prayers for Melody, our family, all the other kids, and their families. Please pray for a cure to this horrible, horrible disease that affects so few but affects so many. Please continue to pray for a complete earthly healing for Melody and every other child that has any life threatening disease. Please remember all the parents that are without their little ones tonight. And for all the parents that are spending the first night with a newly diagnosed child tonight, wondering why them, how could this happen to them, and what will they do next. Good night all you Angels and God Bless You! Melody’s Daddy Rob
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I think I'll put the Candlelighters information in for a while. It’s the Candlelighters Foundation. Cancer Awareness Tree 2004, This is great organization and an even better cause. You see for a small ($5.oo) donation or a larger donation of your choice, you can purchase a ribbon to go on the holiday tree in WA. D.C. You can purchase the ribbon for, All children affected by cancer, In honor of someone, or in Memory of someone. I purchased, In Honor of Melody Paige Schleigh the other night before going off to bed, and placed a little message for her on the back of the ribbon. You can even search a list to see what ribbons are going on the tree. Please consider this as a gift for someone you love, or just for. There is a link to there home page on Mel’s home page or click on the link above to purchase your ribbon. Let’s help fill the tree! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another good day for the Schleigh’s. And productive I might add. We did get started a little later than I would have like but started we did. Devin got off to school and Mel and I got a chance to catch a few extra Z’s. Mel had some breakfast while Deb and I took our showers. Then off to SUPER WAL-MART we went for some grocery shopping and Mel wanted to spend some of her medicine money. So Deb headed off to the grocery side and Mel and I went looking for some goodies to empty some of her money onto. We found a gift for b-day we are heading to on Sat. and then we hit the kid’s crafts isle. Mel found several items to purchase. Let’s see she bought a couple of Makit & Bakit jewelry kits, a paint n swirl kit, a couple of sticker and tattoo sets, and my favorite a sticker making machine, it will turn anything that is 2 ½ inches wide or less into a sticker, kid of cool huh? After shopping and some lunch, we played with all the new stuff that she bought at SUPER WAL-MART. Devin came home and worked on his homework Deb ran off to the bank and Mrs. Friend came over for Mel’s schooling. I even snuck a little nap in there. It was either the nap or the lawn. I said to myself “Self, the grass will be there tomorrow but naps don’t come along everyday.” So I went with the nap, it was the better of the two choices don’t you think? I started the 866 piece Lego space shuttle project and got about 20 steps into it (about an hour) and my friend Curt came over for a visit to hear about the Disney trip. We had some dinner and chatted about the trip among other things. And then Mel wanted a Connect Four sucker oops…. I mean opponent. Mel is queen of connect four you can’t get to many wins off of her. Curt was the opponent I mean SUCKER! She laughed and giggled the entire time they played unless, she really had to think about a move to make. No headache today I think Roy’s GB entire did her good thank you Roy for telling her how it’s supposed to be. J Mel laughed and giggled a lot today it was really great. I just love it when she is a happy girl. It melts my heart. I look forward to many, many more giggly days in the future. Deb did a little better today. The mornings are ruff on her. It’s like she wakes up an realizes it isn’t all a dream. Some days I think she is just on auto pilot. I don’t like days like that, It kills me to see her that way and there isn’t a thing I can do about it. We are all just sitting around right now me doing this and Deb and the kids watching a little TV before they go off to bed. I asked a favor of you a while back and would like to ask again. Please tell one person, a stranger perhaps or a friend that doesn’t know about her yet. Please tell them about Mel tomorrow or today (when ever you read this) tell them about her web page ask them to come buy and visit and maybe leave us a little message, Ask them for a pray for Mel and our family. I know we are getting lots of prayers but there can never be enough. Just one person and then ask them to tell one and so on, and so on. I know it can be hard to approach someone you don’t know but just think of what she goes through EVERYDAY, I approach strangers everyday at least once a day. When I see someone looking and wondering I give them her business card and hang a round a few seconds in case they have any question. I did it twice today and both times it was a tough thing to do. Thank you for all prayers for Melody, our family, all the other kids, and their families. Please pray for a cure to this horrible, horrible disease that affects so few but affects so many. Please continue to pray for a complete earthly healing for Melody and every other child that has any life threatening disease. Please remember all the parents that are without their little ones tonight. And for all the parents that are spending the first night with a newly diagnosed child tonight, wondering why them, how could this happen to them, and what will they do next. Good night all you Angels and God Bless you Melody’s Daddy Rob
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I think I'll put the Candlelighters information in for a while. It’s the Candlelighters Foundation. Cancer Awareness Tree 2004, this is great organization and an even better cause. You see for a small ($5.oo) donation or a larger donation of your choice, you can purchase a ribbon to go on the holiday tree in WA. D.C. You can purchase the ribbon for, All children affected by cancer, In honor of someone, or in Memory of someone. I purchased, In Honor of Melody Paige Schleigh the other night before going off to bed, and placed a little message for her on the back of the ribbon. You can even search a list to see what ribbons are going on the tree. Please consider this as a gift for someone you love, or just for. There is a link to there home page on Mel’s home page or click on the link above to purchase your ribbon. Let’s help fill the tree!
Another good day. Mel had a good day today minus an episode of vomiting. Not really sure where it came from but it didn’t continue so….we will just wait and see. I went off to work to day to get some paper work signed in order to return. And that’s when the vomiting occurred. Great I haven’t even start back yet and the worrying begins. I wasn’t even all the way there yet and I called to see how things were going and WAMO that’s what I get told. ARRRG! O well I gotta do what I gotta do. Other than the above mentioned things were great today. Mel was in a good mood all day even after the episode. After I got home the girls went out to check the mail and blow the stink off. She didn’t eat as much after the episode maybe it’s all related to the reduction in steroids. I hope the reduced appetite but not the vomiting. We will keep a REALLY close eye on her the next few days. Let’s see Deb and Mel went through a few things today to put up and out of the way, just a few, don’t get me wrong our family room is still FULL. They were still working on that when a got home around 2 or so. We had a late lunch watched a little TV and Devin came home from school. A few min. later the cousins came over for homework time and play time. No these three ladies laughed and giggled so much I thought they were going to fall off there chairs they had such a wonderful time together it was great. They were watching Shrek 2 and repeating the entire movie almost word for word and they had a hoot with the Far, Far away idol. While all this was going on I was working on the Space Shuttle Lego kit I finished it in about 5 hrs total 1hr last night and about 4 ½ tonight. It looks cool. Mel and Devin watched a little TV tonight before bed time about an hour ago. What a wonderful day it was. I really love days like this. Really quick I didn’t know about this young lady but Olivia Grace Thompson who had the same DX as Mel earned here Angle wings yesterday. 1mo. And 10 days after diagnoses. What a cruel, cruel thing for her family. Please click on her name above and leave them a message in there guest book. On a good note Kaidrie is collecting pennies for Pennies By The Inch. She is trying to collect half a million pennies. You see her dad’s boss said he would match what ever amount she collects so she is trying to reach 1 million pennies with the match from her dad’s boss. So click on the link above to read about Pennies By The Inch, and then click on Kaidrie’s name to get her address and lets help her to reach her goal. I personally am going to send off the 500 or so pennies we have saved up. Thank you for all prayers for Melody, our family, all the other kids, and their families. Please pray for a cure to this horrible, horrible disease that affects so few but affects so many. Please continue to pray for a complete earthly healing for Melody and every other child that has any life threatening disease. Please remember all the parents that are without their little ones tonight. And for all the parents that are spending the first night with a newly diagnosed child tonight, wondering why them, how could this happen to them, and what will they do next. Good night all you Angels and God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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I think I'll put the Candlelighters information in for a while. It’s the Candlelighters Foundation. Cancer Awareness Tree 2004, this is great organization and an even better cause. You see for a small ($5.oo) donation or a larger donation of your choice, you can purchase a ribbon to go on the holiday tree in WA. D.C. You can purchase the ribbon for, All children affected by cancer, In honor of someone, or in Memory of someone. I purchased, In Honor of Melody Paige Schleigh the other night before going off to bed, and placed a little message for her on the back of the ribbon. You can even search a list to see what ribbons are going on the tree. Please consider this as a gift for someone you love, or just for. There is a link to there home page on Mel’s home page or click on the link above to purchase your ribbon. Let’s help fill the tree! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today was a good day. It started out kind of well….. I don’t want to use the word bad but crying like. Mel had something hurting her on her side. We thought it was her back but she said no. It wound up being a sore stretch mark so a little bit of body lotion (compliments of Marni) and BAMMM gone, no more pain. A little later in the morning Mel got the giggles and everything that was said or did in the entire hose was as funny as it gets. Devin got off to school, Daddy mowed the lawn while the two ladies hung out together. A little later in the day Deb and Mel went to SUPER WAL-MART, Mel wanted to see “if there was anything there I want to buy with MY money!” I don’t think she can go a day without shopping. Looks like its time to hook her up with SA, that’s right Shoppers Anonymous. I think she has an addiction or something. Later on Mel wanted to try to sucker me into a game of Disney Yahtzee that Mel picked up at SUPER WAL-MART but it was a tie and Daddy won the tie breaker. A little later the cousins came over to play a few new games that Mel had purchased and whoop it up in the family room. Right now the ladies are cleaning up and getting ready to call it a night. I think tomorrow we will head over to the duck pond and make an attempt to see Sponge Bob. Now that will be an adventure in itself. So not a busy day today but, a good day all in all. No complaints about days like today. I can’t say enough thank yous for everything you have all done for our family. Thank you for all prayers for Melody, our family, all the other kids, and their families. Please pray for a cure to this horrible, horrible disease that affects so few but affects so many. Please continue to pray for a complete earthly healing for Melody and every other child that has any life threatening disease. Please remember all the parents that are without their little ones tonight. And for all the parents that are spending the first night with a newly diagnosed child tonight, wondering why them, how could this happen to them, and what will they do next. Good night all you Angels and God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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I think I'll put the Candlelighters information in for a while. It’s the Candlelighters Foundation. Cancer Awareness Tree 2004, this is great organization and an even better cause. You see for a small ($5.oo) donation or a larger donation of your choice, you can purchase a ribbon to go on the holiday tree in WA. D.C. You can purchase the ribbon for, All children affected by cancer, In honor of someone, or in Memory of someone. I purchased, In Honor of Melody Paige Schleigh the other night before going off to bed, and placed a little message for her on the back of the ribbon. You can even search a list to see what ribbons are going on the tree. Please consider this as a gift for someone you love, or just for. There is a link to there home page on Mel’s home page or click on the link above to purchase your ribbon. Let’s help fill the tree! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well let’s see, not a whole lot to talk about today. Mel played with some of the stuff she received in the mail today. She also played a few games of Disney Yahtzee with Deb and I today, mostly Deb, I’m not a good looser. We didn’t get started until later in the day today just a lazy day I guess. I asked Mel if she wanted to do the Duck Pond today and she said no. We did make it off to see the Sponge Bob movie. Really cute, go see it with your kids. That was about 5:00 so our dinner consisted of popcorn and candy. Ahhh isn’t life grand! The cousins came over for about and hour before we left for the movie. And my good friend Brian came over also. It was good to see him. I haven’t seen him in months. Brian please don’t be a stranger it was good to see you. That was about the whole day. You see not a lot to talk about. It seems like kind of a waste. Mel has a hard time deciding what she wants to do. Mostly she sits at the table trying to think of things to do. And says “I’m board” we try to give her ideas of things to do. She eventually finds something to do it is just agonizing to watch her like this. She used to be so active and always going outside to play. I wish she could still do all the things that 7 year old girls could normally do. I guess we just have to make do with what we’ve been given. Bammom and Poppa are coming up tomorrow. Poppa and I will be watching the Chargers game. Looking forward to seeing them sweep the Raiders this year. I can’t say enough thank yous for everything you have all done for our family. Thank you for all prayers for Melody, our family, all the other kids, and their families. Please pray for a cure to this horrible, horrible disease that affects so few but affects so many. Please continue to pray for a complete earthly healing for Melody and every other child that has any life threatening disease. Please remember all the parents that are without their little ones tonight. And for all the parents that are spending the first night with a newly diagnosed child tonight, wondering why them, how could this happen to them, and what will they do next. Good night all you Angels and God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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I think I'll put the Candlelighters information in for a while. It’s the Candlelighters Foundation. Cancer Awareness Tree 2004, this is great organization and an even better cause. You see for a small ($5.oo) donation or a larger donation of your choice, you can purchase a ribbon to go on the holiday tree in WA. D.C. You can purchase the ribbon for, All children affected by cancer, In honor of someone, or in Memory of someone. I purchased, In Honor of Melody Paige Schleigh the other night before going off to bed, and placed a little message for her on the back of the ribbon. You can even search a list to see what ribbons are going on the tree. Please consider this as a gift for someone you love, or just for. There is a link to there home page on Mel’s home page or click on the link above to purchase your ribbon. Let’s help fill the tree ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A good day here. It was raining and cold here, we even got snow in the foot hills. Ok now that’s cold for us and when I say foot hills were talking about 3 or 4 miles from here. The mountains look like a winter wonder land. Very, very beautiful! My day started a little early with the thunder and lighting. But everybody else slept right through it. Mel and Deb and Devin woke up around 9am and Daddy made breakfast for everyone. Mel said she wasn’t hungry but I knew as soon as I started to cook she would be. And bingo it worked. We went a few doors down to a B-DAY party and walked into a silly string fight, right up Mel’s alley. It was a blast about 7 or so kids and of course a few of us grown ups. Silly string every where and I mean everywhere. Good luck Mike and Cindy with that mess. Hope it all works out for ya. After the party…..ok during the party I came back down to watch the football game. Go Chargers, we swept the Raiders this seasonJ. I was hoping I didn’t jinx them last night. Anyway Mel and Deb came in and then they did something (not really sure what I was watching the game) and then went back to the party for a little while. We watched some TV, Mel spanked Mommy in the Yahtzee game and Bammom and Poppa came in from San Diego. We had a little dinner and now Mel and Devin are watching the Simpson’s, Ahhh quality entertainment for the entire family. Well I need to cut things short tonight, I need to get ready for work and go to bed early. I have to get up at 3:30am to be to work by 6:00am. ARGGG! I can’t say enough thank you enough for everything you have all done for our family. Thank you for all prayers for Melody, our family, all the other kids, and their families. Please pray for a cure to this horrible, horrible disease that affects so few but affects so many. Please continue to pray for a complete earthly healing for Melody and every other child that has any life threatening disease. Please remember all the parents that are without their little ones tonight. And for all the parents that are spending the first night with a newly diagnosed child tonight, wondering why them, how could this happen to them, and what will they do next. Good night all you Angels and God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Have you ever wondered what kind of person you or someone else would be if something in your life or there life was different. You know if something had or hadn’t happened. Like if you spouse hadn’t been in that particular place when you meet them? How would your life be different today? When I met Deb both our parents were in the Navy, what if one of them hadn’t received orders to San Diego. What if they didn’t get military housing? What would our lives be like today? I have been wondering this about Melody the last few days. What kind of child would she be TODAY if this had never happened? What kind of student would she be? What games would she like? What would she look like? I want to know! Who would her friends be? What would she like to watch on TV? How different would she be today if this had never happened to her? It’s been on mind so much the last few days. Sometimes that’s all I think about for hours. I will never get these answers because this did happen to her and there is nothing I can do but sit and wait. Wait to see what the outcome will be. Wait and Pray to God to help her, to heal her, to give us the Miracle we long for so much. Well maybe that will leave me alone for awhile now. It’s been driving me nuts. My mind drifts off to these thoughts so many times in a day. Mel got up really late today. (Ahhh to sleep in just one more day. Hehehe, I have two more days of work until I get 4 off for the holiday.) She had some breakfast and watched some TV. When I got home, Deb and I took her upstairs in her chair, to take a shower. Later in the afternoon Allison and Skye came over for a visit. Here we are at 8:30 and they are still playing. They watched Elf tonight and were singing Christmas Carols and just enjoying there time together. Not a busy day for her but a fun day. Know tomorrow we have a clinic appointment in San Diego. So the ladies are going to get up early and head down. I will go to work and meet them there at 11:00. And then the plan is to follow each other, stop for a restroom break at home, and head off to the SUPER WAL-MART for some turkey dinner shopping. And I’m sure Mel will find something to buy with her medicine money. She never lets me down. I can’t say enough thank you enough for everything you have all done for our family. Thank you for all prayers for Melody, our family, all the other kids, and their families. Please pray for a cure to this horrible, horrible disease that affects so few but affects so many. Please continue to pray for a complete earthly healing for Melody and every other child that has any life threatening disease. Please remember all the parents that are without their little ones tonight. And for all the parents that are spending the first night with a newly diagnosed child tonight, wondering why them, how could this happen to them, and what will they do next. Good night all you Angels and God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Well it was a day of driving and waiting for Deb and Mel. The ladies woke up early well ok earlier than usual. They got all dressed and headed out the door for there trip to San Diego for Mel’s clinic appointment. The first stop was Burger King for some cini minis and then on the road to San Diego. It was a good ride down no traffic for the ladies and they even arrived earlier than expected. I meet them at Children’s and we checked in did blood work (which is just fine by the way) and then waited 2 ½ hours to be seen for about 10min to get the prescription for the Temador (chemo). ARGGGGGGGGGGG! I still do not get why the wait is SOOOOOO long it drives me crazy and Mel gets really board really fast. Other than that it was a good visit. We did get one piece of info that might interest you. Mel’s MRI is scheduled for Dec. 20th. Well we think it is anyway. The doctor gave us the date but it could not be confirmed. So Deb’s job tomorrow is to find out if there is an appointment. Deb doesn’t really want to get the MRI 4 days before Christmas anyway so maybe it will all work out. Let’s see from the clinic we were all STARVING for lunch so off we went to get some sandwiches, and then on to home. We got home at about 3:30 and I really needed a nap I didn’t get to sleep until 11:30 and got up at 3:30, OUCH! Mel sat in the recliner and Deb took a little rest on the couch. When I woke up Allison was here for a visit and some playtime. They did some holiday crafts and ate. Allison and Mel are goofing off in at the table right now. Mel wont last to much longer you can really tell she is tired. Devin is off to work with me in the morning (if I can get him up at 4am) just to hang out and burn up some day light. And the ladies are planning on a trip to SUPER WAL-MART. Go figure! We all want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Every one of you! We are very thankful to have you in our lives. Family, Friends and strangers alike! Before you eat you sit down to eat your turkey dinner, ask everyone what to go around in a circle and tell what they are thankful for. Tell them to really think about hard before they say it. We get some really interesting answers when we do this, especially from the kids. Its really fun, but really think hard. Give you loved ones a special hug and tell them (if you are) how thankful you are to have them in your life. Spend the day with kids doing some fun things or just talking. Call an old friend just to say hello. But above all enjoy the day! I haven’t had a chance to visit all my caringbridge friends this week and say hello in there guest books. I will make it a point to take some time this weekend and say hello, and see how everyone is doing. I have a lot of time in the car to think on my way to and from work and I think about and pray for you all. No sense in wasting quality time when I can be talk to god. (My mom will be proud of me J.) I can’t say enough thank you enough for everything you have all done for our family. Thank you for all prayers for Melody, our family, all the other kids, and their families. Please pray for a cure to this horrible, horrible disease that affects so few but affects so many. Please continue to pray for a complete earthly healing for Melody and every other child that has any life threatening disease. Please remember all the parents that are without their little ones tonight. And for all the parents that are spending the first night with a newly diagnosed child tonight, wondering why them, how could this happen to them, and what will they do next. Good night all you Angels and God Bless you all and be safe in your travels. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Just a quick update tonight. We are on our way to bed! The day started out rough. Melody had a tummy ache and vomited, part of the steroid withdrawal. After that, she did pretty good day the rest of the day. Allison came over around noon and the girls helped make a pumpkin pie and tore 5 loaves of bread for stuffing. In between and afterwards they played and had a good time. Alli stayed and played until 9:15 tonight. That pretty much sums up her whole day. It was good from about noon on. Devin had a pretty good time at my work today not as fun as he had expected. He got up early and stayed awake for the drive, but on the way home he crashed hard. I am going to take him out to the desert for a one nighter on Friday. We ALL in the Schleigh Family, wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. My you hearts be filled with the love of friends and family and your tummies with turkey and all the trimmings. Please send extra prayers out for Rayanne and her family tonight. They received the results from her MRI and the are not good. They have given her anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months. Please go by her site and leave them a message. Thank you for all prayers for Melody, our family, all the other kids, and their families. Please pray for a cure to this horrible, horrible disease that affects so few but affects so many. Please continue to pray for a complete earthly healing for Melody and every other child that has any life threatening disease. Please remember all the parents that are without their little ones tonight. And for all the parents that are spending the first night with a newly diagnosed child tonight, wondering why them, how could this happen to them, and what will they do next. Good night all you Angels and God Bless you all and be safe in your travels. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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It was as expected a wonderful day here. However, I couldn’t stop thinking about those that weren’t with there little one today. We all slept in this morning especially Mel. It took us awhile to get started but we did eventually. Deb started on the dinner stuff Devin played on the computer and I washed the trailer and truck and Mel hung out in the recliner until we took her up stairs to take a shower. Later I loaded up the trailer with some stuff, Deb and Mel made some more stuff for dinner and Devin played on the computer. (Can you see how this day is going?) Deb and Grammy kicked but on dinner tonight. What a great meal! The only thing Devin and I had to do was eat. We watched a movie right up until dinner time. After dinner of course we all felt like a big nap but no luck there was stuff to be done. Devin helped clear the table and Deb and Grammy cleaned up while Mel sat at the table trying to think of what she wanted to do, and I finished loading up the trailer. Mel had a big cry tonight because she was board and the cousins weren’t home. We offered to do anything she wanted with her but I don’t think she knew what she wanted to do. She is not feeling well today, we all have this head cold thingy going on, and I’m sure she that just added fuel to the fire. Mel, Devin, Deb and Grammy are in the family room sitting in front of the fire watching The Grinch and relaxing before bedtime. What a good day and very protective day for all of us. Devin and I are off to the desert for a one night two day trip. There might not be an update tomorrow night unless Deb feels like doing one on the caringbridge page, so if you are looking for one check there tomorrow night. I hope you all had a wonderful day with all your family and friends. Please remember to pray for all those family’s who are for the first time with out there child or loved one tonight. Please pray for a cure to this and all the other disease the affect every child in the world. Please pray for the miracle that our hearts ache so much for. Thank you so much for all that you have done for us. You are all so special to us. Everyone of you! Good night and God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Well Devin and I are back form the desert and we had a blast. While we were gone the ladies had a pretty good time also. They went to the SUPER WAL-MART and did some shopping. Played with Allison and Skye and did some Christmas crafts and just had some all around fun. Mel did have another vomiting episode yesterday but was feeling well later that afternoon. Today our entire family and some friends we up from San Diego and did a second Thanksgiving. Devin and I got back a little later than then expected so we missed out on all the fun. Allison, Skye, Silver, and Dakota all came over before the party to visit. And afterwards they all came over for a sleepover with Mel. Ok 5 giggling laughing and just plan loud little girls is a little much, but worth every minute. All the girls, Grammy, Bammom, Poppa, Curt, and Megan are all in the family room right now eating popcorn and watching Shrek 2. I hope you all had as a wonderful weekend as we all did. It was a lot of fun for all of us. And I hope you spent it with all your friends and family. I know we always say thank you and it never seems like enough. So I have a tip for you that I hope will return some of the good will you have all given us. Here is the tip, DON’T EAT YELLOW SNOW! Ok…ok just kidding there is no tip I just had to through that in for a little humor. Really though we can’t say thank you enough for everything you have all done for us. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody, and or family. I haven’t had an opportunity to check on all the kids yet. But please keep them all and there family’s in your prayers especially Rayanne. I will make my best attempt to visit everyone in the next couple of days. God Bless you all. Melody’s Daddy Rob
P.S. If you have placed or are going to place a link to your site in the guest book I will put a link on the home page. If you do not want a link just email me. Click on Rob on the home page to email me.
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It was an uneventful day for us. All the cousins left late morning. Mel woke up about 9:00 and was in a grumpy, kind of a normal morning for us. Megan and Curt hung out until about 2ish and then Megan had to go. Later in the afternoon Skye came over to do some coloring but Mel was had a breakdown of sorts. She is tired of being “Sick” she wants to go out and play. All the things she has been doing are getting old and boring to her and it’s hard to find things to keep her busy and entertained. At one point she even said she wished she didn’t have a mom and dad. Arggg! I know she didn’t really mean it but it sure does suck to see her so upset. Mel is still isn’t feeling good her head is stuffed up and her tummy hurts. This should make for an interesting chemo week. Well we will just make the best of it I guess. We are going to look for a tree tomorrow. Hopefully Mel will fell up to going, we always go as a family to find the perfect tree. I will be putting up the lights on the house tomorrow after work. Thank you for all prayers for Melody, our family, all the other kids, and their families. Please pray for a cure to this horrible, horrible disease that affects so few but affects so many. Please continue to pray for a complete earthly healing for Melody and every other child that has any life threatening disease. Please remember all the parents that are without their little ones tonight. And for all the parents that are spending the first night with a newly diagnosed child tonight, wondering why them, how could this happen to them, and what will they do next. Good night all you Angels and God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Well Mel is still not felling well today. The day was spent mostly going from the table or recliner to the restroom. We decided to go back up on the steroids today to three Mg for a few days so she has a little more stamina to fight off this darn cold. However we will immediately be going right back down by weeks end. Just trying to get her well again so we can a really good holiday season. Mel and Deb made some brownies during today and I ate them, well most of them anyway. Allison came over today to play and we went Christmas tree shopping this evening with all our family, and Skye and Allison even tagged along for the ride. We went to two places tonight until we finally settled on just the right tree. We came home, Devin and I set the tree in its stand so it could open up. (It also needs to be straightened some more) Mel had some dinner and Devin and I put up the 8’ Grinch in the front yard. Over all a pretty good day. We are hoping that the steroids give Mel a little more gusto to fight off this darn cold. And looking forward to the holidays. Thank you so much for everything. With out you all we could not get through this trying time in our lives. Thank you for all the prayers for all the children in this crazy world. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody and our family. Please say an extra prayer for Deb tonight. She is always looking at the future and what it COULD bring to us. She isn’t able to enjoy TODAY. I want her to be able to make the best of today no matter how bad it seems to be. TODAY! Live for today, make the best of it, live it like it’s the last one. Live it with your friends, your family. Don’t for get to tell your family and friends what they mean to you. Live it as your last day. Do the things in life today you have always wanted to do. You may not get to do them tomorrow. Don’t be disappointed! Do have regrets. It is not a good feeling to have. Please strop by the guest book and drop us a few lines. They have been few lately and we just love to read them. Please remember all our caringbridge friends tonight. Good night and God Bless you all. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Mel is still not feeling well today, belly ache and lost of restroom runs. She hasn’t eating much to speak of today but is drinking liquids very well. Mel and Mommy had a very busy day today. They made Christmas ornaments for the tree today out of dough. They spent a most of the day doing that today. Mel put all the ingredients together and then put it in the bread mixer. After it was done in there, Mommy rolled it out on to a cutting sheet and Mel used some Christmas cookie cutters to cut out the shapes. She cut trees, snowman, Bells, Angles, Gingerbread Men, and even two little bones to decorate for the dogs. Mommy put them in oven and baked them hard. After they cooled Mel painted them all the color she wanted them and even took some colored sharpies and painted little faces on them. Bammom went to the store and bought some beautiful gold ribbon to hang them on the tree. They all look great when they are all dry I’ll take a picture of them so you can all see them. We will treasure them fro many, many years to come. It took most of the day to complete the project so they didn’t do much of anything else today. When I got home today Devin and I hung up the Christmas lights on the outside of the house. I tried to get Mel out side to look at them but she wasn’t interested, she wasn’t feeling good. So that’s about the day for the Schleigh’s. I did take some time today to check the web pages of all the kids and drop them a note in the guest book. I know how important they are and how much they mean. Please say and Extra prayer for the following kids and there family’s. Devin Ross’s counts ore a little low, Harlie Parker’s MRI came back with a slight growth in the tumor, and Kaidrie had a run in with some bubbles and that put her in the emergency room away from home. Please also remember the following Angles and there family’s who have to spend the holidays with out there little ones, Celeste, Cheyenne, Connor, Hanna, Isaac, Olivia, Paulina, Savannah, and Troy. I am sure there some I missed and this doesn’t take away for any other child that needs your prayers tonight. Please remember ALL the kids and there family’s tonight and every night in your prayers. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody and our family. Please remember to pray for a cure for this tumor and every other childhood diseases. God Bless you all. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Another day of not feeling well. Mostly a tummy ache and lots of runs to the restroom. Probably not a good time to do an update Deb has had a crappy day and it has rubbed off on everyone else in the house. I will make this a short one. The ladies didn’t do much today. When I returned home from work they were just kind of hanging around. Later in the day they made some more ornaments. We had an easy dinner but a good one, Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup. Ummm warming the tummy kind of food. After dinner Mel opened up some mail and then we took her upstairs to take a shower. Right now she is kicking back and watching a little TV. Please Pray for Deb tonight. She is letting this beast take her also. She just keeps going further and further into the hole and it is getting harder and harder to get her out. I told her she had to find someone to talk to by the end of the week or I would find someone for her. Please continue to pray for Mel and all of the other kids. I pray tomorrow will be a better day. Good night and God Bless Melody’s Daddy Rob
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It was another slow day for Mel today. But a better day for Deb. Mel didn’t do much to speak about today. She is still not feeling very good, however less running to the restroom. Mel did mange to paint a few more of the decorations her and Mommy made. That was before I got home. After I got home she painted a few more decorations. Mel and Mommy did manage to make a trip to “SUPER WAL-MART” today. Not sure what they were getting but Mel did find something she needed. What a Stinker! Allison came over for a little bit. During Allison’s visit the two ladies made there way back to the computer to look on claus.com to see who is on the naughty and nice list. They laughed and giggled up a storm looking up names. It is a fun thing to do, I had a great time with the girls looking up the names with them. After some time on the computer Allison had to heads off to home and Devin went over to the school to help out with the student council toy drive. Mel is relaxing in the recliner watching a little TV. Deb and I leveled the tree and Deb is outing the lights on If you get a minute check out The Interview With God it is awesome. And I highly recommend it to everyone. Well sorry but its another short update for today. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody and our family. Please don’t forget all the other kids and all the other family’s. Please say a prayer for my brother tonight, I don’t want to get into it but he really needs them as well as my Mom and Dad. Thank You all and God Bless Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Today seemed to go better then yesterday despite Mel still not feeling well. Its seems as though she may be getting better however, slowly. Mel and Deb spent a good part of the day reading a Junie B Jones And The Mushy Gushy Valentine. Mel spent a good part of the day in the recliner today it seems to be more comfortable for her tummy. Poppa came up to pick up Bammom so she could get a break form us and take care of things at her house. Thanks mom for hanging out and taking care of the house as well as us during the week. I am sure you can imagine what this place would be with out you, after all you see what is like when you are here. In the late afternoon Mel watch a movie on the Disney channel and then the cousins came over for a visit. Well the ladies are crazy tonight they have painted ornaments, colored, Allison, Skye and Devin helped Deb decorate the tree while Mel sat at the table and watched while she did some work in a school work book, and after they were done with that they decided to sing some Christmas Carols and some other songs that they decided to make up different words to. HEHEHE that was a hoot to listen to. Well the ladies are right at this moment are playing Disney Yahtzee they are getting so crazy I had to close the door some so I could hear myself think. I have some information on Mel’s next MRI it will be Jan. 3 2005 at 7am. It was supposed to be this month, but Deb wanted to do it after the holidays. My Birthday is tomorrow I will be 35 can you guess what my wish will be when I blow out the candles? I’ll bet you can, don’t really guess. Next Sat. on the 11th Debbie and I will have been married for 13 years. I can’t wait to spend another 13 with her. She has been my life my guiding light of sorts. She has made me who I am today. I would not be me with out her. I love you sweetie with all my heart and soul. Thank you for 13 wonderful years, Thank you for 2 of the most beautiful children a man could ask for. Thank you for being who you are and helping make me into the man I am today. Deb has agreed to talk to someone, a counselor. I would have preferred her to talk to another parent, a mom, someone who has been through this. Someone that will understand what she is feeling and thinking. I guess it’s a start something to work with, someone to vent to even though she knows she can vent on me anytime. Thank you, all of you that sent us emails letting us know that you are available to talk, to both of us. Please remain there for us. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody and our family. Thank you for all the prayers for all the other kids and there family’s. God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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It was a good day today although we didn’t do much. Kind of hung around the house. I was up at 6:00 and a funny thing happened. Now all our smoke detectors are hard wired to the house with a battery back up. Well at about 6:15 all the detectors went off at the same time. So I went around the entire house checking for hot doors and then opening them one at a time. I even opened the garage to see if there was anything out there. Thank God I didn’t find anything. I had to go outside to the breakers box and shut the power off to the entire house in order to get them to shut off. Well Mel is again feeling a little better today then yesterday. Tomorrow we are supposed to go down to Children’s in San Diego for a Christmas event but I do not think she will be up for it. She has already let it be known she doesn’t feel like going tomorrow. And well I am not going to argue with her about it you see the Charger game is on and it is a very important game. So I think we will be here unless Mel changes her mind and we will go down if she changes her mind. Let’s see Mel and her cousins played together for most of the day today. Doing crafty things, playing games and just kind of hanging out. The ladies went home at about 9:00, Mel was getting very tired very fast. She is relaxing in her recliner watching a program about San Diego Children’s hospital 50th anniversary show. She gets all excited when she sees something she recognizes. We had pizza for my b-day dinner one of my favorites and then we did cake and opened a few gifts. It was fun I had a good time. Devin had his first counseling appointment today and Deb made an appointment for herself as well. Devin said “It was a get to know me session”. Hehehe he sounded so grown up. If you haven’t yet go by and read Roy’s update on Cheyenne’s page it will bring a tear or hundreds to your eyes. And Please don’t for get The Candlelighters Holiday Tree, there is still time to purchase a ribbon. Come on people it’s only five bucks lets fill that tree. Thank you for all your prayers for Melody and our family. Please, please keep them up. Also do not forget all the other kids and there family’s, maybe you could go but a drop them a message in there guest book. Good Night and God Bless Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Mel is still complaining about a belly ache today. I was beginning to think it was only when she had to do something or had to go somewhere but she said it hurt her most of the day. It was another rainy day her in Southern California. We have had more rain in the past 6 weeks then we had all of last year. No kidding! So being that it was raining, we did rainy day stuff today. We had the fire place on all day and Mel watched a couple of movies on ABC family and Disney channel. She also did a few Christmas and lots of 3rd grade math stuff that Allison brought over. That right I said THIRD GRADE MATH! I told you she was a smarty pants. You could pretty much give here any kind of school stuff to do, show her once how to do it, and she’s got it. Devin and I watched the Chargers squeak by on a win today, while Mel watched some TV and Mommy TRIED to take a rest on the couch today. Most of the day Mel kept telling us how board she was. But had know idea what she wanted to do and everything we would suggest was boring. Well that’s about a wrap for the day. I do want to share something with you all. A few weeks back my niece KC and her boyfriend Nick announced there engagement so congratulations KC and Nick. Nick is in the Navy and left for a 6 month cruise today. Nick, take care! I wish for you calm seas and happy sailing. You will be in our prayers. And KC, FINISH SCHOOL FIRST, OR ELSE! Good night all you angles. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody and our family. Please remember to ask for a cure for this tumor. Please remember to pray for all the other children and there family’s. God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Sorry for the late update. It was another slow day for Mel today. Not much to tell. And Mel is still complaining about a belly ache. Devin was home form school today with a fever. So Mel, Devin, Bammom, and Mommy, made so more ornaments. They took some clear glass ornaments and put some kind of paint in them to change the colors. Some solid, some multi-colored, and some mixed colors. It was a good time. Mel got lots of mail today. She got a package for Disney that she purchased with her gift card from MACS, and she ordered some glow sticks, and glow necklaces online from Chemlite. They all came in the mail today back to back. Oh and she also received a bunch of Christmas presents form Audrey’s Umbrella, and from Marni. There was another package in the mail late last week from a family that I won’t mention there name because I’m not sure if its ok or not. But anyway they sent a huge box of gifts for Devin and Mel. Any way the cousins came over this evening for a little play time and then Sara and Aunt Sissy came over for a visit and then everyone left for the night. I forgot to mention that Mel has been doing that third grade math AGAIN today. Showoff! Thank you for all the prayers for Mel and our family. Thank you for all the prayers for all the other kids and there family’s. You can not imagine what you do for family’s like us. Your kind words positive thinking and PRAYERS can do wonders for us. Please keep coming buy to Mel site and leaving us little messages. They carry us a long way. And while you here please click on the other kids links and leave them a message as well. God Bless you all and good night Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Well how is it going with you all? Are you getting ready for Christmas? Are you spending lots of time with you family and loved ones? If you are not you should be! I just thought I would start things out a little different tonight. You know kind of change things up a bit. And, to let you know we really do care about you all. And we do! I really mean it. You have all made this time in our life just a little bit easier. Don’t get me wrong I really mean a little bit. But you are loved and appreciated so much in our family. Thank you so much for being there. Mel’s tummy! Yup, it’s still hurting her and driving her up a wall. It comes and goes we are trying to figure out what triggers it so we can make so corrections to prevent it. Mel had a pretty good day today. She did lots and lots of homework today and is doing some more tonight. Lets see Mel played a few rounds of connect four with Mommy, painted some tiny flower pots with Bammom, (Well not with Bammom, she used paint brushes, Bammom just helped) played with her new blinky things, and watched TV. So for the most part a good day for the Stinker. Mel is sitting at the table working on home work and waiting for dinner. Devin is playing Game Boy waiting to get pick up to go to the pre science fair meeting, Bammom took Sara to a Christmas program the she is singing in, and me well I’m talking with you all just waiting for bed to come around. Devin is off to 5th grade camp next week. Deb is off to shop for a few things that he will be heading and while she is out and about she is going to in her words “Put a big dent in the Christmas shopping.” And stinking old me well I am off to work tomorrow. Let’s see 63 years ago today America changed for ever. Pearl Harbor! I would like to personally thank all the Military veterans and there families for all that they have sacrificed for us. And not let us not forget all of our fighting men and women that are right now in harms way putting there life’s on the line to protect us and so many others. Thank you all for what you have done, and what you are doing, God Bless and protect you all. Thank you for all the prayers for Melody and our family. Please, please pray for a Miracle for Melody and all the other children. Pray for all the parents who are with out the baby’s tonight and so many more hard nights to come. Please pray for a cure to the horrible affliction that we call cancer or tumor. Good night and God Bless Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Well today was one of the best days in a long time. Mel’s Belly ache was almost all gone today except for one time this evening. Mel and Bammom finished up those little flower pot that I had mentioned earlier in the week. They had a couple of different sizes and the made bells after they were finished decorating them. There very cute. Mel did some coloring in some books today and finished up one of those felt posters. She watched a little TV and did some homework. Mrs. Friend came over for school today and spent the most time with Mel then she was able to for a couple weeks. After Mrs. Friend took off Mel got right on the homework and Mommy ran out the store and Bammom drove Devin over to a friend’s house. We had a little dinner and the cousins came over for a short visit. It was a really good day for Mel today. Not very productive but good. It’s about half past eight right now and Mel is watching her boyfriend on TV. That’s right Clay Akin Christmas Special. He must be her most favorite artist. When I was headed out to SUPER WAL-MART one time she had me look for his Christmas CD. It was the first thing in had seen when I walked into that section. SCORE ONE FOR DADDY. Please go to Jordan’s page and congratulate her and her family. They just received the results form her MRI and it read stable. There is also a great picture of there family at the top of the page. What a great Christmas from God they have received. It just goes to show us that prayers work, so let us keep them coming for all of us. It’s been a long day so I’ll cut this short. I haven’t been able to check on ALL of the kids lately but will do my best soon. I really love going by and leaving a message for them and there family’s. Thank you for all the prayer for Melody our family and all the kids and there family’s. Thank you for all the Guest Book entries. Blessings on you all! Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Mel has had another pretty good day today. The belly ache was gone but returned about the same time again tonight. We are thinking it’s the evening steroid that is affecting her belly. So we are going to try giving her two Zantacs instead of one and see if that helps. If that doesn’t help we are going t try and drop the steroid by ½ mg. on the evening dose. Well lets what did Mel do today? I got the scoop from her when I returned home form work. She colored, painted I couple more little flower pots, did some math homework, passed notes with Bammom and watch “Just a little TV” her words not mine. Allison and Skye came over for awhile and then they had to take off because Skye has a Holiday program to predicate in tonight. And right now Mel is having a bowl of soup and watching the Simpson’s. I would like to share something with you all and I am going to pull it off of Cheyenne’s page to save my fingers a little typing. Thank you Roy, we will be joining your family in our own house on Sunday.
The Compassionate Friends, an organization of bereaved parents, is having their 8th Annual Worldwide Candle Lighting on December 12th at 7pm in each and every time zone, as we remember all children that have gone to Heaven. With everyone’s participation, there will be candles burning in memory of all our children throughout the entire 24 hours of December 12, 2004. Please participate if you can and please pass this information to everyone you know. This is quite a tribute to our wonderful children that have preceded us. Thank you!!
Thank you Roy and Donna for sharing you little darling with us! Thank you for sharing this time in your lives with us. I know you are all hurting inside and out, and yet you still find a way to share with us. You are an inspiration. And I have learned so much from you and Cheyenne. Well that’s about it for tonight. We love you all. Thank you so much for all that you do for our family and all the other family’s. Blessings to you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Today was a pretty good day for Melody. She got out of the house this morning for the first time in at least a week. After visiting with her grandparents this morning, we did a little shopping at her favorite store, SUPER WAL-MART(sorry Sissy). When we got home, there was a package for Melody waiting on our doormat, so of course, the first thing when we got inside was open it. It was a bunch of nice holiday crafts and activities from a family that knows Aunt Alice. She loved it. At Wal-Mart, Melody chose a new 2nd grade workbook and worked on it for a couple of hours this afternoon, until the cousins came over to play. She loves schoolwork. The girls have been painting and working in activity/coloring books all evening. It’s 9pm and they’re still playing. Melody keeps reminding me that it’s Friday so she can stay up late. She is excited about school’s winter break coming up so she can spend more time with the ladies. They are so good to her. Today, there have been no bellyaches!!! We increased her Zantac and it seems to be doing the trick. Not much else to talk about tonight. Tomorrow is our 13th wedding anniversary. I can’t imagine what my life would be like right now without Robbie. He is the strong one, and has always been my shoulder to lean on. I love him with all my heart. Please pray for Melody’s miracle. Please pray for the cause to be found and a cure to be found.
Good night and God bless you all Debbie Melody’s Mommy
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This is going to be really short. Deb and I are going out to dinner tonight. J Mel didn’t do much today. She watched a lot of TV and ate a lot today. Her belly is feeling better. Skye and Allison are over tonight and they are doing some crafty things and watching Christmas shows. That’s about it. I promise I will have a better update tomorrow. Thank you for all that you do for us. Please keep the prayers coming for Mel and all the kid’s and there family’s. God Bless you Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Everything is fine with Mel. I just don’t feel like updating tonight. Sorry I know I promised one for tonight. God Bless Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Melody had a good day today. She woke up around 7am starving! After eating and watching a little TV, we baked some Christmas cookies while listening to Christmas music. They were the refrigerated dough kind with the pictures in them and she had a good time. Devin went off to 5th grade camp this morning and will be back on Wednesday. He’s never really been away from home before and even though he can be a big pain in the butt sometimes, I’m really missing him tonight. I’m sure he is having a great time. After baking cookies, Mel worked some more in a 2nd grade workbook we bought on Friday. She finished the entire book today! She was very proud to turn it in to her teacher, Mrs. Friend when she came for school today. A couple of weeks ago, Melody helped Grammy make some poinsettia pens and wanted to make some of her own. We did 5 today and will finish them up tomorrow. After school, Mel’s cousin, Sarah and the rest of the choir from West Valley High came over and sang Christmas carols to our family. Melody was very shy and nervous at first but wound up loving it. They sang wonderfully and we really enjoyed it. Thank you all for going out of your way to do something so special for us! Afterward, we visited with our neighbor Cindy and her boys and then had dinner. Melody is really tired out tonight. I think it’s because she woke up so early being hungry. Hopefully she will sleep a little longer tomorrow morning. The past couple of days have been good for Melody, too. Cousins visiting, shopping at Super Wal-Mart and the usual kind of good stuff. Please pray for Melody’s healing on earth. Please pray for the end to childhood cancers. Goodnight and God Bless Debbie Melody’s Mommy
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Hello everyone thanks for stopping by and checking up on my little stinker. Mel’s day well wasn’t what we like to have around here. For that matter either was Deb’s. Mel started out the day with another belly ache. The belly ache has continued through the day. Now let’s see, Mel finished up the poinsettia pens today and did a whole lot of homework today. She and Mommy also wrapped up some Christmas gifts for Devin. It just wasn’t a really good day for her today. And as for Deb well what can I say it just wasn’t a good day for her either. I don’t know what to do for her. I can’t be her for her when I am at work and when I am here I feel like I don’t want to be around her. Now don’t get me wrong I love her with all my heart and would never leave. I just can’t figure out what to do for her. I try really hard to be the strong voice, the voice of reason and hope, but it just doesn’t seem to be working. I just don’t know what to do anymore. All I can do is listen. She must know that I have the same feelings as she does. I worry about the future as well and as much as anyone else does. I just haven’t given up on hope and I won’t until the last breath. I am so afraid that this tumor will is not only possibly and likely take my sweet little baby girl but that it will take my beautiful and loving wife as well. I want so much to be able to make this all go away. To make things better. This beast has taken away the little girl that loved to run and play. It has taken away her personality and love for life her persona, I think that’s the word I ma looking for. She is not the same and I WANT HER BACK! Mel is watching I want a Dog for Christmas on the tube and doing some power beads that she received in a package. Getting sleepy ok, fighting sleepiness. She has been up since 7am and I now she is tired its about 9pm here. Well guess who just came walking by the door to get into bed. Yes that right Melody and Mommy. I better go know so I can help get into her recliner. Thank you for all the prayer for Melody and our family. Please remember all the other kids and there family’s. Please remember all the Moms and Dads that are without there child tonight. I can’t imagine life without Melody and I can’t imagine how theseparents get up and function day to day. God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Melody had a pretty good day although she didn’t do much. She really likes math and went with Bammom to Super Wal-Mart today and bought some new math workbooks. She hung out with Bammom while I did some Christmas shopping online. Mel played Connect Four with Devin and then with Daddy tonight. As for my mental health-I’m doing the best I can. I really am trying. My entire body aches all day, every day for Melody. I need her. I’m scared to death and lonely. The medical community has written her off. All the chemo can do is hopefully slow down tumor regrowth. I know that unless we get our miracle, she will die. And it’s killing me. I’m afraid I will forget her voice, the cute things she did and said. Meeting all of the other Caringbridge kids with the same tumor was a blessing and is now my horror. Most of those kids are gone. Where was their miracle? Why would God allow this to happen? I’m afraid of losing my child, my husband and my mind. How will all of this affect Devin as he grows up? Melody was a normal child nine months ago. For the most part, my days are spent trying to keep Melody entertained, which is not an easy job. I have no distractions from this disease. I do not have the freedom to just go to another room to watch a movie, relax and unwind. I can’t remember the last time I watched a grown up show on TV. Melody wants ME and I’m afraid to not give me to her. I’m not asking for sympathy or anything. I just needed to get this out. Please pray for Melody’s miracle and a cure to this disease and all the other childhood cancers. Please pray for some light in Melody’s and my lives. Goodnight and God Bless Debbie Melody’s Mommy
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Today was a good day for all. Melody stayed home with Bammom while Robbie kidnapped me for what was supposed to be 2 hours and wound up being 4Melody colored, did homework, watched a little TV (in between our power going out twice), had visitors Aunt Sissy, Uncle Brownie and Tyler this morning and after school, the cousins came over to play. She also received a package today from Heidi. Thank you Heidi, she loves the gifts. She even caught me putting them in the dishwasher and had me take them back out so they didn’t get ruined. We have saved every card and every address. One of these days, time and money allowing, we will send each and every one of you a proper thank you. Please know that nothing is unappreciated!!! Robbie came home from work and kidnapped me and we went to Palm Springs. We live an hour away and have never been there. It was nice. There was a lot to look at and take our minds off of our problems for a little bit. We talked, cried, and then relaxed. Later, we stopped in to see friends Ryan and Jen. Jen, I didn’t want to cry, but thank you for giving me your shoulder to cry on. I’m doing alright. Today’s escape is what I needed, but I couldn’t wait to get back home. I think it was the longest time I’ve been apart from Melody since her diagnosis. Tonight, Rob is pooped. He gets up at 3am everyday for work. Thursday is the day the week catches up to him. He is in bed already. He took the time and energy to get me out of here when he was so tired to begin with. I love him so much and can’t imaging going through life, especially now, without him. As always, please pray for Melody and all of the sick children in the world. Goodnight and God Bless Debbie Melody’s Mommy
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Tonight will be just a quick update. I need to get a few things done because I just learned tonight that we will be having a very important visitor tomorrow evening… SANTA! But I will fill you in on that tomorrow night. Today was a good day all around. Melody was in a good mood all day. She slept in until about 8am. After watching a little TV and eating breakfast, she finished her homework and helped me wrap Christmas presents. We watched the movie Elf twice after that. She loves that movie. I watched most of it with her and it was pretty funny. Tonight, the cousins are over playing. It’s 10pm and they are all still going strong, which is great for me because I’m able to get a few things done to get ready for our visitor tomorrow night. That’s about all for now. Please continue praying for Melody. Please ask everyone you know to do the same. And in your prayers, please remember all of the children in similar circumstances. Goodnight and God bless you all Debbie Melody’s Mommy
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What a wonderful day we had. We started out kind of slow but a winding up with a bang. We woke up about 7ish and just kind of lounges around the house until 9. Mrs. Friend came over today with a kennel for Bruce. We think there is something REALLY wrong with his front shoulder and we are going to give him 2 days of forced rest and see if that helps any and then make a decision what to do after that. The problem is that we don’t have the money for a vet until after the first of the year and you can tell he is hurting. Aunt Sissy is going to make a few calls to see if anyone can help us pro bono like. Well any way keep your fingers crossed. Let’s see, Deb tool Devin to his counseling appointment today and got about a 1 and half out of the house while Grammy and I hung out at the house with Mel. Leslie (a friend of mine from work) and all the grandkids came up from San Diego with a great meal and even better company. And at about 6 O’clock Santa and Mrs. Claus came a knocking at the door. We invited a few of the neighborhood kids over for a little Christmas like party and Santa and Mrs. Claus brought a little gift for each one of them. It was great Santa listened to all the kids and talked about them about what they wanted for Christmas. We had a few laughs about what some of the kids want. Thank you so much Santa and Mrs. Claus you really made our holiday and we never ever forget this day as long as we live. And Mel said she knows it was the really Santa and After the Claus’s left all the kids hung around to play video games and decorate Christmas cookies with icing and sprinkles and then eat them. I encouraged all the kids to do lots and lots of icing and have as much as they wanted, even if they wanted it on a spoon. Ahhh I love to sugar up other people’s kids and then send them home. Its 9:30 or so know and some of the kids are still here playing games and coloring. We had a great time today with all a friends and family. It was a hoot and it has given us many more memories to add to out library. We were very busy but it was worth every minute from the getting the house ready, to the cleaning up. Thank for all the prayers for Melody and our Family. Please remember all our other friends who need you prayers as well. The holidays for some of them will never be the same and they miss there babies so, so much. I will be checking on all my little friends in the next few days. I miss not checking on them daily. God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Today was a good day in the Schleigh household. We slept in until 9am. Jake, Zach and Eric from down the block came to visit and color while Melody looked through the Sunday sale papers and marked everything she wants for Christmas with an M. A little later, Curt and Megan came to visit. Megan and Mel colored Christmas pictures and did Christmas word searches a few times throughout the day. Melody also played some learning games on the computer today. Alli is over tonight hanging out with Melody. Grammy and I went out and did some Christmas shopping and while we were gone, the girls finally wrote out their Christmas lists. Most of the things on Melody’s list she already told me about. One of the cute things on her list was a “music sede.” That’s “music CD” for those of you who aren’t familiar with kid’s spelling. Well, it’s getting late. Please keep praying for Melody, our family and all of the other sick children. Goodnight and God bless Melody’s Mommy Debbie
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It has been a full day here. We didn’t get to sleep until almost midnight last night so that meant a later morning for us. We got up around 9:00 this morning and didn’t get moving until 11ish. I am off work for the next couple of weeks. I work for a School district and this is the first year we got off the winter break with the kids. Know don’t get me wrong it wasn’t free, we took a pay cut in order to get the time off and save jobs in the maintenance department. Devin and I took about 12 big green trash bags of cans to get recycled there was 58 lbs of cans. We took some of our money and went to the taco shop for some rolled tacos and we all had lunch. After lunch Mel wanted to go to target and get some kids CD’s for the laptop a bowered from work for her to use and Devin pick up some Yu-Gi-Oh cards and we headed off to Michaels so we could use the 40% off coupon that was burning a hole in Mel’s pocket. Grammy ran out to the store a couple of times for us today. Thanks Grammy, you know how much I hate going to the store. Let’s see Allison and Megan came over for a visit this afternoon and they all played computer games and did some other girly stuff. I guess that about wraps up the day, it was good to get Mel out of the house for awhile. She doesn’t get out as often as I would her to. And Deb to, we had a pretty good time. Speaking of Deb, she asked me today to look into a physiatrist today not a counselor but a physiatrist. She is still not handling things very well. God night all you angles out there. Thank you for coming by for a visit in our little corner of the world. Thank you for all the prayers for Mel and our family and for all our caringbridge friends. Thank you for all the cards, letters emails and, guest book entries. God Bless Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Let’s see not a very busy day for Mel today. It took a while for her to loosen up today. The last few days she has awaken with a tummy ache. Mel didn’t go anywhere today she hung around the house all day. She watched some cartoons, did some work sheets, word searches, word scrambles, colored, played on the laptop, and played with Allison this evening. That about sums up her whole day. Devin and I on the other hand got haircuts, watched a movie, hooked up a satellite dish at a friend’s house and trimmed the trees in the back yard. Deb spent the day with Mel and visiting with her mom (Grammy) and took a pretty good nap. She is still not the right today depressed is the word I would use. Tomorrow I will get everyone up a little early so we can get to bed early. We have to leave here by 6am on Thursday to go to Mel’s clinic appointment at 8am. Should be an interesting trip for the 23rd of Dec. Then on Jan. 3rd Mel gets her MRI. We are at a critical point. The radiation has stopped working by know so it will be a base to work with in the future. She can still be in that 10% and I have not given up hope. She still has a chance to be that 1in 1000. She can still be a Miracle for the entire world to see. I ask for that over and over and over everyday. Thank you for everything you all do for us. You have made the upcoming holidays that much better. Please continue to pray for earthly healing for Mel as well as all the other kids. I will be doing some Link adds and changes on the home page in the next couple of weeks so keep an eye out for them. God Bless Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Well only three more days until the fat, jolly man comes to your house and no I do not mean your uncle Bob either. Santa Claus of course! I hope he brings you everything you want and more. I’ll bet you can guess what I want. Let me see not much to tell today Mel did a whole lot of nothing. She worked on some work sheets and watched TV that’s about the entire day. Allison and Megan came over for a visit in the evening, but Mel wasn’t really in to them tonight. Deb had another horrible day I tried to keep it as up beat as possible but only managed to get a forced smile out of her a few times. She did giggle a couple of times tonight at a Simpson’s episode but even then they didn’t seem real sincere. She did make a call to our family doctor and get some info on a physiatrist. I feel like I need to watch her or make sure there is someone on the room with her so she won’t do something stupid. Depressed is the way I would explain it I guess. No emotion at all well no good emotions anyway. Devin and I had a busy morning we cleaned the TV/computer/video game room. Trying to get Devin to clean is like pulling his teeth with out numbing him first. But it got done. Later in the afternoon I went outside to toss around the football with him and a few other kids and to chat with a neighbor. Deb and Mel went to bed at 8 O’clock tonight to prepare for our early wake up call tomorrow 5am comes early for the girls. It will just be another morning for me. Devin will be staying home with Grammy tomorrow these appointments are really long and they really suck for all that have to attend. To all the Caringbridge families out there I haven’t forgotten about you I will be by soon to check on you and say hello. I did manage to get by a couple in the last few days but I will be coming by the rest really soon. Thank you for all prayers for Melody, our family, all the other kids, and their families. Please pray for a cure to this horrible, horrible disease that affects so few but affects so many. Please continue to pray for a complete earthly healing for Melody and every other child that has any life threatening disease. Please remember all the parents that are without their little ones tonight. And for all the parents that are spending the first night with a newly diagnosed child tonight, wondering why them, how could this happen to them, and what will they do next. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Not much different than yesterday. Deb did do a little better today than yesterday. Mel did some more work books today, watched TV, watched two movies, and oh Deb and Mel walked over to SUPER WAL-MART. Devin and I watched three movies today. I guess I forgot to tell you we got up to late to go to our clinic appointment we will try again next week for that trip hopefully not so early. I am looking forward to Christmas morning with the kids. I love it when they are surprised with what they get. I talked to Deb today about the next couple of days being very special. To concentrate on those days not the future. How lucky we are to have our two beautiful children, family and friends with us this Christmas. So many families are with out some of those. Please say a prayer for them tonight and every night. To the families who are facing the next few days without your loved ones. Do you think they would want you to enjoy yourselves? Would they want you to be sad? Saturday is a day of celebration, The celebration of the birth of Christ, a day to remember the begin of a wonderful time here on earth, a gift from God to us. Please take these things into consideration. Your loved ones are up in heaven making gifts and blowing out candles with the birthday boy himself. All the while looking down on you wishing nothing but the best. I know they will be with you on that special day. They will always be with you. In your hearts and minds. All the great memories you have from previous Christmas’s. I hope I am not out of line. I just want you to enjoy your day with ALL your family physically and spiritually. Thank you for all prayers for Melody, our family, all the other kids, and their families. Please pray for a cure to this horrible, horrible disease that affects so few but affects so many. Please continue to pray for a complete earthly healing for Melody and every other child that has any life threatening disease. Please remember all the parents that are without their little ones tonight. And for all the parents that are spending the first night with a newly diagnosed child tonight, wondering why them, how could this happen to them, and what will they do next. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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We have had a good day here. Mel is doing great today. She did some more work book pages (a lot), visited with Skye and just had an all around good day. Tonight she is picking the bread for the stuffing in the turkey. I got to be Santa’s helper tonight for a some kids tonight. Thanks Mike and Cindy f or the opportunity to do that it was great and something I will never forget. Not a whole lot to say about today. I do want to say something about last nights update. Melody is still here with us and I do not know how you all out there without your loved ones feel. Even thought at times in my heart I feel, sometimes she is already gone. Now I haven’t given up hope do not get me wrong. When I feel this way my heart aches, it physically hurts like nothing I have ever felt before in my life. I did not say those things to hurt anyone’s feelings. Or to sound cold hearted. I just want you all to have a wonderful Christmas. I know that if Melody is called home to be with Jesus, she would not want us to be sad or, to not to celebrate Christmas. Melody is now and ALWAYS will be a part of our Christmas celebration. I will not let anything ever change that. You can take my words anyway you wish but remember this. Don’t look back on yesterday you can not change what has happened. Don’t look forward to the future because you can see what is going to happen and have very little if no control. TODAY live for today it is your gift from God. What you do with this wonder gift is up to you. For me, I will not let today or any other day for that matter be wasted. I celebrate Melody’s life, my entire family’s, all my friend’s old and new lives every day. I hope you can find a way to the same. Merry Christmas, God bless you and you family I wish for peace and happiness in you hearts. Melody’s Daddy Rob
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It was a wonderful day. We are exhausted. Were have been up since 630am. I will update tomorrow. Happy birthday Jesus! Merry Christmas to you all and God Bless Melody’s Daddy Rob
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Yesterday and today have been very good days. Santa came to our house and brought lots of goodies. Melody’s favorite gift is a karaoke machine. Every time we asked her what she wanted, a karaoke machine was always mentioned. I wasn’t sure she would like it. She LOVES it. Melody has only sung on it a few times but gets a BIG kick out of watching Daddy and Uncle Curt sing goofy with it. Another thing Santa gave her was a Spongebob Fact or Fishy DVD game. She wasn’t too excited about it until she played it tonight with Alli and Devin. They were all laughing, hollering and singing. Melody asked for and received more math workbooks. She has already done a bunch of pages. She loves math. For Christmas dinner it was a full and happy house. We were joined for dinner by Grammy, Uncle Curt, Bammom, Poppa, Mr. Phil and cousin Dakota. Later, Aunt Sissy’s family and cousin Silver joined the gang for dessert. Melody was pretty tired (we got up at 6:15 am) but quickly got a second wind when Aunt Sissy slipped her $20 as an extra gift. She stayed up and in a good mood until 10:30. I can’t think of much else to say except these past two days have been great. Please pray for a good result for Melody’s MRI Monday Jan. 3rd. Please continue to pray for Melody’s miracle. Goodnight and God Bless Melody’s Mommy Debbie
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Just a quick update. It’s Tuesday morning and we forgot to put one up last night. This morning we are off to the clinic for a check-up. Melody had a pretty good day. We slept in and after breakfast, we called Alli over to play. They played with the karaoke machine a little and then played the new Spongebob game. Later they played with an Easy Bake Real Meal oven. Alli went home around 7 and Melody and Devin watched The Princess Diaries on the Disney Channel. Today we are down to San Diego to get Mel’s blood checked and this month’s chemo. We are also going to have her put on a pain patch for her back and get rid of the vicodin. Hopefully this will put an end to the bellyaches. Please pray for Melody’s miracle and a cure to all of these horrible diseases. God Bless You All Melody’s Mommy Debbie
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It was not a very productive day for us. Well with the drive to San Diego and all. Talk about white knuckle driving. It rained cats and dogs darn near the whole way down. We here in So Cal. As you know, ore not used to that kind of rain. Our Appt. was at 11:00 am and we got there just in time. (We left at 9:00am) And as always it was a long, long wait at the clinic. All Mel’s counts checked out good so we will start another round of Temador this weekend. We didn’t get home until early evening. Mel and Deb slept pretty much the whole way both directions. That is after we stopped for a LATE lunch before we started home. Devin stayed at Aunt Sissy’s while we were gone and in no rush to come home after we arrived. (Xbox) When we did finally get home. It was Daddy’s turn for a little rest. (Isn’t it amazing how tired you get doing nothing all day) Mel finished her lunch and did some math in her work books. And Allison came over about 7:30 tonight. They played a game and now they are watching Shrek 2. Ally is playing with a Barbie and Mel is eating chicken. Deb ran out to the pharmacy a little earlier to get Mel’s prescriptions filled. She is now on the Fentalyl patch in place of the vicodin. We are hoping that it will take care of the back pain but keep the belly aches away. I can not thank you all enough for everything you have done for us. You made our Christmas extra special with all the cards and gifts. Thank you to my family for helping us out so much. Thank you all for all the prayers for Melody and our family. Thank you for all the prayers for all the other kids and there families. Thank you for all the Guest book entries, and if you haven’t already, please remember to stop by and leave us a message in the guest book. And please stop by the other kids sites and leave them and there families a message as well. God Bless you all Melody’s Daddy Ro
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Everything is GREAT! Happy New Year and God Bless you all! Melody’s Daddy Rob
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This site was last updated 05/23/07